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i'v decided to go against my original decision to put mata nui in the story,i'm sorry about saying i would put mata nui in the storyline.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

New Chapter

i have finished the first chapter of the epic.here's another spoiler for you:the title will be:dark mirror:revisited.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Character Update

hello,i'v got an update on the characters.he is the most important role.     5.mata nui. that's the last spoiler i can give you untill i start to write the story.     DW

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Future Roles

i'm starting an epic that i will release in summer 2009.the spoilers i can give you now are this:karda nui will be involved,takanuva will make a few appearences and teridax will somehow be involved.the order of mata nui will be in their.that's all i can give you now.here are a few characters:       1.takanuva 2.tahu 3.lewa 4.teridax   if you wish to know more about the storyline,PM your questions to me.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Swearing Member

hello,bzpower!just the other day,i came across a member who swore in his sig.so i sent him a PM saying that if he did not change it,i would have to contac an admin,i contacted the admin,he got banned.probably for the best.soon after he got back on.good,very good.i did not want him to get banned.he made an error.the guy did not have to resort to swearing in order to make his point.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Complaining About Yeltrax T6

hello,the yeltrax t6 (yellow jetrax t6)is kind of ugly,i don't like the color sceme,it sucks.i really like that set,but the yellow version sucks.i can't see that color on ANY set.if that set came out in the toyfair,than maybe it would be more exceptable.yeltrax t6 is the only bionicle set i don't like in the entire bionicle history.i just don't like it.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Takanuva On Shop@home

hello,DW reporting,along with the yeltrax t6,i found out that toa takanuva is up for grabs on lego shop@home.i've been waiting for this opertunity.if i choose to wait for taka to officaly come out,i will deprive myself of bieng the first to have him.if i get him now,he will be at my door in under a month,AND i will have him before anyone else .

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Jetrax T6...in Yellow

hello,once again,today i learned that the awsome set entitled jetrax t6 is suposed to be released in yellow.crazy .yellow is an eyeseering color.ya know what?that set is probably the worst set lego has ever made.i hate the fact that it is yellow.the set itself is ok,but,i prefer the blue version.i just don't see the catch.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

Nuva Mistika Stuff

the mistika are awsome!!!!!they could have made some things different thou,like the mask color,mata red for tahu,no kopaka mask for gali,onua looks like he could be in a movie named"onua,rahi king".those are my only complaints.the phantoka are better in many ways,when you look at the mistika and the phantoka,you see many differances.such as the body armor,the phantoka have chest plates,the mistika don't,the phantoka have metru nui bodies,the mistika have piraka builds.the phantoka have more comp

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

2008 Information

here's some info i think you should know.     1.2008 is not the end of bionicle 2.2008 is the end of the toa nuva,they will probably be turaga when they return,if they return. 3.mata-nui will be awakened 4.mata-nui is probably in that building seen in comic 13.     all sumed up.please do not claim that 2008 is the final year of bionicle.

Franz Joseph Haydn

Franz Joseph Haydn

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