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Did you knwo that some plastic covering sheets used for the walls of our Haunted House give of a noxic gas when they burn and whither away? The fire marshals did, so we had to tear down all the plastic walls (and that was all the walls) and replace them with wooden walls. And that means, instead of stapling thin plastic, we have to nail in heavy wooden sheets over and over again... and again, and again. So that pushed our opening night back a few days...


Not that I'm complaining. If the fire marshals think it's a hazard, then it is. Now if the place catches fire, the people can get out and won't be hammered by deadly gases. On the bad side, if the place goes up, then it will GO UP! Wood burns... but you arne't going to start a fire in our haunted house with a lighter like you could with the plastic...



In any case, after a half day of school and seven hours of lifting wood sheets, I'm very tired. Now I just have to finish my homework before Lost comes on...




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You sound overworked, but then I guess you are having fun. Look on the bright side - if it does catch fire, you can use it as an early bonfire. Cover it in petroleum too, for that added 'blaze' effect. :P


When it's done, you should take a few pictures and upload them onto here.



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Someone better have a checkpoint before entry and ask for all flammable items and things that cause flames to be 'surrendered'... or have a bag counter somewhere.


But, heh, if you want to burn up the place after the night's events, it does sound easier than tearing it all down and then lugging it back. Then again, it may turn up to be a really bad fire hazard because of that.


Get pics, 'cj! Get some nice pics!



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Heh, one of the rules is nothing with lights in it is allowed in. :P But as I'm acting in it, I might get a chance to take a few picts.


Doesn't help that it's not opened tonight. It was going to coinside with the dance, but then the band teacher who's running it decided to call off the haunted house portion so the dance can get everybody's full attenion... just wish I had heard about that before waiting an hour to get into the Haunted House.



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