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Autumn Phantom

Jean Valjean


The moment arrived to sit on the curb

To become one with the frail autumn leaves

Alone, away from all the rest, to rest

Never to let them see what could disturb

A man who walks with his back to the breeze


Away, away, to hold communion here

With the dried remains of the Earth's substance

With the still October air, with an air

Of Death, which in earnest speaks in my ear

How the door I seek is not an entrance


Avant! Alas! The grimmer days I've found!

The winds of change no more upon my back

Taunted by the whispers I hear, and here

I stand upon the great tomb of the ground

When the winds of time call to raise attack


I could have found my friends and laughed away

My days, I could have grown to be a man

I am not a man but a boy, and boy

When I'm done feigning my strength for the day

Weakness spurs up from the underground clan


You see not the patient one without fear

But a man who chases his favorite

Shadows, calls him brother, calls her mother

Sister, father, family, darling, dear

A man a great distance from his spirits


One day my family will come, one day

They will smile for me, they will comfort me

I will come back home to it, talk to it

No longer will it be a phantom, nay

But peace of Earth so my soul shall walk free!


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:kaukau: Yes, and most of it came to me as I was doing exactly as the poem suggests: sitting on the curb. Considerable inspiration was taken from William Cullen Bryant's "Thanatopsis", and I suppose that certain elements of the flow came from "O Captain! My Captain!", but overall it came from my feelings in that moment, much like my past entry To The Guys.


Sometime I should seriously write a peom when I'm in a better mood, though. I don't want to be emo.



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I know what "O Captain! My Captain!" is, but I sadly didn't know "Thanatopsis". I searched it and can see the inspiration that Bryant's writing gave you on your poem. I think you did very well on it and even though it is saddening, I still enjoyed its words. Thanks! I look forward to many more writings from you!

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