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Really? America... just really. Really??


On the other hand, the local initiative to ban the sale of items made from rare animals passed. I mean, I'm kind of disappointed that it wasn't already a thing, but it's official now. Stop killing Rhinos, kay.





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:kaukau: So long as they allow me to own my own kangaroo in peace, I'm fine.  Do kangaroos count as rare animals?  They're exotic, but they aren't necessarily an endangered species.



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Are we allowed to talk politics in the blogs here?


I understand but am disappointed by most of the results. I'm also disappointed that the big headline has drowned out other important news at the state and local levels. The future looks unpredictable.


(Is that the most I can say without really saying anything?)

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Much as I understand that this is a painful time for many, including myself - and much as my own political views would rather be filling this comment with four-letter words - we do have a longstanding ban on political discussion.  Unless Black Six or another admin decides to lift this (temporarily or permanently), I'm afraid I have to lock this up for now.

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