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The Reason

I'll bet all you guys are wondering why I do not have a blog theme. Well, the reason is, I don't feel I need one, much like Black Six or GregF.       That is the reason.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

The Night Chicago Died

In the heat of a summer night In the land of the dollar bill When the town of Chicago died And they talk about it still When a man named Al Capone Tried to make that town his own And he called his gang to war With the forces of the law I heard my mama cry I heard her pray the night Chicago died Brother what a night it really was Brother what a fight it really was Glory be I heard my mama cry I heard her pray the night Chicago died Brother what a night the people saw Brother

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

The Joker

"why so serouis?",when i say that to people,they recignize it imediately,they say"nice line,it's from that new batman movie,is it not?"i say "yes,it is"and then the person usally walks away.so in a sence,i am the joker.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

The Dog's Off The Leash.

hello,i'm so sorry to say that my story director has told me to go ahead and give away some spoilers.     1.the release date is going to be july 4th 2009 for the first chapter. 2.from their on i will add 1 chapter a week 3.the epic will end on new years eve 2010. 4.the epic will act as a bridge into 2010 at times.       i hope you have enjoyed these spoilers.       doctor who

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

The Bzp Agents

The purpose of the bzp agents is to read the forms and report things you find unfitting for the board. I am personely handing out positions over PM. If you recieve an invitation to join, please respond to the message.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Teen Violence

i was watching a show on tv last night,it was about teen violence,i don't think it's a good thing,but the thing is that shows have been augmented into public service annoucments.seeing that on a comedy series is scarry.the people on the show are basicly you.if you think about it,the issue has been spreading.my advice is:don't go there,drop the gun.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Takanuva On Shop@home

hello,DW reporting,along with the yeltrax t6,i found out that toa takanuva is up for grabs on lego shop@home.i've been waiting for this opertunity.if i choose to wait for taka to officaly come out,i will deprive myself of bieng the first to have him.if i get him now,he will be at my door in under a month,AND i will have him before anyone else .

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Swearing Member

hello,bzpower!just the other day,i came across a member who swore in his sig.so i sent him a PM saying that if he did not change it,i would have to contac an admin,i contacted the admin,he got banned.probably for the best.soon after he got back on.good,very good.i did not want him to get banned.he made an error.the guy did not have to resort to swearing in order to make his point.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Removing Sig Stuff

Well, I find my sig boring. Again. Time to go shopping for a nice new set of Banners/Avatars in Artwork.   Ahh, shopping. It's grand. Try it once.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


I just want you to know, I have been trying to cover up my real life. But from now on, I will tell the truth, promise.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Reach's Forge World!

What.   That has GOT to be the single most impressive feature of Reach. The only thing that could compare with Forge world is...well...nothing, really. I can't believe that they even did that. 5 maps in one. That's...incredible. Simply incredible. The multitude of what you can do in this new forge is simply...unimaginable. You can't keep this in all in you're head at once, as Bungie says.   The tools are better, they have snaps for placing objects, and, coolest of all: The three modes for plac

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Randow Thoughts.

I recently got STAR WARS: THE FORCE UNLEASHED. I already beat it twice. Working on a third time. I think the game is great, even on the PS2. The game is a great representaion of how the force really is in the movies. The game has a decent cutscene sequence. It closly follows the story, revieling new aspects of the star wars saga.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Random Entry

Hello,i am working from a computer in a local electronics store.i thought i would update my blog to day.   a few things to get across,   1.the epic i have been working on has been cancelled.   that's it for that.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

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