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Morning Musings #13 (Hunger Games, Reading, and Writing)

Toa of Dancing


So before November or so I hadn't reading pretty much anything since summer. I'd been whittling away at This Present Darkness by Frank Peretti, but aside from that I had recently put no effort into reading.


One day, I was like, "MUST FINISH BOOK AND READ MORE THINGS." Therefore, I plowed through a bunch of volumes of Pandora Hearts and Naruto to satiate my reading hunger. But it was not satisfied. Thus I picked up the first Hunger Games (from my sister's room XD) and could hardly peel my eyes away for the next day or so. Of course, she hadn't gotten Catching Fire or Mockingjay yet, so I was doing all I could not to murder someone.


Got a subpar book for Christmas (wanted to help an aspiring author, but my goodness he needs an editor) and read through that. Then had to go to Winter Camp for Boy Scouts. When I got home, we went to Barnes and Noble and lo and behold, there was only Catching Fire. Still, in the time it took for me to finish the other book, Novu (sister) went to Books a Million and got Mockingjay.


Now I have to decide between reading more of Mockingjay or playing through Arkham Asylum/City (Christmas woot). wat do ;_;


And then there's the new Ambage Monthly Prompt, and that actually inspired something. So aaaaaagh I don't know what to do. D=


wat dooooooooooo


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