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Good Morning Bzpower!

Coming to you live from the writers desk!       As I sit here, on my computer, contumplating the things in this world, I decided to star writing a program that would take BZP by storm.   This is, obviously my greatest decision yet. Every wensday, at 1:00 A.M., I will write my newest "Good morning BZP!" This news letter will supply you with the BZP news of the week. I have some "Reporters" lined up who will bring you in-depth coverage. The only things we will be reporting on are the forums. So

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Future Roles

i'm starting an epic that i will release in summer 2009.the spoilers i can give you now are this:karda nui will be involved,takanuva will make a few appearences and teridax will somehow be involved.the order of mata nui will be in their.that's all i can give you now.here are a few characters:       1.takanuva 2.tahu 3.lewa 4.teridax   if you wish to know more about the storyline,PM your questions to me.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Formatting Update

As you know, I am catagorizing my blog. I am into Page two now. Click one of the catagories and see the blog entries that come up.         - Jak

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


Fighting a Cold, that is.   But still. My ears have become decompressed. Thats a good thing. Still a little congested though.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Epic Talk 1: The Attack

What was the inspiation for your characters? Well nearly all of them are based on people I know in real life, except for having their personality tweaked a bit and maybe changing their names. Most of them are friends, others are people I have met just once.   Can you tell us anything about future chapters? Alex is going to try and put everything back to how it was before, but finds that once you come into contact with the NETwork, it's hard to lead a normal life. Just when it seems that he wi

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


For the most part, the Reach Theme is done. I've deleted all the categories I had, but I will reinstate them as soon as I get Premier Membership.   So, what do you guys think?

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Complaining About Yeltrax T6

hello,the yeltrax t6 (yellow jetrax t6)is kind of ugly,i don't like the color sceme,it sucks.i really like that set,but the yellow version sucks.i can't see that color on ANY set.if that set came out in the toyfair,than maybe it would be more exceptable.yeltrax t6 is the only bionicle set i don't like in the entire bionicle history.i just don't like it.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Christine Lorentzen

Ekstra Bladet skriver at værterne, Claus Elming og Christine Lorentzen, i TV 2’s ’Vild med Dans’ skaber utilfredshed hos seerne. Særligt den, åbenlyse manglende erfaring fra Christine Lorentzen giver anledning til frustrerede indlæg på TV 2’s hjemmesides debat-afdeling. Ekstra Bladet citerer blandt andet: ”Claus snøvler som en bokser og opfører sig, som om han kommenterede amerikansk fodbold. Christine er bare kunstig, kikset og konstant overstyret.” Avisen har lavet en online internetafstemning

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Character Update

hello,i'v got an update on the characters.he is the most important role.     5.mata nui. that's the last spoiler i can give you untill i start to write the story.     DW

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn


I missed my One Year annivesery(SP?)   I'll have a comic up soon, but First, here's a teaser of a project I have been working on.   BIONICLE: SKRALL WAR!  Raanu walked through the hot desert. It was noon and the sun was beating down on his small troop. He was heading to Atero on a scout mission with his fellow Agori Berix, Metus and Kirbold. The Glatorian talked of a plan involving an attack on Atero.   Raanu gleefully accepted, Tarix understood why. They attacked Atero. Raanu wanted them o

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Bejing News

the title is misleading,i know.anyways,i am planning on posting a review of some of the summer sets soon,so be on the look-out.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

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