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Ac Entry Preview

Check it.   I've been working on this for about a week now, and I just got the rough shading done. It needs to be smoothed a bit, and then it'll be sweet. B)   55555



Ac #16 & Bbc #51 & Ato

We need one more item for ATO. And I don't want to pick it, so first person who posts up something here, it get's in. I don't mind if you've already done one, or if you've never played ATO before, it's just firs come, first serve. [: Chainblade :] ^ Click for poll ^ Please vote in my poll, whether for the Chainblade or whatever. [: ♪ ♫ Handlebars ♪ ♫ :] B) 55555



A Tad Of Writing...

It was another boring day on guard duty for Gopu. Nothing happening, just standing on the wall... He reflected on how many hours he'd spent of his life just standing on the wall, watching, waiting, with nothing happening. 1,000? 500? 5,000? He really had no idea.   Then something moved in the bushes below. A Muaka? A Matoran? Ah, now he could see it, a Nui-Jaga. Well, he'd settle that.   He yelled, and a small squad came from the barracks. Rahi attacks were routine, but better than just watchi



A Story

Here's the deal, we're going to make a story, each comment to here should have one sentence of it, all f the sentences have to work at least remotely with he other ones.   The current story, not necessarily updated recently.   Jim looked up at the dark mountain and smiled grimly, knowing he might never return from his mission. He touched his side, checking to make sure that his sword was firmly in it's hilt, then took a step forward. Jim reached a large chasm, observed his surroundings, and sp



A Quiz For My Readers

Question #1: How fat are you? A: Very B: More than very C: My steps are 4.3 on the Richter Scale.   Question #2: What is your IQ? A: Similar to that of a turtle. B: Just high enough to read this text. C: Slightly lower than .   Question #3: What do you think of this blog? A: It's the awesomest blog EVER! B: 5 Starts aren't enough for it! C: Words cannot describe its awesomness!   Question #4: If you could some how pull my blog offline, would you? A: NO WAY! B: Only if you mention



A Prison Cell

What can I put in a small prison cell that's Technic? I'm having some ratio trouble.   I already have a Technic door and wall sconces and some random chains on the floor.   Oh, and my brother's entry name is, "You Shall Not Pass."   55555



A Peice Of Advice...

Never take anyone's advice, EVER.   ----------------     ----------------   Also, the above statement is false.   55555



A Good Day...

...today I got paid for taking care of someones dog, my bro and I won an auction for a Gamecube and 3 controllers, and an auction for SSB Melee and one controller, and my sister brought home soda from work.   But the day isn't over yet.   >_>   55555



A Fail And A Win

I completely failed at paintball day before yesterday. Pinned and blasted down 3 out of 3 battles.   But I owned at Capture the Flag. I was chosen first round of choosing. Then two girls on my team got in jail, then our team captain got them out and got captured, then I got him out and got captured. Then he tried to get me but didn't and got captured. Then, after a while, the only free person on the team was a girl (girl 1, let's cal her). Then we got a girl (girl 2, let's call her) out of jail



A Cool Logo

I dreamed up this logo for something when I should have been doing math. Then I made it in Gimp, and it turned out pretty good.       Thoughts? B)   55555



A Bobcat's Scream

Ever heard one? I did, years ago. We didn't know what itt was, but I guessed it was a wildcat, and I was right. I only found out I was right a few months ago, but I was right.   I also have to appologize for neglecting my blog for so long.   55555



3 Krana, 4 Kanohi

I just got my order from a certain site that sells Lego peices. It included 2 Kanohi I needed, and 5 Krana I needed. I need 4 more Kanohi, and 3 Krana. I also got 3 blue flame peices for the rear jets of the Stealth Trike. (BTW, the topic WILL be up today.)   I also got some peices that I ordered for my big black critter. Which now are almost completely useless since the package came late...   55555



22 And A Half Million Dollars!

My Mom received this in her E-Mail today, here it is...     I think I have to lie down or something...   I just want your opinion on one thing: If we don't own an island are we "poor and needy"?   Oh gosh...   !!! $_$   55555



*sweat* Tied *sweat*

It's tied, 83 to 83.   I'm counting on second, and hoping for first.       Now it's actually 84-84, but it's till tied.   55555




Go Here, and comment "You're sort of creepy."     55555



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