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Hero Factory 4.0 XT4 mods (XT5? XT6?)

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One thing I liked about the HF 4.0 villains was the way some of them looked like they should exist in larger numbers. Like the XT4, what if it was meant to tear apart anything it could use to build more of itself, and then incinerate anything it couldn't use? And what if it didn't stop?


More of its kind would spawn to fill more different purposes, as the useless ones were quickly destroyed. The XT5 thus became the next variant to arise, a purely combative unit intended to support the XT4s during their material procurement if you will, relegating them to the worker caste.


Soon it would require more power to spread their numbers, and thus the XT6 was born. With an ancient and insanely powerful weapon dug from the ruins, this variant made better use of the incinerated, useless materials by turning them into hailing, burning death. Conquest of cities became easier with these buggers levelling the playing field, so to speak.

So how's that one-riot-one-Hero thing working out for ya?





Edit: Images linked; please keep posted images in BBC to 640x640 pixels, about.


Edited by -Windrider-
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I think I prefer the XT5 over the XT6 if we're going on an evolutionary path. It looks more like it's going to tear you apart and not going to have an issue climbing stairs.


I like them though, they keep to the theme and the choice of weaponry is nice. I'm a sucker for black and yellow.

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