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Sorrow For Aa

I just wanted to say that I'm truly sorry for your breakup, ArchAngel, I know you must feel beyond horrible. I don't know if this hurts or helps, but..   If you love something, let it go, if it's meant to be it will come back to you.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Obligatory 4th Of July Entry

Yeah, so it's fourth of July. Wewt. Another day my Dad gets off from work. And somebody did something that actually didn't actually set us free until we won the war. Totally significant.   Fine, yell at me for not being patriotic.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

So Like Today.

First off, my mouse has been doing weird things, in Firefox. I'll have it just sitting there, in the normal shape and all, and a little box, probably less than 10 pixels wide and 5 pixels tall, will appear near the bottom of the mouse. It doesn't appear to do anything, but at the same time this started, a smaller rectangle has appeared in my google toolbar 'google this' window, and I can't use it. So that's kind of weird.. Anybody have a clue?   So I beat GHDS on Hard last nite, but I won't be

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Guitar Hero Ds Get! (also Answers)

I found GHDS, finally, today! It's fun, as is expected from a GH game, and although the controls are weird, to say the least, they're not hard to use. Thank goodness they let you blow on the mic to activate star power, instead of having to yell 'Rock out!' at some random passerby..   All Star by Smash Mouth is in it! WHOOOOO!   Oh, and here are the answers to the quiz, for those who failed miserably:   » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « 1. Do you like metal? If not, why not?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

The Meaning Of Life

According to Disturbed (the band) it has to do with being psycho and things I can't mention on BZP.   But that's not the point of this entry, now is it?   It is? Oh..   So, I'm sick in bed, still thinking about Sun, wishing I hadn't blown her off so much.   I guess this is the time where I pitch some random questions at you in hopes of making a pitifully noncoherent blog entry.   1. Do you like metal? If not, why not? 2. Do you know what a Mutalisk is? 3. What does Blarg mean to you? 4.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Home Is Where The Lappy Is.

Well, I got back yesterday afternoon, but was too tired/stressed/disturbed to post (no pun on my name). So I've got Lappy back, and full capabilities. For this week. Next week I may be even more cut off than before.   And I got Sun's email/cell/face book!     I also finished the Falcon Punch thing. Here.  

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Camp Cas Fri 2

Well, it's the last night of camp. And it was pretty great. We finished normal stuff, and played a lot of StarCraft. Jason owned us, of course. But I beat him in Smash Bros like 3 times! Then he got sick of it and I consistently kicked butt.   So then we got to walk like 30 minutes to a movie theater and watch The Forbidden Kingdom, at a theater that was apparently several months back in time, because they didn't even have Indiana Jones 4 yet. So we watched that. And I got to sit wiv Sun... :

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Camp Cas Fri I

Well, I played Soul Caliber 2 for upwards of three hours yesterday, me and another guy stayed in the dorm during the talent goings-on, so (having never played before that) I came close to beating the ultimate awesome counselor dude. So that was fun!   The LAN party was nixed, but it should be on tonight.   We don't have to be in the dorm until like 1 or 2 in the morning!   Oh, and I got an idea for a face book sticker. An edited Google one: Search: Weapons of mass destruction Did you mean

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

From Camp V

So, last night we got to go to this place with a pool, video games, dodgeball, and more. And I did alla dat!   We also played StarCraft til 2 in the morning!   Tonight me and Jason and some others are planning a huge StarCraft LAN party, cuz we have no talent for the talent *cough* goings on. Because 'show' implies fun and entertainment.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

From Camp Iv

Played dodgeball til midnite again, Our ranks were sadly lessened, on account of people from last time realizing a)They sucked or b)They were tired. Sun didn't come either... (yep, that's her real name), She's hitting on somebody else, now, tho, so that doesn't really matter. I've still got my own Angel back home,,,   So I guess now we'll play cards and eat Cheetos til we fall asleep!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

From Camp Iii

So I didn't get around to blogging last night. We played dodgeball until 12:15 AM, so I was kind of tired. We still stayed up and played capitalism (the card game) until like 2. So that was fun.   Nothing much else happened, except that I owned at MarioKart, and got owned in Smash Bros. There's this one kid, Jason, who's crazy good (or crazy cheap) with Samus. But I still do pretty well.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

From Camp Ii

Yeah, so last nite I was up until 1:30 playing cards and charades. *yawns*   This morning my friend/roomie's alarm clock woke me up, so I didn't sleep very long. I stayed in the bed anyway. Whatcha gonna do?   We got up and all, then took the gamecube downstairs and started playing. The dorm was rather deserted... Then this other guy comes in that we played with yesterday and we start playing. After a bit he asks what time it is. Turns out we were supposed to be somewhere in 10 minutes. Luckil

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

From Camp I

Well, I'm at camp on a friend's lappy. So far we've just done first day stuff like play smash bros and some bizarre version of tag and basketball in the dark. Met a nice girl, and made some friends. So I'll update later.   Leet removed - -Mirage-

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Camp Next Week

Well, next week I've got camp. I've heard tell that there ARE internet-enabled computers there, and I'll try to sneak my flash drive through airport security. So I shouldn't be totally cut off from you guys. But I doubt if I'll be on any messengers or other programs, unless the computers there have ridiculously low security.   Maybe I'll blog from there. idk.  

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Flash Drive Get!

I finally got a flash drive! So now, when I go places that Dad won't let me take my computer, I can sneak the drive through security and spread my evil across more computers   In unrelated news, I got a Guitar Hero controller to play Frets on Fire with! *cheers*

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Please Help, Virus Blocker Problem

I know there are people here with this knowledge. Please don't look and leave if you know what to do.   So, my dad recently upgraded my computer to McAfee virus-blocker-and-whatever-else. But now, whenever I try to use LimeWire, it can't connect. Do you know a way to make it let it connect? Or just how to exit McAfee for a bit so I can download something? I'm getting desperate.   And I don't want to hear about how you think LimeWire's illegal or something, I just want to know how to fix it.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Blog Entry!

Ok! So I was bored and decided to write a blog entry! It took over 100 Board messages to get here...   Um...   I got a Facebook! You could possibly add me if you want. Just tell me your name and I'll add ya.   So... I'm eating popcorn and watching a TV special on Water Parks. They've got some pretty unique rides on here. But I've still never seen anything as unique as something at King's Dominion, called the Tornado. They put you in a 4-person tube (not the big circular type, but 4 normal in

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Sweltering Heat

*guzzles Gatorade* Once there, the Spartans replentished their electrolytes. Gatorade. Is it in you? (Kudos to whoever gets that reference)   It's hot here. It's been upwards of 100 degrees for a week or more! I've got sunburn on my shoulders and upper back of epic proportions. I can't even take a shower comfortably anymore. The strange thing is, though, that there's a perfect X of un-burned skin on one shoulder. I guess that was where I was dangling the water bottle when I went to the water

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

What Do You Think Of Me? Yes, You.

Yes, I know you're reading this. Don't you dare look and leave. I just have a simple question. Please? *puppy face*   Anyway, I want to know what kind of impression I give around BZP. Tough, Helpful, Annoying, what?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

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