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Iron Man 2

As usual, I'm not writing long reviews of the movie. But it was pretty cool. The beginning had me in, then towards the middle it got slightly confusing, and near the end there was so much gunfire I was like "aaaah enough of this!". And I could not make out any of the Russian in the movie, so it's either that the actors have terrible dialects or I'm just terrible at picking the stuff out. But it was still nice.



Hey Leada

diskmaster859 (17:46:46): hmm what should I blog about... DaLeader13 (17:47:08): I can't blog till I finsh DX DaLeader13 (17:47:16): Blog about me DaLeader13 (17:47:22): Make me feel special diskmaster859 (17:47:28): Fine DaLeader13 (17:47:36): Yay So yeah here's your entry, Leader.




Tomorrow's Friday. > So today was the Club Fair at school, and I signed up for several clubs. The Asian Student Association (you don't have to be Asian to join), Anime Club, Fencing Club, Printing and Crafts Club, and this club that works with a school in Brazil and some fund-raising program (name slips my mind at the moment). Not necessarily gonna do all the clubs, just waiting for emails so I could see what days they are on. Would've signed up for the Kendo and Martial Arts Club bu




So we were waiting for the bus at the stop on the street. An elderly lady comes and nearly bumps into one of the guys in my group, and scolds him three times about how he was in the way. Except the street was nearly empty except for us so she had plenty of space to pass through. People these days. *shakes head disapprovingly*



Bell Rant

The school bell to change periods and stuff. I despise it. As I stated in a journal entry today in English class about our first impressions of the school: "And the bell. Seriously, it's not even a bell. It's a nerve-jerking, deep whuuuuuuuuu sound that would otherwise have no purpose in society."



It's Raining Bread!

So today I chilling at the riverside park, and it was rather fun, but I won't bore you with details. I found a broken fishing pole that I used for various adventures in the park, though. On the way home, however, I'm passing by an apartment building when half a loaf of bread falls from above and onto my head. I look up, no one's visible. I'm just like "Whoa. Bread."



Pokemon: Movie 2000

First off it wasn't even released in 2000. It was released in 1999 (in Japan, at least). So why am I blogging this? Today, one of the few channels I actually have on TV was showing this movie (to my mom's surprise). So I watched it, and criticized it now that I had grown. Just what exactly had I watched in my childhood? One thing I noticed was how the backgrounds in the show were generally beautiful; like an oil painting. But then comes in this simple animated character. Very thin eyes, an



I Haven't Played A Good Rts In A While...

I'll admit the RTS games my brother has are older than what's coming out recently, but the computers in my house need a nice upgrade and maybe then we could support more awesome things like Supreme Commander... And our Age of Mythology CDs were borrowed from a friend so now we don't have it to play. ;_; And the Starcraft game we have stopped working after we got some patch for it... And Total Annihilation is ooold. =P Though we have Warcraft III, and that's pretty good to play. I want to p



My Pen Ran Out Of Ink

This is not good.   I was writing a great story spark I got last night, and my pen just had to run out. D:   *huffs as she goes to get new pen*



Yay Sickness!

I got sick yesterday, starting off with a whole ton of sneezing, and then my nose got all bleh. Today I got occasional headaches throughout the school day, and my ears are all messed up. It's hard to yawn as well. At least now I get to fuse different kinds of tea that I could use for my current state to create one great tea with an unidentifiable taste.



Fun Daydream

So, this is what was happening IRL: I was walking home from half-day at school. On my head was a Santa hat that my teachers borrowed from me for a few weeks and gave back today.   Then, I had a daydream: There was a random chair on the street, so I sat down since I was tired. Because of my hat, a little kid runs up to me and sits on my lap. He blabbers out what he wants for Christmas, and I barely listened so I won't say what he said. So, I pull out a pack of 52 cards from my pocket (which were




Glucagon is just an awesome-sounding word. Don't you agree? It sounds like something someone would name their mech or robot (at least, I would xP). But, sadly, it is something that regulates blood sugar levels when they get low. How disappointing. And Blade got the 800th comment in the blog. Not very exciting comment, but I just happened to notice it. =P



Summer Plans

Here's my summer so far, June to August.   June: - School continues... - Finals, one state exam - Senior picnic, Prom - Rickrolling the eighth grade (:< - Graduation (June 18) \m/ - Report Card/Diploma collection (June 26) - State Exam, high school level (June 19) - Work on MOCing   July: - My program's summer academy, five days a week - Shadowing doctors at hospitals - One week at Swarthmore college in Philly   August: - BRICKFAAIR B) - Possible Dio concert (if doesn't inter



Chocolate I Grew Up On

Kinder Surprise Eggs <3 And inside these chocolate eggs are really cheap but surprisingly fun to collect tiny toys. I have a huge bin full of them, some with missing parts and more. But yes, that was my childhood. Now, the store that I got then from doesn't sell them regularly, only around Christmas and New Years. But they sell other Kinder products throughout the year, though they just aren't the same as the eggs.



Two Years

Doesn't feel like it, though. Buone feste, everyone!



Dirty Coats

So my mom was just asking me what coat (light coat, that is) I'll wear tomorrow. I was like "Oh the same one as today" and then I stopped when I remembered I noticed black streaks on the arm of the coat earlier. So I told my mom of the streaks, and then said I would wear my red coat. My mom inspects my red coat, and turns out the arms have paint splattered here and there (artists ahoy). So that was no good for now. Finally I settled for one of my jean/denim coats. Although then my mom pull



Woah Momma

I just realized how big that gif in the content block really is. o__O Oh well at least it works for me. Also I might be changing some images around maybe today or tomorrow, so don't get scared if anything happens.   Anyways, update: I finished up the huge painting for graduation, and it's aweesome. Now I have to write a paragraph about it to present at graduation... Had the science final yesterday, it was okay. Not as tough as the math final. Speaking of math final, I got by enough to go on



During My Journey For Milk

So I was taking the long walk to the pharmacy nearest granny's house to get some milk (and got white chocolate too... >:3), and I passed by this guy across the street repairing his car while blasting rap from the radio. So the only sensible thing I do is start dancing to the rap while I walk, doing all these smooth moves. And when the guy turned to look at me passing by, I stopped and continued walking like a normal teenager (unless a normal teen dances to rap as they walk). In other



Remember That Children's Story Contest?

Remember the contest I mentioned a while ago in here? My friend and I managed to enter that contest with the help of my English teacher. The illustrations and all were on computer, so we had to email it. My teacher only saw the book today since I emailed it to her, and she said it was wonderful. With three exclamation marks. And recently I got a letter saying our entry is in the Top 10 finalists for the city. B) Winners are gonna be announced at a ceremony around June 3, I'm excited~



A Bottle! Score!

So my brother says he saw this homeless guy digging through trash. So when the guy had something, he was like "What do we have here..." and then pulled out some sort of bottle. His reaction to the bottle was, "Oh. Yeah."



Rpg Snow

Today, the city held a snow day. As mentioned earlier, it could mean the end of the world as we know it now that my city has had two snow days in a month. This is the Prophecy - and only you can save the world! You and your companions set out for the Park on this day, a place of nature built by Elves, I guess. You enter the park, and it is packed with snow, at least a foot of it. Walking is difficult, and your legs have a higher chance of getting tired in this environment. On the first



It's A Sign

no not of the end Today was another day of Spirit Week at my school, Wacky Tacky Wednesday. Originally I was going to wear some weird outfit but then last-minute, I decided to stick with a sign. I took a piece of paper and a red marker and wrote "WACKY" on the paper, then punched holes in the top and tied string through them. I wore the sign around my neck all day, except for gym and last period. Everybody loved it. B) Then I went to that awesome bookstore, and I got three books: A Fullmet



Ronnie James Dio

Earlier today, the metal legend Ronnie James Dio passed away. He was one of the guys that got me into metal not too long ago, and I loved what few songs of his I had back then. To this day he is still awesome, and always will be. <3 I dressed up as him once, old readers of this blog might recall. Rest in peace, Ronnie. I now present the lyrics (as close as I can get them) to one of my favorite songs of his, and one of the first ones I heard from him. : Holy Diver. Holy Diver You'



Oh, America

So some weeks ago my Italian class watch a movie called Cinema Paradiso (Cinema Paradise). We apparently watched the version that the United states released. Buuut The actual movie released in Italy was 3 hours long, so an hour of important scenes were chopped out of the movie to please the American watchers that would rather see a shorter film, foreign or not. We watched the movie with those scenes, and it was amazing and tear-jerking. I just can't believe that such moments would be le



Sakura Matsuri

Today I went to the Sakura Matsuri at a botanical garden in my area. Sadly, the cherry blossoms were not in bloom - in fact they had withered, in a way. But that didn't spoil the fun. =D At the main stage where the not-in-bloom trees were, when I arrived at the beginning, there was a rehearsal of a martial arts dance going on. The drums were very loud, and the person with the flute played next to a microphone, so the sound was sometime deafening. Some pics - 1 2 3 Elsewhere in the botanical



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