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Lego Inspired Me...

Jedi Master J.


I wasn't sure if I was going to make this entry or not, but I thought why not as it may cheer me up a little bit from what happen an hour or so before this. Anyway as I am sure you didn't come in here to hear my life issues, I'll tell you about what Lego inspired me to do.


As I mention in previous entries, I have Applied Physics/Engineering class in school and in that class, we are given each month a project to do that we get grade on how it performs to do the task needed of it. Well, we were told yesterday of our next project, which deals with launching a softball with a device without the used of electricity, rubber bands, compressed air or bungee cords for it to work.


So, I began thinking of an idea for my group as catapults seem to be most likely used idea for this project, I thought I try to think of something new that maybe no one had done before. As such, my mind came upon the memory of Lego's Zamor sphere launchers and I just suddenly start make sketches of a possible similar device with a few differences here and there.


So, Lego inspired me during class today and my group may even make the device, if they think it will work better than anything else that we could think of. I just hope it works as I don't want a bad grade on it (Of course, my teacher is nice guy and won't give you a failing grade on any of projects, if you try your best on them.).


I guess I should keep you all update on this project, but don't expect pictures as I can't like bring camera to school. I could give you all updates on how the project going through and hopefully tomorrow, I can give you a little more information on what the project is as one of my teammates has the sketches, I made for it. Well, that's all I got to say for today.


Sign.jpg - Current Blood Pressure: 140 Systolic mmHg, 88 Diastolic mmHg, Pulse/Min 84.


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