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The Last Free Weekend

Watashi Wa


This is my last free weekend of the summer. Luckily, I don't have to work, I don't have any plans, and I'm alone at my sisters house while she's away at the beach.




Of course, school starts Monday and I've been rather sick lately. Today is probably the peak of my illness; I'm coughing like crazy and my nose is oozing fluids of all kinds. Hopefully this will clear up before my first day of school.


Thankfully, this is my last year of high school. My school is going way down-hill. They charged us $15 for parking permits, and then we have assigned parking. I can guarantee they only charged us because our class is the biggest our school has seen. I'm glad I won't be there next year to see what other ridiculous things they come up with.


Class of 2008, represent. B)


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Most schools have gone downhill in general I think. Mine's nearly hit rock bottom.


Dang, everyone's starting early; I don't go back for like four more weeks.

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Why are you complaining about parking fees? Most public schools already have them (we have 20 bucks for the year with assigned stalls changing every term based on attendance and grades) and there are actually decent reasons for charging for parking. It's not an out-of-the-question type thing to have. I can guarantee it wasn't decided because of your class size, rather a lack of funds.


Anyway, I still have a few weeks to go (first day is sept. 4th), but I work a whole heckuva lot between now and then.

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I start my first year of high school on Tuesday. I actually don't know why we don't start tomorrow, seeing as it isn't a holiday (not to my knowledge, at least).

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