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What I've Been Doing

Besides being on BZP and coping with the loss of my computer, I've been doing almost nothing but playing Mario Kart Wii. I've mostly been playing Wi-Fi matches until I get tired, which is almsot impossible for me when you combine playing like you've never palyed before and listening to Cascada while playing like you've never played before. So, mostly, I've been just playing video games and watching G4 for the E3 '08 live coverage and later on for the Comic con '08 live. (I can't wait to see the



Going Through Some Changes

Been a long time since I've been on here. A lot has changed since I was last on here. So much, you might not even recognize me anymore.   For one thing, I'll give you a run down on some of the stuff that has changed. I'm in college now, so I may or may not be on here a whole lot. Another thing that's changed is where I'm writing. Most of my comedies are on the old BZPower, but some of my other stuff is now on elsewhere due to me getting so much grief and harassment back in the "good" old days.  



Downtime (for A Little While Anyway)

Hello, all ,and welcome to my BLOG. First off, I'd like to thank the BZP Community for allowing everyone to share the perks of being a Premier member. I think this is a great idea, you know, to show regular members what is like to have all these things, but of course with things like this comes a great responsibility... So just have fun and enjoy it!     Now, then, I'm first going to start off with a few things concerning my writings on BZPower. During this past weekend, my computer gave out



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