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I was playing on Halo today against some dude (Or dudette) name NVR Killed. She/He was really good to, and I was saying "Wouldn't it be cool if I killed NVR Killed?".   Soon after, I killed NVR Killed. It was awesome and hilarious.   So, since the title of this entry is "Life", maybe I should call this achievement "Life Hurts" or "Don't mess with the Makko"

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


Well, recently I got my Driver's License. I'm kind of disappointed that I haven't been able to use it to the capacity that I wish to. It also brings up some feelings that I didn't expect. Those of loneliness and nervousness. But i suppose that those all come from being a new driver. I have a car, it's fun. But I don't really have a lot of friends to accompany me. I need to get out more.   Anyways. Gonna put together a new blog theme, new blocks and stuff. Expect to see it in a few days.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Last Entry

This will be my last entry for the forseeable future. I just wanted to say thanks to the staff, and Happy late anniversary BZP!

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Justin Bieber

Yes. I like Justin Bieber. But only two songs, Eenie Meenie and Baby. And since this song, Eenie Meenie, is sung mostly by Sean Kingston, it's better then I imagined.     JB and SK FTW

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Jetrax T6...in Yellow

hello,once again,today i learned that the awsome set entitled jetrax t6 is suposed to be released in yellow.crazy .yellow is an eyeseering color.ya know what?that set is probably the worst set lego has ever made.i hate the fact that it is yellow.the set itself is ok,but,i prefer the blue version.i just don't see the catch.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Jay Leno

Is Leaving the Tonight Show. His last broadcast is on right now and I'm goig to watch it. I'll see you guys later.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Jak 4: The Lost Frontier: A Project

Jak drove through the desert at high speed. When all of a sudden, Daxter hit Jak’s head and pointed. The last artifact was only a few hundred feet away, and a sand storm was picking up. Jak grabbed the last artifact and made a quick turn. He headed toward the abandoned city. Making another quick turn, he headed for the Metal Head nest, which was now abandoned.   He drove quickly to the main chamber of the cave, then quickly stopped. He pulled out his communicator and held down a button. “Spargu

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

It's Been A Hard Day's Night.

No, not the beatles song.     I had to continue to paint my fence today. The thing looks awesome. But the work load at the time is not. and on top of that, I start school tomarrow. I have a LOAD of things to blog about to day. so, let's get started.   first off, sleep. I woke myself up today instead of Having to be poked and proded. I had a good breakfast of bacon and some other things i can't remember at this moment. I Sat on Star wars: the force unleashed for about an hour and a half. I went

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

I'm Leaving

Forever.       I talked to my dad about how long it would take to get to the lake. He said 7 hours. I went =0. So from 7:00 A.M Today to 2:00 P.M EST I won't be on. Also, I won't be on once we arrive, I don't think the ship has WI-FI. Maybe.     Bai. Don't wreck mai blag kthx.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

I'm A Trekie

have you ever see the original star trek? spock has a blue long sleeve shirt.i have one to,without the badge.i also have a next generation phaser and tricorder,a series one communicator and a next generation type one phaser. thats right, i'm a trekie.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

I Wish...

I wish people would stop moping about how Zaktan died and how unimportant it seemed.     Sheesh, its just a character in a kids toy line.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

I Want To Know Something...

Mowaku, or whatever, Why do you bash Greg? That man has worked incredibly hard for you, and yet you DO NOT give him respect, now, I honor your Freedom of Speech, but I ask you why you would try and do such a thing, such a thing to insult the Writer of BIONICLE? All he ever did was ;try and make BIONICLE Enjoyable.      

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

I Just Realized Something

People are not allowed topics about something if it has an offical topic, now I fully understand why, but I just want to make a suggestion.   It's not always easy to stay on topic in one collective topic, because your going to have members come in and butt-in on the already present conversation by bringing up another topic. All of a sudden, Kaput! No more discussion on a theme that would otherwise be possible, all coversation would switch to the other poster's idea.   I.E.   Poster 1: Hey! Wh

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


that is the lameist title ever...     anyways,the day has gone well,i still hate two things about bionicle.1.the yellow jetrax.2.the story restart.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

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