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My First L U G Meeting!

Well, on Saturday I went to my first Lego User's Group (LUG) meeting! The group is WAMALUG (Washington Metro Area LUG). I went with two 16 year old friends, and had an interesting time. I was able to talk with AFOLs young and older, and almost every new set was there. I was able to see the new Aqua Raider sets, some new Exo Force, a couple of Barraki and all the small box sets, and some new Star Wars sets.   We also played BrickQuest, an RPG using Lego.   I do plan on going back, but not



Ship Progress

Some progress coming along on the SHIP. And even though I took these pictures probably a week ago they are already outdated compared to what else I've done.   SHIP as a whole Again 102 studs long! Top Middle (the disk has since gone) The back third. Bridge hidden there, and I like the flow Engines, Kakama, different angle to view (I'll work on the end with the disk and slopes)   -CF



Brickfest 2006!

Well, it started Friday, Aug 25. (maybe thursday night) Boy was it awesome. I got dropped off at 8:00 (even though it started at 9:00) My mom signed a paper because I'm under 18, and left. So I'm standing around watching people try to get registration started, in my hands my shoebox with 4 MOCs in it and a gift for "Dirty Brickster"   I register at say...8:45. Get my brickbadge and have to make some of it. (It's a rule) My brickbadge says: -Benjamin P***** -ChocolateFrogs -BZPower -



Oreo Stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies

Yes, you read that title correctly. Need I say any more? (Pic via the internet.)   My school had a Relay for Life (raising money for cancer research) yesterday/today, and during the event groups sell baked-goods to participants to raise more money. I baked something I felt would be irresistible: a delicious cookie inside a delicious cookie. The mere thought sounds amazing. So I baked a batch and they turned out amazing. Delicious, ridiculous, incredible.   Here's the recipe I grabbed onlin



Who High

There is just waaaay too much information about Doctor Who Series 6 floating around right now.   Haha, just kidding. That can't happen. (Actually, we definitely don't want the opening two-parter spoiled.)   All you need to know to jump into a Doctor Who episode:   -CF



Named An Island Mata Nui

Because in Risk Legacy you can totally do that.   So I put a minor city in Japan and called it Mata Nui. Left my mark. Totally made up for the nonsense word "Otasu" I put in Asia earlier, but not as cool as the angelic name for myself of "Benjameal" for my first minor city.   Just one thing--I'm pretty bad at Risk. We've been playing for 2+ years now and I've still only won one game. My friends have given me some analysis on what I do wrong, but there are just parts of gameplay I guess I still d



America's Got Talent

So I'm on BZP, and the TV is on to "America's Got Talent." It is basically a big talent show airing on NBC. So I'm watching and typing at the same time. (Multi-tasking!)   *So, my favorite so far was this ventriloquist who was awsome. He had two bird pupets, and he talked himself. But the best part was when he was talking about foreign movies, like Godzilla, where the lips move but there aren't any words, and vice-versa. It was very impressive.   currently there was this really bad imper



Jackson Lake Minifig, Please

Jackson Lake, the supposed "next Doctor" in the 2008 Doctor Who Christmas special "The Next Doctor" (one of my favorites) has a suit/vest style that just can not be replicated in LEGO minifig form yet. There is no torso out there that is appropriate for this character.   Until now? I would risk considering a Weasley twin torso or Ollivander's (but that is a stretch) from the new Diagon Alley set.   HOWEVER, my fellow Whovians, if you spot a torso that would be perfect, I would love to know i



My Lego Network

I have succumbed to making yet another page on the Lego.com Club pages. I was around when I had a simple eXtreme Team background and Jet (yellow Slizer) as my main image, with a Technic control panel. That was...8+ years ago!   I have no idea what I'm doing here. No, not as in "I'm 18 what am I doing here?" but I don't know what to do. I tried clicking around on people's things, but I wasn't allowed to. A pop up showed a picture and then a "+1" like I needed to spend something to help out



Wolverine And The X-Men

Current wallpaper:   I am loving the x-gene out of this new series. That, and the rebooted Uncanny X-Men, especially how they exist together (if need be. Things are barely mentioned, but I figure that sooner or later the Schism (which I still need to read) will become a forgive and forget, at least for a major team-up situation).   And along with new issues of Wolverine and the X-Men (Alpha and Omega) and Uncanny X-Men, comic book Wednesday treated me to Star Munchkin. It looks awesome, and I c




That's right. Today I went to my first Anime Con! (Convention): Katsucon!!! It was located at DC's Omni Shoreham Hotel.   It was really fun. I met up with two other friends that had been there Saturday as well, so they showed me around and we just had fun. Couple of highlights:   -Cosplaying: This is pretty much the biggest thing at any Con. People costume play as characters from various anime. The costumes are really detailed and look amazing. (Sorry, Omi, I couldn't find any FF cos



Apathetic Super Bowl

If I actually cared about either team, I might make an effort to get up and hang out in a friend's room. Eat food, etc.   But after hanging out with tons of [awesome] people yesterday at a Catholic Summit at the University of Virgina (seriously, there were over 400 people. Lots of tun), I really just feel like staying blissfully introverted in my room.   Besides, if I did go over, I'd just bring my laptop and read comics and/or surf the internet, which I can do here in my room perfectly fine wit



Boxes Vs. Canisters

Seeing this, and that I had this thought for an entry, I thought I'd share my thoughts:   Seeing as how the Mahri containers are more so a box with plastic edging than a canister that can hold your set or whatever else you want, it seems pointless to me to have this useless plastic edging around a box. Wouldn't it save Lego more money to just put the sets in boxes if they really didn't want canisters?   The canisters are great because they can hold the set (or pieces, in my case). I'm even u



I'm A Doctor, Not A Chef

March 22 was my roommate's birthday, and he's a big Trekkie.* Normally for my roommates' birthdays I just bake a standard cake and add some frosting and sprinkles on top. But considering my mom has made fantastic and creative cakes for my 21 years alive, not to mention for the rest of my family, I decided to get a little creative and make something he wouldn't forget: And here's his reaction, and another, and a nice smile. (Sorry, ladies, he's engaged. )   The store-bought Pillsbury frostin



Procrastination Sucks

Remind me that next time I have a paper due around the time that Doctor Who comes out that I shouldn't wait until the morning that it's due to work on it (and write blog entries) and instead get it done in plenty of time so that I can skip and go to New York City and camp out overnight with a friend who is currently there meeting Matt Smith, Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill (so jealous, sheesh, all three!) waiting for the premier tonight (she's 10th in line).   Then again, next year there will b



Ode To My Hiking Boots

Nah, nothing so dramatic. However, my hiking boots of 5+ years were in need of replacing, so it was slightly emotional on account for having them for so long and having to let go. You see, they went with me to Philmont Scout Ranch. I even got them branded!   They will be missed. (Well, except that they ripped here and there and let water in recently which led to needing to be replaced.) But I cut off the branded leather backs for scout memories.   So over Fall Break, back at home, I went to REI



I'm Back!

So, I haven't posted lately. The biggest reason is because I didn't realize when my premiership ened, (but at the same time the place where it showed dissapeared, so it's not enterly my fault). But even because of that, I just went to camp, so I couldn't post anyway.   So, I'm bringing a bit of camp to you with the quote of the day! This is a camp song that's pretty funny, and I like it.   I went' to Scout Camp Rodney, part of Del-Mar-Va Council. If you were just there 4th of July week too,




OK.   What kind of face is the =3 or :3 emote making?   I can't for the life of me make it out. Is it happy? Worried? Confused? It does not seem like anything I'd make my face look like.   -CF Quote of the Day: Sheppard: Eron here. Genii Soldier #3: What's your status? Sheppard: Good. Genii Soldier #3: Elaborate. Sheppard: Real good.



Stomping Around

No, nothing to but the student living below me.   Rather, the musical performance Stomp came to the school's esteemed Ferguson Center for the Arts, and I snagged tickets with some friends for $10 each! High in the balcony, but the performance was still absolutely fantastic!   I have been anticipating this performance since the center's show schedule was published back at the end of the summer. Stomp has been on my "to see" list for almost ten years now, so finally getting that chance was, simply



Organized Sports

something my mom said last night, about me not being in any organized sports...   Since when is MOC building and competitions not an organized sport?   -CF



Earth Day...

...is overrated.   -CF   Quote of the Day: If things get any worse I will have to ask you to stop helping me.



Meet Other Bzpower Members!

This Sunday, October 14, 2007, there will be a WAMALUG meeting. Everything you need to know on when and where and how to get there is in the link.   FYI, this is a LUG in the Washington DC (Metro) Area (WAMA...). Think about that before getting all excited.   I expect to be there from 11:30 or noon to 5:00. I'll be wearing my BZPower Shirt, so you can't miss me! (As well as a Brickbadge with my BZP name on it, so don't say, "Chocolate Frogs?" but instead say, "Chocolate Frogs!" because you



They're Robots

Spoiler alert: The counter-argument to this post is "It's just a story."   In the latest LEGO Mag's Hero Factory comic, the upgrade process is described as "too dangerous to use again" in reference to Evo and Nex. It is then said, "Upgrade. So powerful a process even the bravest heroes feel fear at its name." Excuse me, but they're robots. They don't get "upgraded" in magic tubes. They get ripped apart for scrap, rebuilt differently with new and improved armor and mechanics and reprogrammed wit



He Hath Been Cupped

A month ago my roommate Ian removed my mattress and hid that while putting the covers back on my bed frame, in case you don't remember.   I had to get him back, of course. I waited a month and then struck. I waited for a morning when he got back from work. He's a police aide, sitting at a residence hall front-desk from midnight to 8 a few times a week. Then he sleeps for a few hours before any afternoon classes he has. This morning was one such morning. I got up at 9, knowing he'd be asleep, and



Oh Fishy Fishy Fishy Fish

I wonder where that fish has gone. You did love it so, you looked after it like a son. And it went wherever I did go.   A fish, a fish, a fishy ohhh. Seriously, what was going on in their minds when Monty Python decided to produce this skit? Especially that elephant. Stop staring at me!   -CF (Creeped out.)



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