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Mnolg Style Character Creation Kit

Having waited ages for the MNOLG kit to be reposted, I am now slightly disappointed that it has. I feel it won't last long how it currently is. The topic only seems to have 3 Kanohi in it as of yet, and there seems to be little thought gone into what deserves to be reposted and what doesn't, some of it being pointless stuff, not necessarily "mnolg style" or even coloured correctly.   I mean no offence to those who helped to have it reposted, in fact, hats off to you, it was alway a fine kit an



New Season

So, Australian Grand Prix 18th March. I reckon it's gonna be a great season, any BZPers out there Formula 1 fans?   Also for the record, as a Brit, I want Mclaren to get the championship, specifically Button. However I am primarily a Caterham fan, and I'm hoping they can pick up some points this year, hopefully early on and at multiple races.



Another Peeve

This time my peeve is archive links. Lately people are posting that a links goes to the archive, but after they've done the link.   Why don't you post this heads-up before you put the link! I click links before I read what comes after them!   And rage over




I'm having problems uploading to Brickshelf/majhost. Is there still a problem with the site, or am I doing something wrong. It keeps going on about none permisable characters, and I've saved the thing under 3 different names, using fewer characters and only letters, and I've tired bitmap and PNG format, and it just isn't working.




Been learning to drive for a couple of monthes now, and the thing I find most difficult is going downhill. I find it disconcerting the way you don't apply any gas, yet the car accelerates. I doubt my instructor thinks this is my biggest problem though...



The 1

A little peeve of mine, why do people not honour the 1? My display name is Taipu1, not Taipu! Yes, it's unoriginal, but it's what I've been known as for 6 years on here, so I'm not changing it.   But there is a 1 there!




Having now watched Inception a second time since it was released I've concluded that I deluded myself into thinking I understood because while I was watching it again, I didn't have the foggiest what was going on. Now I think I do understand, and think that it's simply best not to dwell on whether or not any of it makes sense. Cool soundtrack though.



Server Busy

Following my evenings experiences yesterday, BZPower is back in business. And by that I mean the server was busy. In a way I was pleased to see it, because it means the site was busy and it was kinda reminiscent of old times. But mostly it was annoying. I would've posted this yesterday, but unfortunately...the server was busy.



Star Wars 3D

Is it justifiable to see Star Wars 3D when you're not especially a 3D fan, and have all the Star wars movies on DVD?




Are the BIONICLE movies entirely canon? Because I have a specific point that has been bugging me for a while. In the first 3 films, the Toa and Matoran all manage to stash things behind their backs. Is this canon, and is there a word for it, because I don't even know where to start looking for this kind of thing on BS01.




Being a UK resident, not really sure what this SOPA thing is, but I've seen wikipedia is down for the day, and other sites. Will it effect BZP?




Anyone ever had a look at Cleverbot? It's really not very clever. Still I said to it "You are a Zyglak" and it replied "Yes." Not sure it has any idea about these things.



Back To The Real World

And I've just finished 5 hours straight playing MW2. The real world is much brighter than I remember it.




Job application for Legoland Windsor was shot down . And my mate got through to an interview...



Brown Kaukau

Just been browsing bricklink. All the original Toa Mata Kanohi came in all the Mata colours, except the Kaukau, which seems to be available in Yellow, a strange light blue and orange. All the Mata colours are there except brown. Is there a brown, or are the yellow or orange ones the brown in trans or something?




I hope the logging out thing with the archive gets changed at some point. I'm cool with opening the archive in a different browser when I'm searching for stuff, but when I click on a link in someones sig, it's quite annoying to find myself in the archive, and logged out of the forum...




Anybody out there a Primeval fan? And following that anybody out there know more than I do about the status of series 6?




Do they still give out proto for premier memberships?



.gif Help

So yeah, basically I'm working on a MNOLG style comics series, inspired to some extent by Takuma Nuva's series from way back...   Couple of questions though, firstly how can you sort out this blurry dot stuff when you make a gif image. For the record I put the comic together in MS powerpoint, save the slideshow as a GIF, then string the images together in a program called Unfreeze. Which leads me onto a second question, what would be a good frame delay? The above image has 3 seconds between e



Identity Crisis!

I've been calling myself Taipu1 for years, and it occurs to me that I might not even be pronouncing it right!   So is it "Tai-" rhyming with "Ray" or "Tai-" rhyming with "Guy".   I've been doing it as in "Ray", and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm entirely wrong about that...




Anyone know whats happening on there? It seems to be working again, but none of the images on pages seem to be working, and multiple pages seem to be missing. Is this just a routine problem, or has there been loss of data?



Random Island, Random Artwork

So I randomly went on Microsoft Paint, and randomly made this.   Didn't think it warranted an art topic due to randomness, and generally not much Bionicle. Also not that great artwise.   Anyway it's an island somewhere, similar to Mata Nui in terms of the island is separated into the areas of the elements, however this includes areas for all canon elements.the grey lines outline underground cave areas, village markers that appear within these caves are all below ground, with the exception of Le



Portly Moc Challenge

Just a random idea I had, so I thought I'd put it to the skilled MOCists of BZPower. All humanoid Bionicle characters have muscular human proportions. However it's a well known fact that not all people are like that. What I want to know is, can anyone come up with a MOC that's, shall we say, more generously proportioned. So yeah, if anyone likes to casually MOC, and wants a challenge, I'd be interested in seeing a portly toa/glatorian/other, just to see whether it works, as I imagine it won'



Bzpower Dying

Starting to get the impression BZP is slowly dying now, there were less people when the forums came back online, but there was a surge of people, which has gone now. The number of people viewing forums is down by my observation. Last year when I'm in BBC there's usually a good 10ish other people in the forum. Just now it was 2. Usually a couple of people in Epics last year, just checked there and it's dead. 4 people in GD, which is the most popular forum apart from COT, which I don't really



The New Bzpower

To those who were regulars to my blog before the downtime (I wasn't aware of any, but I can live in hope when I type my blog posts), you will remember I had a semi-ellaborate image of a bookshelf in the content box on the right (it's in the style of the bottom image at the bottom with the RIP notice, or you can visit my maj gallery here). It was used to link to my various comedies and epics which I had done in the past, and not finished mostly. But a little publicity doesn't hurt for anything.



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