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I'm Baaaaaaaack!

Jeez, haven't updated this thing in FOREVER! Well, anyways. Mostly I've just been improving my drawing skills (without the help of the art haters on the forums, ha ha) and improving my MOCing skills. I haven't even touched my BIONICLE collection in four months. Yeah, all the people in the BBC forum helped to discourage that. All my current LEGO MOCs aren't on Brickshelf though. Search for Arkov on another popular image hosting site. (hint: starts with F.)   Yeah, artwork:   http://www.majho



Hello Everyone

Hello Mother, some news for you: I'm really not that crazy. Hello Father, I'm curious why you think there's something wrong with me.



Random Sprites

I put all the little sprites I've been working on for the past couple years on my Maj. What the heck.  




Peace is living in a world where everyone is taking everything too seriously and thinking "I just don't care about all this ridiculously trivial stuff anymore."   Which is awesome.



Daniel Gardner Ftw

Anyone here seen any of Daniel Gardner's videos? This guy is hilarious! I'm not sure if sites that you can leave a comment on count as a forum, but if it does, please tell me and I'll remove the following links to my fav Daniel Gardner videos: Whisker wisdom Pianotoes FBI




Mata Nui, I can't believe how long it's been since I've blogged. Life is amazingly chaotic. Sorta.   So I've decided to give you a picture taken somewhere in Missouri.   Also, to Veq, Primus and Crudelious: If you want your prizes please PM the following to me:   Veq: For Steampunk drawing: Just tell me specifically how you want to be drawn, any accesories and that. For the BIONICLE drawing fill this out:   Toa/Matoran/Titan/other: Weapon(s): Mask: Color scheme: Anything specific you



Darn It, So I Snapped.

Okay, it's not quite December, but I have a rather important speech due and I needed more time to write it. I also wanted to make a blog post for Thanksgiving. Other than that, it's actually been pretty easy to stay away from the computer. I guess I'll finish my last four days of computer-absence some other time.   So yeah. Happy Thanksgiving! I had to make a list of at least 100 things I'm thankful for, and wouldn't you know it, most of my BZPower friends made the list; especially those of yo



Allow Me To Make A Blog Entry

Well, I'm healing up. AT LAST. Nothing else important has happened. I'm listening to Apocalyptica. They OWN. I read 278 episodes of a webcomic I can't link to because of swearing, my sister taught me how to draw a horse, I ate ramen noodles and didn't watch iRobot. (Nya, I know that's not how to spell it 'cause Asimov wrote it WAY before Apple products, but the comma in the middle makes it awkward to type it out.) Hooray for stupid and/or pointless blog posts.   I'll end it here and now wit



Longest Lasting Moc?

I dunno, but my steampunk ship, Sting, comes close. It's been sitting on the shelf since September and only a few small parts have managed to become dislodged!   *Applause*



And For What?

"You go through it night after night. You can't get it out of you. It's in your dreams and things you see that remind you of people. You can't get it out of your system. War is no good for no one. All those guys got killed, and for what?" –Local WWII veteran




Wow, first blog entry in what, three weeks? Yes, I've been doing a lot of artwork (none of it BIONICLE-related) and quite a bit of MOCing, mostly pertaining to brikwars. Me and Akirithas, my brother, are working on large landscapes and Steampunk warships. It's total awesomesauce. Other than that, nothing has happened. Nothing that's your business, anyway.




Another three hours of madness trying to make lines for The Batman's brickfilm, lotsa fun. Good thing I'm totally insane anyway. I actually enjoy this kind of thing.



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