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Ode To My Hiking Boots



Nah, nothing so dramatic.

However, my hiking boots of 5+ years were in need of replacing, so it was slightly emotional on account for having them for so long and having to let go.

You see, they went with me to Philmont Scout Ranch. I even got them branded!



They will be missed. (Well, except that they ripped here and there and let water in recently which led to needing to be replaced.) But I cut off the branded leather backs for scout memories.


So over Fall Break, back at home, I went to REI (where I have previously gotten these and other trusty hiking boots) and selected a new pair. They were $173 (including tax), about $25 more than I wanted to spend, but it was necessary as they were the superior design in my price range.



I look forward to many adventurous years with these!


-CF :kakama:


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It is kinda funny how those Philmont brands make it so easy to become attached to a pair of boots. I dread the day when mine wear out.


Out of curiosity, which camp were they branded at?

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Maybe it's cause I never went to Philmont, but I tend not to get attached to things that I know will wear out eventually, like boots. Although my current boots are still holding up well, and they were from my scouting days.



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I'm still using my second pair of boots from when I was a scout. In fact I had to have my parents ship them to me so I could use them when I was hiking around Itasca State Park a couple of weeks ago.



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