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*About the title... yeah, I'm a little off, but must try to keep the countdown going, whatever the countdown is for*


*Anyway, I'll change it later to a more fitting title for this topic at hand*


Bionicle Legends 9: Shadows in the Sky


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I got this March 1… like the days it came out. There’s one good thing about living within walking distance from the largest Barns and Nobles this side of the Mississippi (or something like that); they’ll have the book I’m looking for in on time. Or at least they’re slightly more reliable than the B&N at home. Anyway, I got it, read it, bragged about my ownership online, but I couldn’t write a review or anything because of spoiler. Well, that’s changed. If they can post spoilers across BZP and Biosector01, then I can do it here in my blog… at least within the safety of this comfy spoiler warning. Read on? Okay.


The book starts back in time a few days, with the Makuta first taking on the Matoran. Then it fast forwards to the Makuta getting blinded, and the Matoran flying out to battle them. The Matoran, despite being small sets, take the center stage here, especially Tanma. Although I preferred the stories of the Voya-Nui Matoran more, these light dudes aren’t bad (except for their shadowy counterparts).


The arrival of the Toa really sets things into motion. Of course, it consists mostly of Lewa, Kopaka, and Pohatu. Gali, Tahu, and Onua get a few mentions and lines, but ultimately it’s like they’re not even there… and then they leave and they’re really not there. Of the remaining Toa, Lewa and Kopaka have great contrasting personalities. I really enjoyed Pohatu, though. I liked him in the comics, but now reading extensively about him makes me like his character all the more. He can take a joke, but also knows how to be very serious. Plus, lots of his power usages were really good… when they escaped from the Makuta hive, he puts good use into his stone powers (to free Lewa) and his mask of speed (to fight the Makuta… as speed is one of the powers they don’t have. YEAH!) Kopaka and Lewa have some good lines and moves too… particularly Kopaka vs Mutran. Kopaka thinks in battle, unlike some certain hotheaded Toa leaders of previous years. (Tah-who?)


Speaking of characteristics, the Makuta aren’t quite so bad. Vamprah is a silent and vicious hunter… okay, great, but not too exciting. All the Makuta are harsh to a point, and that being Vamprah’s main attribute doesn’t make him stand out… despite what his set form may look like. Chirox, my former favorite Makuta personality of the three Phantoka, is characterizes as being a poor warrior… and scientist, when compared to Mutran. He is very impatient and straightforward… and somehow I didn’t think he was quite as cool. Now, Antroz… there’s a cool dude. Good lines, good attitude… a little bit like a watered town Teridax, but keeping many of his good parts. Like boasting and threats, always good. Antroz makes a good leader for a bunch of villains.


Onto the Titans… Mutran is easily the coolest Makuta here. Not only does he have the whole mad scientist thing going… always thinking about how to make the better shadow leach… but he’s a good fighter too. He really can use mind tricks… keeping Pohatu and Lewa in an illusion while shattering Kopaka’s mind at the same time! Maybe it also helps that he could see too. Even though he did get defeated, he’s cool. And he even made the final call… true leadership, Teridax would applaud him (especially ‘cause he sacrificed his well being so his brothers could continue on with the plan). His assistant, Vican, was a disappointment. Vican’s personality revolved around him being afraid of what Mutran might do to him, afraid of the weird Rahi steed he’s riding, afraid of Icarax… the list goes on. Icarax is great, causally blasting enemies and allies on a whim. However, my favorite part of the whole book was when he got devolved by the Ignika. The Toa-fied Mask of Life made a cool character, especially when he keeps on silently saving the day and all. But still, the best part was when he totally owned Icarax. LOL!


The big final battle was pretty good, and ended on a nice cliffhanger that’ll lead into the next few books. (How can it be a cliffhanger… they’re al flying) Although this book had plenty of good battles and elemental attacks, it also contained a fair portion of ingenious plots and twists, making the Toa Nuva’s comeback truly golden. I can’t wait for the next Legends book. If you haven’t got this one yet… GET IT NOW! That is a command. From Antroz himself.


Now, for some cool quotes.


“That’s a first- someone expecting a being born of shadow to look on the bright side.” ~ Chirox


“Simple Rule. First priority goes to protecting Matoran who aren’t shooting shadow at me.” ~ Tahu


“I’ll stay here, since I am the only Ta-hero good at flying. Kopaka, you should jump-dive into the swamp, I think.” ~ Lewa

“Why?” ~ Kopaka

“’Cause I ever-always end up on your team, and you’re not exactly a Matoran sack of laughs.” ~ Lewa


Mutran didn’t answer. His smarter creations had a habit of rebelling, so he had tended to keep his Rahi beasts short on brains.


“Five other Toa to choose from, and I am stuck with the two that are just this side of being Rahi.” ~ Kopaka


“Mask of Vision, remember. It’s not just a cute name… unlike, say, ‘sky-blaster.’” ~ Kopaka


“When’s the last time we met a giant, slimy, jaw-mouth full of teath, peaceful Rahi?” ~ Lewa


“You have thirty seconds in which to be extremely amusing.” ~ Icarax


“I guess I forgot not to include my fellow Makuta as a target. I suppose after almost 100,000 year, your memory begins to go.” ~ Icarax


“And we don’t have an army. We barely have a kolhii team.” ~ Pohatu


He had never been a believer in unity of duty, those virtues the Matoran clung to like drowing stone rats cling to driftwood. But the third one they cherished, destiny? Ah, yes, he believed in destiny. ~ Makuta Teridax





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Eh, I was slightly disappointed with Antroz in the book. He just seemed as dirty a fighter as all the rest, not really much of his "honor" was visible to me in there.




Of course, everyone else made up for him. :P

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About Vican, you are surrounded by evil, very powerful beings who you have seen casually kill rahi, create freakish matoran/rahi mutants and whom possess armies of Rahkshi and visorak, you would be very cautious.

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