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Chronicle 2: I'm Back (Plus An Announcement About My Comedies)!

V.M.Torious 4.0


Hello BZPower Universe! It's been a while since I've posted anything at BZP, especially in the Comedies section in 2009. Well, here's a better intro for this...




...enough said. If you're wondering why I've changed my username from Vakama Montana0111 to V.M.Torious 4.0, then here's why. As I discovered the new forums, I wanted a brand-new, fresh look to my username and character from the previous forum and Bionicle is over. So, I decided to find something that sounds cool and Hero Factory-like. The first step was to take the first two letters of my screen name (the letters "V" and "M") and shorten it to make an initial (don't worry guys, "V.M." still stands for my former username, "Vakama Montana"). Next, it's time to find a word, or should I say, a word pun. As I was going through the Hero Factory Wiki, something came into mind, and the word "Victorious" came into my head, out of nowhere. So I merged "VM" and "Victorious" together like Lego bricks, and this became "V.M.Torious". Finally, I needed a version number. Since this is the fourth time using the Vakama Montana username, I opted for version 4.0. And that's how "V.M.Torious 4.0" was born.


Oh, and you wanna know why I was gone for so long? Okay, here's the lowdown: I know that ever since I joined BZPower in 2007, a lot of things had changed, especially between 2009 & 2010, when Lego replaced Bionicle with Hero Factory. I have been mostly inactive during that time period, with the exception of posting in some of the BZP topics regarding about current events going on in the Lego Universe (I'm talking about Lego news and stuff, not the MMORPG game of the same name that's about to go offline in February 2012). And there's the "BZP Forum Shutdown Crisis of 2011", when BZP's forums went offline for sometime between Spring and Fall 2011. I was planning to make a comeback in the Comedies forum at that time, but I lost interest during that time period.


So here I am, a month after the forums re-opened on BZP. As soon as I heard that the forums are going to re-open, I've began planning my comeback to the Comedies section, but for me, it took about a month for me to decide whether to bring back some of my classic comedies, or start all over again from scratch just like back in 2007.


And this is where my huge announcement begins: I am bringing back some of my hit comedies to the new BZP forums! But, I need your help, guys, and this is the fun part!


Here are the comedies that you will be voting on:


1. Inika Palace Hotel (season 1, a.k.a. the first 26 chapters)

2. Club Nuva

3. Bionicles on Lego Island

4. The Many Farces of Toa Tuyet (a spoof of "The Many Deaths of Toa Tuyet" by Greg Farshtey; this is going to be a remake)


However, there is one exception. I will not be bringing back non-Bionicle parody comedies (for example, Nokama Montana, if any of you guys remember) because they have been either deleted from my old computer when I got a new one during this summer, or been removed from the BZP forums when they crashed in 2009.


So vote for your favorite Vakama Montana comedy by mentioning only one of the four comedies listed above, but feel free to add your opinion on why you want that comedy to be brought back to the new Comedies forum. The comedy with the most votes by December 31, 2011 will be brought back in a re-mastered format (yes, that means cleaning up the script so that it looks nicer for the new forum) on January 2012! And here's another announcement... if the comedy that you voted gets enough replies on the new forum, then I will be writing new chapters of that comedy starting in Spring 2012! :afro:


Good luck folks! And if you can't remember any of the comedies listed above, then here's a link to my old comedy library from the previous forum below:



Since it's in an archived state, please do not make new comments on the comedy libray. Have fun and enjoy the memories! :happydance:


~ :haunu: VM4.0 :haunu:


Recommended Comments

I'm torn between Inika Palace Hotel, and Club Nuva.Can I vote for both?


@OmiShad- You have to decide between one of them, but for now I'm counting your votes for IPH and Club Nuva.

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