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E M C#6: Wildlife Entry-- Manas- Vae




Category: Description
Member: LewaLew
Entry Name: Manas-Vae (Cloud Monster), sometimes called Manas-Fos (Sulfur Monster) or Smoke Monster on Industrial and Tyrant, since it takes on the appearance of the glomosulfur and smoke in those places.
Habitat: Throughout the Expanded Multiverse--especially in Promathus, Tyrant, and on islands such as BZ-Koro, or on Tribal's islands along the rivers and coast.
Description: A living cloud of gas that changes color depending on what nonliving gases and vapor clouds in their environment looks like, making it barely noticeable unless one is looking for it. The Manas-Vae comes in several sizes, as it is also able to compress itself together to appear thicker, and separate its molecules to appear as a thinner gas.
Anecdote: The Manas-Vae is a mysterious, parasitic creature similar to the Antidermis state of the Makuta species. They are quite common on untamed placed such as Tribal, but also exist in rather large numbers on BZ-Koro, due to its status as an island village; Industrial, due to its smoggy, sulfur-filled atmosphere; and Tyrant, due to the volcanic ash and smoke that fills the air. The Manas-Vae is usually reclusive in their gaseous form, but often waft through untame, forested areas, as well as through the more populated yet polluted areas of Aethion. They hunt by entering the lungs of their prey and forcing all the air out until the prey is knocked out due to a lack of air. The Manas-Vae then takes control of the body, and controls it for the course of seven months while it slowly drains the prey's life energy--much like a Sea Squid, but far slower. It is impossible to tell simply by sight whether a being or beast has been taken control of by a Manas-Vae, but the main symptom is a Rahi-like behavior, since their body is under control of a beast. When not feeding on a creature or being that a Manas-Vae attacked, the Manas-Vae waft about, changing their color, density, scent, and even taste, to that of the surrounding gases and vapors in the atmosphere.

The Manas-Vae's does have several weaknesses, the first of which is that if they lower their density too much, they will lose control, their molecules will separate, and the creature will die. A Manas-Vae can also press itself together too much, in which case it will also lose control, transform into a liquid, then a solid, and then the beast will die. The Manas-Vae can also be destroyed in the same ways Antidermis can, with the exception of burning it, since it is inflammable.


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