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Gone'd! Wish Me Luck...

Well, I'm leaving at 5 in the morning, I won't be on BZP anymore til Monday. Cya all, 'specially my good friends, good luck with the RPG, Ori, and g'bye to my friends I didn't see on Xfire or MSN.   Also, everyone who reads this please wish me luck/pray for me/(whatever your religion/not having a religion would do) and my team to do well at robotics. If anyone wants to watch the webcast, they can PM Boba Fett for the link. I'm Team 122.     Bye, alla ya!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

1000 Posts! Whoohoo!

YAY! I got to 1000 posts! In just over 6 months!   *confetti falls from sky*     So...   How do you guys feel when you reach another thousand posts?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Rh's Funny Stuff Period Of Time!

Well, I've seen how people like my jokes and things I post here, and decided to give you guys more. But, this time, it'll be better.   In the form of pictures! From now until...whenever I run out/get bored of doing it, I'll post pics of funny signs, stuff, shirts, and all that.   So...you have that to look forward to!   Let's start off with one of my personal favorites.   Always remember your priorities!   Comments welcome on this and all.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

A Really Sad Sign...

I was at a gas station, right? And I say a sign that said, "Do not siphon gas with your mouth."   You know you live in a too-far-gone generation when you need that sign...   Can't you imagine somebody?   "Well, I put in my card.....Pulled that little switch.....But the gas still doesn't come out. Maybe it's time to start siphoning the gas with my mouth. Seems to be the next logical step..."

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Little Kids' Games

Did you ever notice that little kids try to make up games to hurt themselves? For example, when I was smaller, we'd build a ramp, get our bikes, and have one kid ride full speed towards it, and see how far and high he could go.     And that's as far as we planned.   The kid's flying through the air: "What do we do now?" Kids on the ground: "We don't know! This is as far as we planned!"   You know what's really fun? Being that kid sent in to calm mom down before you bring in the banged-up fr

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

2 Types Of People

I heard this on a comedian's routine, and I thought I'd share it with ya'll.   There are 2 types of people in this world. Jeopardy people, and Wheel of Fortune people.   You flip the channel to Jeopardy, and they're like, "I'll take Puerto Rican Political Economics in the 1850's for 300, please."   You flip to Wheel of Fortune, and they're like, "I want a L! Can I have a L? L is my favorite letter!"   XD

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

It's Me Birfday!

Just wanted to say, it's me birthday! Thanks to all ya'll who posted in me birthday topic, (generously made by VM), and no, you still don't get to know how old I really am. Nyah!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Trojan Problems.

Gah. I've been trying to get on BZP, but every time I do this thing pops up that says, "Trojan!xsn" (or something like that, has Trojan! in it) "has been automatically deleted, as it is a high risk for viruses.   So I can't be on that much until this stops, cuz it's slowing down the lappy a WHOLE lot when I do it.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


I FINALLY unlocked Biolante in G-zilla! She is totally awesome to play as. Her attack rating is the highest it can be, and with good reason. Her huge maw full of teeth and whipping vines hurt a lot. All of her other attacks are strong, likewise. For her throw, she inhales the enemy's head, hurls them up in the air, hits them with vines, and lets them fall. Her only downside is that she can just barely move. Having no legs makes it tough... This is Biolante, for those who don't know.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Msn Name

All ya'll who come here and have MSN, send a bud request/contact to biolanarky@hotmail.com. please.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Fsotw: Them Bones

This one's short and sweet. Most of it fit in the siggy. Them Bones - Alice in Chains I believe them bones are me Some say were born into the grave I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile a them bones   Dust rise right on over my time Empty fossil of the new scene I feel so alone, gonna wind up a Big ole pile a them bones   Toll due bad dream come true I lie dead gone under red sky I feel so alone, gonna end up a Big ole pile a them bones

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Godzilla Unleashed For Wii

I got it for Christmas, and it's awesome! The gameplay is unique, because combinations of swinging the Wiimote and hitting different buttons constitute different attacks and combos. The environments are stunning, although the degree of realisticness is not quite perfect. Trashed buildings sink into the ground, leaving no rubble. But unless you're someone who's obsessed with realism, you'll love the environments. The story mode is pretty in-depth, with different story missions for every monster,

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


Yeah, so for the past day, I've been working on the longest profile interests list on BZP. I've gotta make it past 5500 word, just to beat SZ: Nokama's DreamyLoverBoy, even though it's not really a full interest list..   Anyways, wish me luck. I do have limited interests...

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


..tried to kill the metal. HAHAHAHA! But they failed! As they were thrown to the ground.   YAAAAAAAAAH!   Nenny-eddle-eddle-lenny-eddle-eddle-lenny-eh..   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Coming For You Wip

So I randomly got inspiration and drew this today: Link (it's better if you zoom in) I guess the idea behind it is a dude wrote that and carried it with him, and he just got killed by something. I intend on adding in an arm, and possibly other stuff later.   Thoughts? Criticisms?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Macadamia Nuts

I have no idea what all of this is about, but there's lots of blog entries with this title, so here you are. OMG BLACK SIX DOESN'T LIKE MACADAMIA NUTS   Like a boss.   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

New Pon And Zi!

azuphere (or however you spell it) finally drew a new Pon and Zi! I don't like it as much as some others, but still happeh Maybe he'll do more.   [images which contain the name of a site with forums may not be posted. -Shine]   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Metallica Commercial

The GH Metallica commercial.. Wow. Totally should've expected that.. Yet somehow I didn't. Yet I totally did.   Didn't you?   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

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