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I have the world's mawsomest black bear hamster. Like almost all black bear hamsters, she's got a white patch of fur running from her chin down her stomach, with a remarkable impression of drool. Therefore, I named her Slobber, but after a couple days and deciding that Slobber didn't do justice to the mawsome animal she was, I named her Sage. Sage just sounded cool.

My hamster sleeps all day in a little compartment with a shirt hung over it - to block out the light and give the impression of a real desert tunnel. She hates all her special wood chew-bites and only chews on the toilet paper tubes (which she also enjoys crawling into and outo over and over). A couple other toys in her cage include a wooden house thing and a Metru lid - which makes a cool 360-degree teeter-totter. Her cage came built in with a nifty balcony-type deal. She doesn't ever use the ladder to get up it, she just hops up and hoists herself over.

She broke her wheel off the thingy that hooks it to the cage wires - because of her annoying habit to like the impossibly cramped space between it and the wall. So I bought her an external wheel - one that hooks up with tubes - which she loves. Too much. Her horribel habit is to take a cheeksful of food (knowing hamsters, that could be her entire food-dish) and take it in with her to the wheel, dumping it all out in it. Then she starts running. The first time I heard the enormous clatter of random seeds and food bits swirling around in the wheel, I thought I was having a nightmare. I jumped out of bed (standing to fast and got very dizzy, which didn't help my reality-check) and turned on the light, glad to find her entire cage wasn't sliding down the wall. It rests on a shelf above my computer, you see, and there has to be some space between that shelf and the wall for cords to go through. But every once in a while she'll do that, and I'll be forced to yank off the wheel and dump all her food back into her food bowl. Hamsters, being nocturnal, are not the smartest things to keep in your room.

But she's awesome, and I love her. She's learned what heights are, and what metal tastes like, but hasn't learned not to get her big green Roll-A-Round ball stuck in the strangest places.



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