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I Is A Gali Haver!

I got Gali this morning, she's cool. Sniper rifles are awesome weapons. And the bunny ears look good on her.   So Gali doesn't suck. But of course, you'll argue with that. Go ahead! I've got my Protoss shields up.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Vahi, A Day Early!

Well, I'll have been here a year tomorrow, around 3 in the afternoon. But I just noticed that I have the Vahi NOW. Almost a full day before I deserve it.   It's just weird, is all. Kinda unsettling.*         *(If you don't get the H*R reference, you suck)

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Conspiracy Theory ^_^

I'm not sure where this stands on the 'allowed' scale of BZP, but here goes.   So, I was thinking how strange our culture is, like how things become popular, and suddenly unpopular again, and then reappear as popular later, and what's considered proper treatment of elders, and how the whole love-thing works, and stuff like that. And an unbelievably simple solution hit me.   DISCLAIMER: I'm not saying this is the way it is, I'll just use the absolute to save time.   Inside the earth is a littl

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Kraata That Shouldn't Exist

Apparently, I have 2. One is banana-yellow, with a blue tail, which I at the moment cannot find.   The other is almost completely green, with a tiny hint of copper on the tail. A picture of him is here.   Just an interesting note..

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


Name is ready now. And my name will henceforth contain the name Ferhago at the beginning, so you can find me to PM or whatever.   And I've got all the Mistika!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Mistika Get! At 10 Bucks Each!

Yup, I've all the Mistika now, only paid 10 bucks each for them. Thank the ____ for Kmart.   Only have access to Tahu atm, building him now. I'll tell whoever *coughTomcough* about them if they ask.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Final Name Decision, Final Post Push

Ok, so, I decided to change my name to Ferhago the Zealot. Why, you ask? Well, Ferhago is the name I'm known as under all the seven stars of the internet. More people who're from outside BZP will recognize me. But why the suffix? Well, I can change that to what I'm interested in at the time, or whatever. Rite now I'm pretty psyched for Starcraft 2, (Zealot is the basic Protoss unit), so Ferhago the Zealot would make sense. You get the idea, rite?   And also, I get my Vahi in 10 days. I've got

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Krika Get!

Krika watches me as I type, rocket gun trained on the lamp lest it make a false move, beady eye stalking my every action.   And he's an awesome set, as well. His front leg pieces are really cool, as well as making good swords if you put one end on each side of the fist. They're slightly flimsy, tho. He's got an extra limb growing out of his neck (it's attacked to a 4-size + rod, where the 3-size holds the Phantoka head on) that holds the rocket-gun arm. His legs are different then his arm-half

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Life. Music. Name.

Well, I finally decided to get around to listening to Skillet and Demon Hunter. They're both awesome.   Speaking of which, Demon Hunter will most likely be my new name. It sounds kick-a, it's rather akin to angels, it's a metal band (in keeping with my band-name-name habits), and I've already found my new avvie and blog name to go with it.   Or maybe I'll be Additional Pylons. That'd be great. XD

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Shameless Advertising For Phovos.

Yeah, so d'you like sig pets? I don't, in general. But Phovos the Raptor has come up with the Adoptable Raptors, which are actually pretty cool. I highly recommend checking them out. The topic is here.   Keep in mind that I've official word from Omi that full-sized banner + sig pet = against the rules. Maybe you could put one in your blog. I did!   Oh, and PLEEEEAASSSEE! Read and post in the entry below this.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

I Need You To Make Name Suggestions.

Ok, so I've gotta change my name, when it's possible to do so again. Don't ask me why, I won't tell you.   So do any o' you have suggestions? Some of you know me as Ferhago, I could do that, or a variation of it. Maybe something to do with angels, cuz of Angel and since that's my signature banner anyway. Maybe something totally different. Idk. I'm waiting for ideas.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

You're Not Gonna Read This!

First off, the title was a test whether or not I could get views among the torrents of excited temp-blog owners. Apparently it worked, you're reading this!   Second is a shout-out to ArchAngel, wondering where his MSN went on his profile, coulda sworn he had it.. And to accept my Yahoo request   Third is a generic, apprehensive quote about this being the anniversary of BZP. Whoo. *tohu face*     Fourth, that's the best emote on BZP.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Motivational Posters

Dost thou like them? Whether you do or not, here's some I've done.           I took all the pics but the Pikachu one. There's another in the gallery, I just can't post it as it contains a word BZP censors (it's not a curse, tho)   Got any?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Disturbed Album Get! (finally)

So I finally got the complete Indestructible album. Whoo! The Night is probably my fave besides the title song. Maybe Perfect Insanity..   And I get my learner's in less than a month! I might have to *shudder* get a job *shudder* to pay for gas, tho..

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Lappy's Back!

Yeah, so the title basically explains it. He is. I'm typing from him right now.   And Sparta Edit Video that isn't affiliated with any web site is almost done. As of now I'm taking ideas if anyone has some.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Iz Back.

Well, I'm back where there's internet access, finally. Lappy's not back yet, tho, but that shouldn't affect BZP..   The conference was awesome. I got to room with my best friend, so that was fun. Met a girl there, Faith, who looks almost exactly like Angel. So of course I fell for her, got some pics of her, could've danced with her, but I didn't.. After all, I'll never see her again, so why make it even worse? It sucks being me..

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Access = Very Limited

My old laptop doesn't have updated Antivirus, so I can't access the network here except in the lobby and from a conference computer, and the conference computers suck. They don't even have mouses! Just these WEIRD keyboards with build in tracballs.   So yeah, I won't be on much.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Lappy Sez Bye

Lappy's being sent in to be fixed tomorrow, but I'll be gone then, so he wanted to say bye. I'll put him on.   Lappy says: 0100001001111001011001010010000001100101011101100110010101110010011110010110001001101111011001000111100100100001   01100000011100110111000001100101011000110110100101100001011011000110110001111001001000000111100101101111011101010010110000100000010101000110111101101101 _______________________________   The double space is the gap between lines, for you binary gurus out

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Old Computers, New Edit, And New Opportunities

So, first, my faithful Lappy is being sent in for repairs, because his screen was screwing up, and other bad things. So now I'm on an old laptop, that's pretty slow, but much smaller, so I'm go to take it to the conference! Which, by the way, I'm going to next week. It's something my church does every year. So I guess you guys have to sit through another series of 'Camp'-type entries   Second, a new edit I found that I thought you guys would like:   Btw I think I'm over Sun, especially sinc

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

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