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Building stuff



I bought Rocka Stealth Machine, mainly coz I couldn't find either the Motocross bike or Evo XL (there is still hope for those two though). :P


It was a pretty fun and surprisingly complex build, or maybe I'm just too rusty when it comes to Lego now. :P It was also strangely cathartic, which is great coz I needed it. A lot. Needless to say I'm gonna be buying a couple more sets, and I can always pretend it's a birthday gift if I start feeling guilty about all the spending. :P


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I think a lot of people undersell the complexity of today's constraction sets, especially Hero Factory sets. I don't have Rocka Stealth Machine, but Furno Jet Machine still impresses me with the creativity of its torso build, and Breez Flea Machine is amazing both in terms of structure and functionality. Since we're getting awfully close to the release of the new BIONICLE sets, I'd actually recommend saving your money for those if you can. By the time they're out, it might be easier to find this year's Hero Factory sets marked down, either in stores or online. But if you do want a recommendation for a next Hero Factory set, I can definitely vouch for the two aforementioned machines. Great designs, great parts, great figures.


The most common "disadvantage" old-school fans continue to bring up about the 2015 BIONICLE sets is that there is less elaborate, specialized detail in the part designs. And I think as far as building is concerned, that's more of an advantage than a disadvantage: instead of creating visual difference by swapping a piece for a functionally near-identical piece like, say, the arms and legs of the Visorak, the designers have been forced to create variety by changing the builds themselves. Since products like BIONICLE and Hero Factory have always ostensibly been building toys, I think that emphasizing creative building over creative part design is definitely a step in the right direction.

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This was the first Hero Factory set.. heck, even the first Lego set I've bought in years, so I wasn't too picky. :P Everything I knew about the sets came from pictures online, and there the pieces looked big and clunky and made for an overall simpler look, but they're actually pretty versatile with a bunch of connection points and uses that I couldn't have even imagined so that was a pleasant surprise. :P


I was looking for something to help me "transition" to the new Bionicle sets because the last set I got was Mata Nui and I think and a lot has changed since then. :P Now I just want a couple (or one) more (not necessarily Hero Factory) sets just to satisfy that building urge and to tide me over till next year because I probably won't be able to get my hands on the Bionicle sets for a month or more after they come out...


But thanks for the advice! I'll keep an eye out for Furno Jet Machine, but I think I'll pass on the Flea Machine because recent experiences make me wary of anything bug related. :P Any recommendations on the villain sets? They seem way simpler to build, but I could be wrong again.

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I'll agree that Rocka Stealth Machine provides a suitably complex build. The problem I have with that set is its color scheme - too much gray and black, and not enough gold/trans green. I'll own that that's the point - it's a stealth machine, after all - but I still don't like it. 

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