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Haha, All The Personality's Already Been Sucked Out Of Me!

Tubular.   But anyways, I've an awesome idea for an avvie. An animated gif of Chester A. Bum (of Bum Review/Nostalgia Critic acclaim) saying, "Dude, where's my car?" He's seriously hilarious looking.   TakaNuvia isn't sure.. Hope she decides soon..   Bought a necklace for Angel today, it's one of those open-heart ones they keep having commercials for. Mom wouldn't let me buy the one with diamonds because she didn't think I should spend that kind of money.. But hopefully it'll go over well an

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Trojan Problems.

Gah. I've been trying to get on BZP, but every time I do this thing pops up that says, "Trojan!xsn" (or something like that, has Trojan! in it) "has been automatically deleted, as it is a high risk for viruses.   So I can't be on that much until this stops, cuz it's slowing down the lappy a WHOLE lot when I do it.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Profile Done!

Whoo! I finished! I currently have 6025 words, making it the longest profile on BZP by over 300 words!   Thanks for all your non-existent support, everyone!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Leaf Ov Absence

Yeah, so I'll be unseen, unheard from, and otherwise nonexistent for a few days. No concrete date for being back.   Bai all.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


My birthday's in a week 17 years of being a hopeless loser =D   Or rather   A hopeless loser who is also BATMAN   ~~~>

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Mulch = Bad

Well, I spent my afternoon spreading mulch in flowerbeds. You can imagine how exciting that was...   But did you ever actually stop to think about what mulch is? We rake up the leaves that the trees drop, that would normally keep the ground insulated and all that, and replace them with mulch, which is shredded up trees! Who's idea was that, anyways?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Epic Win Msn Convo

So, I was having a conversation with Dorek over MSN, and we both agreed that his excerpt was epic win enough to be blogged.   Linky if ya can't read it or something   PS: And yes, for what it's worth to ya, that IS my Angel's face on my convo window.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Bzp Block!

Sorry I've not been active.. For some reason I'm having a lapse in wanting-to-be-on-BZP. Possibly because we're so busy this week, or a happiness overload. Heaven knows how long it's been since last time THAT happened.   Oh, and all you guys that have Site with forums removed. - Kohaku should add me, for some reason my Mom is trying to get more friends than me..   ----- Relax, said the night man, We're programmed to receive, You can check out any time you like, But you can never leave.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


Feelz like this..     Going to see Surrogates 2nite, hopefully that'll cheer me up.   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Valenti. Also The Game.

Did you just seriously ask "What game?" 1. You're always playing the game. 2. When you think about the game, you lose the game. 3. When you lose the game, you must announce it.   *cuts another notch in the prison wall with his knife*   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


I'll be on a short term absence for idk how long. Could be days, could be weeks. Anyways bye!

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

Monster Wars 2

You heard me, it's in the works. I've got Ori, Mizzy, and Edapurg on board so far. Would any of the rest of you be interested in it? I'll release the story plot soon.. But I need a witty title. I want this one to (at least at the beginning) be more like street fighting, with new monsters awakening randomly in the city, deciding what sides they'll be on, and everything. So like.. Monster Wars: Street Brawl? Idk. Help me out here, guys!   And the artifacts are called Dioliths, Mizzy, and to ever

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

What Kind Of World Do You Want?

Yeah, so I found World - Five For Fighting last nite, really love it, inspired me to draw this: (Oh, and they're lying down, looking at the stars. Couldn't figure out how to put the stars in the drawing..) I added them sharing earphones, and fixed her feet to look more Metru-ish. I'll update the scan as soon as I can.. I think it's better than the last one. So what d'you guys think?

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

The Most Depressing Thing Ever

So I was in CoT, and I noticed the Song Association topic had exactly 9000 posts. So I clicked and posted as fast as I could, only to see Hazmat beat me to the over 9000th post ;-;  

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta


There's a hostile alien about to murder you. When life gives you a gun, you shoot it. Don't stand there and hope it doesn't notice you.   Memoria.

Boogie Monsta

Boogie Monsta

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