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they didn't give me the job training for this.

Entries in this blog

A Preview Of N U I

Owen stood in the mouth of the tunnel, peering into the darkness. Grabbing a lightbrick from the pile next to the mouth. he flipped the switch and took a few tentative steps into the shadows.   After maybe a half-hour's worth of walking, he stepped into a large underground chamber. People ran back and forth, some with drills, some with blueprints, one with bright orange sleeves and shoes ran by with a wrench on his belt and some scrap metal in his hands. He saw the young man, probably late teen




A bit underwhelming.   Thunder needs my modifications ASAP, especially his feet.



Simple Movie Facts

Alien was a trilogy.   The Matrix was one movie in three parts.   Jaws only had one sequel.   A:tLA was never a movie. Shut up.



Test Chamber Primus

Hey. Aperture outsourced to me. Go test my test so I can get my cephalopaycheck.   Smacks tentacle against keyboard.



Rule 13 (yes, Necro. Come In And Give Us Your Opinion)

STOP ARGUING.   Seriously. I may not like the rule, but I see why the staffies made it. So everyone who's arguing, shut up and get on with your lives so we can get on with ours. You don't like it, I don't like it, but you know what I like less? Seeing BZP being run down by your incessant arguing. And I'm sure you'd rather see us all happy. And the best way to do that? STOP ARGUING.



[s] Make Her Pay

I believe I can safely say that even one such as me was not expecting this. I would look forward to seeing what Andrew Hussie does next, had I not already extrapolated the results as far out as I can.   It will be fascinating for you all, I am sure.



HoΝk HoΝk :0)

I'm building a horn.   I'll post it when I'm done.   oh gog what is wrong with me



Spoiler Alert: Evil Santa kills me off

(Apologies in advance for the probably mangled icelandic)   E: wait why are the swords all screwy hbo what is this i trusted you you were supposed to defeat the sith not join them



Taking Up The Mantis Again

Shepard showed me that today off the Cerberus Daily News feed. The urge to take up my old Mantis and go back to Omega as Archangel is ludicrously strong, but I promised Shepard I'd help her. And the last time I left without her, she died. I'm not letting that happen again.   And anyway, Sidonis is still alive.



Lego Cash Get!

Got a gift card for Lego.com for 100 boondollars on Saturday.   Purchased Surge 2.0, Stormer 2.0, The Jetbug, Jagged Jaws Reef, and Gator Swamp. Should arrive between this Wednesday and next Monday.



_re: Vos Cervaux

The only way to make Re: Your Brains more epic than re: Vos cervaux would be to make re: Tuus Capitam.



Techno + 11pm = Strange Half Baked Ideas

So my initial plan for a BZPRPG character didn't (Demo)pan out, So I need t(w)o refine(d) him a bit, flesh him (St)out a bit and whatnot. Shak(o)e him down, get rid of the useless bits.   Nynn will hopefully be acceptable, though.



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