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Country House Next Week!




So my friend invited me up to her country house in Massachusetts for the whole of next weekend, leaving either Thursday or Friday, and return Sunday (if it works out). And I'm pretty excited for it.

Except she said that she's going to teach me how to swim no matter what while we're there. Because I don't know how to swim.
And I hope she doesn't want me to bike while there too, because I never learned how to ride one.
Yes my childhood was terrible in that sense D:

Also she's going to rent out something for us to watch there. So far, I've talked to her about Darker Than Black, Sword of the Stranger, and Paprika. She also wants me to watch The Princess Bride. But nothing is final yet~

Random art update: Drawing a picture of Silver from the HG/SS, and it may include the Totodile. The current WIP is going really slow for one reason: half of the paper is going to be filled with only Pokeballs. Different varieties, yes, but all Pokeballs nonetheless. It's hard to stick to drawing them for a long time. xP


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what not know how to ride a bike?


My mind is blown. =O Here; I'll give you a crash course... There are these things called 'handlebars' which steer the mini-vehicle. Then you push your feet up and down on these things called 'peddles' which propel you. =P


Learning to swim is good too. ^_^


Also; woot, Silver! =D

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oh my god.


how can you not know how to bike and swim? My life wouldn't be complete without these. ;-;


Like you city people wouldn't survive a day in Vermont.

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I could swim ever since I can remember.


Just the other day I was swimming and I was thinking of cliche movies where people can't swim. I was wondering how people get away with not knowing something so fundamentally basic and important. ._.


Biking is less important but still.

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It's even more sad that I can't swim considering I was born in a city by the sea where everyone else swims whenever they can.

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Leada: Not everyone lives by the water. =P Or goes swimming all the time. =P


Disky: Okay; that's a little different then. =P I for one would welcome that chance if I didn't know how to swim. =P

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The Princess Bride is truly amazing.

As is biking.

And I've lived by the ocean for my entire life and can still barely swim, so you're not the only one.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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I have a country house. It's big and bushy. It might be a tree.



Anyway, how'd it go? DID YOU LEARN TO SWIM YET? I actually can't swim. Okay, well, I can, but don't. And sorta can't. I used to be lifeguard-leveled, but then I somehow... lost my skill, and never regained it. I can do backstrokes and can survive in the water, but can't really swim.


And I'm scared of riding my bike, cuz I have bad experiences when I crash.




EDIT: Oh, and i realized all too late that you said "next weekend" instead of "this weekend", so you can edit that yelling part of my comment. :P


M-m-merged comments! -Disky

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