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V For Vendetta

Two things are sure to happen on the fifth of November: 1) People will watch V for Vendetta. 2) NaNo novelists will continue frantically writing.   The point is, this is the third year in a row I watched V for Vendetta on the fifth of November, having been introduced to it by a friend freshmen year, and I still like it as much as the first (and second) time I viewed it.   -CF (Currently on a Firefly quoting fest in a friend's status. )



Resisting The Urge

Oh how I wish I was not dropping $300 (plus another $200 from my dad) on a bike this winter, for I would not have to save up for that and could just grab the entire Stargate SG-1 series on Amazon for $80. (That is more than half-off the original price and comes out to less than $0.40 an episode.) You see, Hulu is dropping SG-1 at the end of January, 2011. I am about halfway through season 1. (I saw the Ori story arc but would have rewatched that.) (And while Atlantis logically falls somewher



One By Five

Every since I was a kid I had always wished that LEGO made a 1x5 brick. (And logically plates and tiles to follow.) I remember sifting through my collection looking for one, only to realize LEGO did not make such a piece.   Now, 10-15 years later, I remember how much I long for it. Not because I recently came across a need for one (or at least that I can remember, but I'm sure it crossed my mind), but because I just think it would cool.   I should add this to the Brick Wishlist Flickr group



Madman With A Box

What's that? Halloween? Oh, yeah! Gallery Lens Flare (Taken with cell phone. Interesting...)   One of my CCM friends was holding a small "party" of sorts, so I was able to dress up! No one else did, though. (But one of my friends attended who is both a redhead and Doctor Who fan, so if need be she could have been roped in to be Amy. )   I would go buy a fez (and mop), but I do not know when I shall be wearing this next. (I am not going to Katsucon (anime con) in February, but if I c



They Did It Again

World's Largest LEGO Mosaic, in England. I'm guessing the same group that did the mosaic that inspired the BZPower/BrickFair Mosaic Project, but I'm still investigating that. (So maybe not "they" and "again.")   Either way, pretty impressive.   -CF



The Card Himself

That's Orson Scott Card, folks. He wrote Ender's Game, as well as many books both in, around, and outside sci-fi. And I got to meet him! He also signed my copy of Ender's Game, writing "To Benjamin--A fellow taleswapper"--awesome!   He came to speak at my school's arts center (we have a big concert hall) tonight, talking about his writing experience, giving tips on how to become better writers, sharing his thoughts on reading and overall giving a really great presentation. It was organized b




I'll be participating in National Novel Writing Month again this year, like I did last year. (Note: last year I stopped 2/3rds through November and at 26,000 words because I had 30+ pages of papers to write.)   This year I have looked over my weekly schedule, and after taking out the necessities/required duties of my day (eat, class, work, sleep, school stuff), I realized I should not have a problem getting 12,500 words a week. I just have to be diligent and not waste my time online.   After



Entry Dedication

This blog entry is dedicated to xccj. Why? Because he sent me this: Woohoo! 1/2 way there to completing my brickbadge decoration for BrickFair 2011! (Because my name is plural, of course. I need two.)   Also in the mail today I received an order comprising of a torso for an Inara minifig, two tan Bitil wings, and a Kiina trident (just one, but it's awesome!). Not to mention a voice recorder (for my journalism stuff) and some Halloween decorations from my family.   -CF



I Wanna Trick-or-treat

My friend had this grand idea of going Trick-Or-Treating this coming Halloween. You know, something to do. Unfortunately I was told that was illegal. I did a quick internet search and found this: What a turn-off! I also plan on asking a police officer next time I see one on campus if it true (well, it is, just want to hear it from someone) and just why that is (safety, sure, but they're spoiling our fun!).   I still haven't had a chance to wear my Eleventh Doctor costume yet, and now it s



Gravity, Hurricane

I updated/completed my collection of Switchfoot albums/songs the other day with the help of a friend, so I have greatly been enjoying all the other CDs I previously had not had (which was all but Letdown and Sound).   I am especially enjoying Oh! Gravity and Hello Hurricane, their two CDs I wanted most and the two I was quite looking forward to listening to. They do not disappoint. Favorites include American Dream, Hello Hurricane, The Sound, and Mess of Me, to name a few.   I think this wil



Desk 2.0, Fish

Here's a new look at my desk:   I've had the second screen for a month or so now. It is very helpful not just for surfing the web while watching video, but for papers when I need not only Open Office up but Firefox or a second document as well.   You also might notice the fish bowl being relocated. That is because there was no longer room on my building table for it...because the table is now in use! Parts are dumped on it and not moving. It's great. I built a space ship last weekend.



Next Doctor, And Next Next Doctor

Doctor #12 should be Andrew-Lee Potts, Hatter in Syfy's Alice.   Doctor #13 should be Benedict Cumberbatch, Sherlock Holmes in BBC's (Stephen Moffat's) Sherlock. (Interestingly enough, he had considered taking the role from Tennant in a discussion with him in 2008, but then didn't audition for Eleven. Maybe he'll appear now that Moffat has taken over, or at least have a one-time role like he expresses interest in.)   I think both of them could pull off Doctors that didn't use a sonic screwdr



Forest Sounds (Ďoctor Who)

“Timber!” yelled The Doctor, as the tree fell right in front of them. Silence.   “Doctor,” asked Amy, slightly turning, shuffling her feet in her curiosity, “why didn't it make a sound?”   “Ah, I am so very glad you asked,” he responded, spinning around and pointing behind Amy with his sonic screwdriver. “Watch again. And listen again.”   She turned around just as another tree fell silently.   “When you said you wanted to show me something, I was expecting more than some falling trees.”  



The Orange Box

I played Portal for the third time the other day, via borrowed Orange Box from friend. 'Twas fun, of course. I was annoyed at how I did not realize I could get a Storage Cube via rocket fire into tube to prop myself up into the vent, and instead, like the other two times, balanced three computers on top of one another, nearly risking my life because of that rocket launcher in each attempt to get another. Grrr.   So I'm replaying it again so as to make right with myself. (Well, I would just




Fascinating.   The first episode was brilliant and exciting. The second was more adventure, but maybe I was too distracted to see the deeper mystery. The third was also amazing, especially the build-up. Wow.   "I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research!" (I sort of feel that way, for I notice things that if I ever told them to someone I did they'd call me a creeper. I'm just merely observant, sheesh. (Usually.))   -CF



Firefly Pick Up Lines

Quick*, what are some good Firefly pick-up lines? Something that uses a quote, of course--something recognizable.   Or I could just start with a question. Sit down next to her and ask if she knows what the Chain of Command is.   -CF *Quick meaning in a day.



Building Table

Yes, that fish tank is my next project: (That's just filler. I intend to build some fish for it, some plants, etc. But yes, it will have a LEGO diver of one theme or another in it.)   -CF



You Just

(I have won by not playing, but the fact that everyone else gets so worked up by it makes it so much fun to induce onto others!)   -CF



I'm No Hat Person

But I could be, no? Fedora, wide-brimmed like Indiana Jones. Oh so tempting to buy.   I'm not one to wear ball-caps around. I'll wear one camping, absolutely. It's necessary. But I didn't even wear my geeked-out cap with a BrickFest patch on it at BrickFair.   But a fedora? Now that is something that appeals to me. I like to think that if I had one I would wear it around often.   I don't know what I'm worried about. Most of my IRL friends would accept it (and some have already said the



Fall Break

Things to watch within the next four days:   -Stargate Universe's 3rd episode of its current 2nd season. -Castle's latest episode: Steampunk themed. -Stephen Moffat's Sherlock.   Plus a 3-5 episode and movie Firefly marathon with my roommates and friends. (And hopefully a girl my roommate knows and will introduce me to. :3 ) I want to figure out some good food of the 'Verse to make for it. So far I'm thinking Ice Planets (from The Message) might be a little hard, but I could rewrap granola



Need A New Bike

I received a $150 bike for Christmas 3 or 4 years ago. It has been doing well, more or less, except more on the less side as of recently.   I had not really been using it at all for the past two months because the front brakes were messed up.   I took it to a local bike store/shop this past weekend (their website said they would work on brakes for $40, a reasonable price IMO after all the unsuccessful work I had tried on it, including advice from my bike-savvy uncle) and they said they would



Geeky Fail

Description for new Verizon Droid R2-D2: What is wrong here? (While we can nitpick over the cheesy "Navigational Masters, communication experts, foreign linguists, Golden Retrievers of information," that is not what I am looking at.)   First person to get it right gets an internet.   -CF



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