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Jean Valjean


:kaukau: Ben Solo wants to Make Evil Great Again. And who knows, he might just transcend his grandfather. After all, he's more evil than his father ever was. Vader may have killed children, but it was when he was trying to save his pregnant wife. He also had genuine ideological differences with the Jedi and thought that they were evil. Whereas Ben not only complied with the destruction of a dozen or so highly populated planets, but he even killed his own family members (his father successfully, his uncle unsuccessfully, and he also ordered missiles to launch at his own mother). So yes, he is indeed more evil than Vader, if not necessarily more intimidating.


But Vader is only one of his grandparents. Imagine if he had gone MAGA and Made Amidala Great Again.


Seriously, why is it that Padme is never mentioned anymore? She was a queen and a senator and a pretty awesome lady, and the galaxy just forgot about her? C'mon! She preemptively helped found the rebellion, fer fryin' out loud! Nobody thought to tell Ben about how cool his grandmother was?




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