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The Enemy Approaches.. *twitch*

The enemy will be upon me tomorrow..   *shudder* No, get away..   Who is it, you ask? Its name is scarcely uttered in whispers, in the dark corners of those 6-foot wide cubicles..   School

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Decisions, Decisions..

I've decided to keep my name Ferhago (something). I'm thinking now whether to change it to just 'Ferhago' so I can have my theme whatever I want it to be. And right now that would be Seether =P.   Now, there's another major 'Wuttheheckdoido' situation I'm in, but I'm kinda of afraid Mom or Dad will read this, so.. Behold! My security countermeasures! Mods, please let this stay, it's a matter of well-being. » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «» Click to show Spoiler - click again

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Dude! Where's My Car?

So I'm like 16 and stuff now =D   Haven't heard from Taka Nuvia since last night..   Also I need to take this opportunity to say that When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000 is a kick-awesome song. It like single-handedly got me into metal.   ARE YOU READY TO GO, CUZ I'M READY TO GO, WHAT YOU GONNA DO, BABY, BABY, ARE YOU GOING WITH ME, CUZ I'M GOING WITH YOU, THAT"S THE END OF ALL TI-HIME!   Also Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Angel's Birthday!

It's her birthday 2day! It doesn't affect you at all! =D But I just wanted to shout it somewhere.   MW2 is still being built, all that's left is the basic explanations for people who've never played before. Idk what the title will be, but the description will be (assuming she does): Nothing else really going on..

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


..may or may not be awesome. Going on Taka Nuvia's word I bought The Very Beast of Dio, hopefully it'll be good.. Although any band with a cover and CD art that awesome has to be. Ripping now, I'll listen tonite.   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

John Mellencamp

Burns so good Come on baby, make it burn so good Sometimes lungs don't feel like they should Make it burn so good   So apparently he's quitting smoking if an arbitrary amount of people join a group..   I don't really care, I just wanted to post the top part   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Camp Cas Fri 2

Well, it's the last night of camp. And it was pretty great. We finished normal stuff, and played a lot of StarCraft. Jason owned us, of course. But I beat him in Smash Bros like 3 times! Then he got sick of it and I consistently kicked butt.   So then we got to walk like 30 minutes to a movie theater and watch The Forbidden Kingdom, at a theater that was apparently several months back in time, because they didn't even have Indiana Jones 4 yet. So we watched that. And I got to sit wiv Sun... :

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


Omi clicked this. Srsly. He even commented. Even if it was just to say that the entry wasn't about Final Fantasy. *updates all his statuses*   So did anyone have a good return to school? If that's possible..

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Selling Bionicle

Hay guyz I'z selling almost all my Bionicle collection within the near future.. I just have to rebuild the guys and Roodaka I took apart to build Ravage. In the meantime, anyone want to reserve one? I'm selling most of them for the value chart rates. Since you guys are my loyal readers you get first dibs. (non-loyal readers, random people off the street, and Cags are excluded)   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

T F 2

DUDE. Transformers2 is just as amazing on DVD as it was in theaters. Except smaller. And transforming DVD case = win.   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


Yeah.. Relationship Status changed..   We were 3rd out of 60 at VCU.. Nationals next.. The bus ride up will be amazing. The floor of a tour bus is so much more comfortable to sleep on than the seats.. The hum of the engine and the heat from the vents..   Don't you think so?   Also.. Um..   Nirvana > Foo Fighters.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Making Days

Once there was a rabbit. His name was Steve. One day, Steve wanted to go raid the farmer's vegetable garden. "Don't you go in there," his mother warned, "The farmer murders innocent rabbits every day." Steve looked through the fence at the delicious turnips and tomatoes growing in the garden, and decided to take matters into his own hands. He ran to his gangsta friend's house, borrowed a pimp hat and some bling, and went to the garden. He casually picked up a turnip, and suddenly a bullet whistl

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Next Name Change

I'm thinking Adrian Monk. Maybe Shork Leader something, but I doubt if that fad'll catch on unless I get the nefarious Dok to endorse it.. Suggestions?   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Iz Back.

Well, I'm back where there's internet access, finally. Lappy's not back yet, tho, but that shouldn't affect BZP..   The conference was awesome. I got to room with my best friend, so that was fun. Met a girl there, Faith, who looks almost exactly like Angel. So of course I fell for her, got some pics of her, could've danced with her, but I didn't.. After all, I'll never see her again, so why make it even worse? It sucks being me..

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Fspot: Sumthin..

This'n be my favorite lolcat ever. And I've official word from Omi that lolcatspeak is ok.   Oh, and check this topic out: (topic link inserted here)

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Epic. Apocalyptic. Dream.

Yup, the Zealot had another dream. Here 'tis, it's even longer than the other. And more epic. ----- This one happens all at the state fair, although it looks nothing like the state fair did. There was a dock, like the kind they park battleships at, a stadium worthy of a sports team, and lotsa random houses and lodges (one of them was my house). Anyway, our roboticspeeps was going, like it was in real life, but the only ones who were going were me, Mom, Mrs. T (the lady who runs it, she's blond

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


..was a dictator. But stallin' is what I'm doing. Ravage WILL be posted sometime..   Got a sweet new camera, AND Guitar Hero Smash Hits. Camera will be used for Ravage posting, GH will be used for time wasting.   So yeah.   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

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