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Day Tw- Eh, Three of BrickFair VA

Jedi Master J.


Hey, folks. I thought I would give another BrickFair update.


So as title suggests, Friday is technically third day of BrickFair VA. Although for me, it is technically the second day as well, we skipped Thursday as mention in previously entry.


For those wondering why, I promise my friend that we would take a day away from convention to check out local sights such as the Air & Space Museum and Thursday just seen like best day to do. Although I am sad that I miss out on seeing "How LEGO Impacts Our Lives" seminar on Thursday.


Hm... I guess I'll take a moment really quick to tell you all what exactly we did on Thursday. Basically we got to check out the Air & Space Museum (Which I must say it is really cool and personally I recommend seeing it, if you ever get the chance. I also got like 552 photos of that place on my computer. I'll probably share some of those pictures with you all later when I return home.) and I got to watch the Marvel film, Ant-Man (Which was also pretty cool... I should probably watch more Marvel films. This is like third Marvel film that I have seen so far.).


But anyway, back on to Friday's recall, the day started with me being a worry wart like usually (Which did nothing but make me more tense about stuff.). I ended up taking a couple of walks around the Holiday Inn as a result, which did help relieve some of those worries as weather today was just so calming compared to previous days that it did well, to get my mind off things.


Eventually we left the hotel to go to an IHOP for breakfast / lunch, which was nice (Although I still don't have much of appetite as I can't seem to finish any meal that I start during this trip. *shrugs*). After the meal, we decided to play some Mini-Golf since the weather was nice enough for it.


It was good idea (Especially since we were using it to kill some time as we wanted to check out the seminar on "The LEGO Design Process" later.), but unfortunately I ended up going down the hill for second hole too fast to go after my ball and well, I tripped scratched up my right arm pretty bad. So yeah, it kind of ruin the mood of the day and I was rather irritable throughout the rest of golf course as well, I was in pain and all. (For those wondering why we just didn't stop the game right there, I really didn't want to ruin the outing, so I decide to just keep trucking.)


That injury pretty much derailed the seminar plans as we felt that I should take easy after returning to hotel. We eventually up playing some local co-op stuff on our 3DSs, which was fun. Although after awhile, my friend shifted gears to a single player game, so I decided to go out for another walk to collect dinner.


And well, after eating, I decided that I was going to walk over to convention center since I was curious about what things looked like now. And man, there was a lot cool stuff on display. I ended up going around taking photos till my phone died. Once that happened, I just head back to hotel, so I could go charge it and come back later. It took awhile though, so I didn't get back to convention until an hour before World of Lights thing.


My friend decide to join me this time as he wanted to see what World of Lights was about, so we went over. Took some pictures of displays until lights were dimmed / turned off (Well, my friend was able to get pictures of some of the World of Light stuff since he had a better camera than I as I only got a phone camera and all.). I thought World of Lights was pretty cool and I walked around a few times till I felt that I saw them all.


After awhile, I decide to just sat down near my MOCs and have a break from walking. That's about it really. I mean we eventually head back to the hotel, so we could sleep and all.


Well, i guess I'll mention what BZPers that I talk to that day. For most part, it was just Aanchir & Lyichir (Who shown me there really cool poster of Generation 2 Gali that they won during the auction that day.) and AT (Who ask me how the trip was going, ect.). That was nice. There were other BZPers around and all, but I never buck up the courage to say anything to any of them.


And that was Friday basically. It was certainly an interesting day. That's for sure. XD


But anyway, its Saturday now, so hopefully I'll be around a bit more today. And well, if there are still tickets for BZP Party thing tonight, I guess I'll pay Black Six the fee today since AT convinced me to go and all yesterday.


Alright, that's enough rambling. I guess I'll see some of you folks later. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have great week.

- JMJ 2015

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