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Vote 2008 Public Service Announcement

This is a public service announcement.           I ask all of you to vote. For the good of the country. I ask that you put some time adside for that registartion. It only takes a few minets, really. If you do not vote, the country will miss out on the opinion of a person in the US. This opinion matters. YOU matter. Every vote goes towards a better future. The polls say who to vote for. Don't follow the polls. Listen to the candidits talk, see who you surport.I feel that the majority could make

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Those Who Stayed Behind

In 2001, the Maori attacked.     These are the lost logs of the few brave men who stayed behind. PLEASE NOTE! THIS IS FICTION! NOT REAL IN ANY WAY!!!         Member: Rahi master   Time: 10:42 A.M.   Location: G.D.   Rahi Master, logging on. My platoon of troops has been deployed to G.D. in hopes of stopping the armies before they can reach further back into BZP territory. Word from artwork is, the Maori troops have taken the cities. The last remaining city in Creativity is Games and Trivia

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Updation Nation

Hello everyone!     Check out my new Epic, The BZ-wahi story. A spinoff of the BZ-metru story. I will post new chapters here.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Future Roles

i'm starting an epic that i will release in summer 2009.the spoilers i can give you now are this:karda nui will be involved,takanuva will make a few appearences and teridax will somehow be involved.the order of mata nui will be in their.that's all i can give you now.here are a few characters:       1.takanuva 2.tahu 3.lewa 4.teridax   if you wish to know more about the storyline,PM your questions to me.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Character Update

hello,i'v got an update on the characters.he is the most important role.     5.mata nui. that's the last spoiler i can give you untill i start to write the story.     DW

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

The Joker

"why so serouis?",when i say that to people,they recignize it imediately,they say"nice line,it's from that new batman movie,is it not?"i say "yes,it is"and then the person usally walks away.so in a sence,i am the joker.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

New Chapter

i have finished the first chapter of the epic.here's another spoiler for you:the title will be:dark mirror:revisited.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


Fighting a Cold, that is.   But still. My ears have become decompressed. Thats a good thing. Still a little congested though.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Jay Leno

Is Leaving the Tonight Show. His last broadcast is on right now and I'm goig to watch it. I'll see you guys later.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

To Tufi

Your strength and leadership make you a great Administrator, your wisdom and loyalty make you a great freind. You calmness in the face of certain disaster make you something to be admired. You are a force of Nature, a guiding wind. You are as pure as the sea water, and as strong as the old hickory. You, Tufi, are an admin. You do your job well.   <3   From Khan.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Reach's Forge World!

What.   That has GOT to be the single most impressive feature of Reach. The only thing that could compare with Forge world is...well...nothing, really. I can't believe that they even did that. 5 maps in one. That's...incredible. Simply incredible. The multitude of what you can do in this new forge is simply...unimaginable. You can't keep this in all in you're head at once, as Bungie says.   The tools are better, they have snaps for placing objects, and, coolest of all: The three modes for plac

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Weekly Update - 11/21

Intro     It's that time of week again! This week we got lots of cool stuff to discuss, so let's get started!     Updates     Well, I have been gone for two days, but now I am back.     First off, the Matoran universe map was released on the 18th. It holds information pretaining to the locations of all of the islands in the matoran universe. Is it me, or has anyone else noticed that the islands form a body?   Anyways, I will be categorizing my entries over the next few days, so expect to se

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


Fero and Skirmix Blog review coming soon. Along with a plethora of Mistika and Phantoka reviews. With Avtoran and Agori-Toran reviews.   Hang on to your shorts!

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


that is the lameist title ever...     anyways,the day has gone well,i still hate two things about bionicle.1.the yellow jetrax.2.the story restart.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

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