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How I Confuse Myself

So sometimes, I ponder too hard about a certain word. I think about it, repeat it in my head over and over and over, try and spell it out several times, fit it into sentences, etc. And the longer I think, the less the word makes sense to me. I start to not understand the meaning, correct spelling, usage, existence, and other aspects. "Disturb" and "yet" are some of the latest words I've pondered about. And, for no reason I know of, large words don't really get pondered about in such a way.




argh orientation for school tomorrow. Then it starts on the ninth. woooohoooo




I discover BZPower right when I should be finishing my cosplay for Comic Con/Anime Fest tomorrow.   ...   procrastination!




So I watching an anime, Tokko, right?   And I finished all the episodes.   I disliked that ending for some reason... :/ A bit sudden, and left you at a cliffhanger.




This weekend, I should probably come up with some ideas for stories. So that over the midterm week and Thanksgiving vacation, I can actually get to writing. I haven't written anything not school-related for a while now, so I want to get back into that and improve some more. If you want you can give me some starter ideas for stories that I could build on or use for inspiration. =D



High School Business

I have orientation tomorrow for the high school I'll be attending next year.   They'll be taking ID pics there, too - I must look good!



Hey Leada

diskmaster859 (17:46:46): hmm what should I blog about... DaLeader13 (17:47:08): I can't blog till I finsh DX DaLeader13 (17:47:16): Blog about me DaLeader13 (17:47:22): Make me feel special diskmaster859 (17:47:28): Fine DaLeader13 (17:47:36): Yay So yeah here's your entry, Leader.




I got confused or lost three times today. In the morning, when I got out he train station, I went the wrong way and ended up running four streets back and then continuing when I noticed the numbers were increasing instead of decreasing. xP Second time was in Starbucks. I had no idea I had five quarters instead of four so I almost had to trade in my drink for another one I could actually afford when the dude pointed out the amount of quarters and I was like, ">___> right... did not no



Have I Destroyed The Writer's Block In Me?!

I believe so, because I have been on a roll with writing my latest concept for the past week. Usually, I end up with a block in the middle of writing anything, but here I've been typing and editing non-stop, except for internet check-ups and life stuff, and am past 8 pages with a lot more to go. Gonna get back to it after posting this entry.   I have amazed myself.



Haunting Dreams

I had this really horrid dream/nightmare about one year ago. I still remember the contents of it clearly as if I just woke up, I remember how I awoke from it, and I remember discussing it with friends. I hated it and feared it so much...   After one year, why won't the dream just go away from my mind? ;_;



Hard Work Paid Off

So this morning, my dad and I went for a run and then did yoga. Pretty good wake-up call, especially in the heat. >__> Now then! When we got home, we decided to make something yummy. We just finished making these dumpling-like things, only they're full of cherries. The result was excellent. The result. If you want a recipe of sorts (it won't be very professional, though), feel free to PM me or IM me.



Happy Days

So I was in a Barnes&Noble, before I realized that Borders had a way better manga and anime selection. Moving on, while I was in Borders I read three volumes of Black Cat, two volumes of Bleach, and skimmed through the Haruhi manga and light novels. I was so happy reading those five volumes of manga... :3



Happy Birthday To A Man

Actually, first happy birthday to whoever was born on this day anywhere in the world. You people who celebrate Veterans Day, have a good one (especially if it's your birthday and you have off from school, wootwoot). But a bigger happy birthday to Omega Blademan. He's 17... kinda old, don't you guys think? =P



Happiness Starts With Your Desktop

Recently, while still in school, I had been feeling a bit stressed by the workload being assigned. But every day, when I turned on my computer, I was confronted with my desktop (1024x768). And that picture made me smile every time, no matter what. <3



Halloween Costume Idea?

A friend and I were thinking that for Halloween, especially since my school is having the annual Halloween Parade in their theater, that we should dress up as Red and Green (and by Green I mean Blue in English, not Blue's English name) from Pokemon, respectively. She has pretty good hair to be Red, and his outfit shouldn't be too hard. As for me, Green's outfit is also easy. But should I do his HG/SS look, or more of a Pokemon Adventures look? And the hair... I'll figure that out. Preferably wit



Half Day Woot

Half day at school today, so I'm on early. Not for long, just so you know.   It's raining and I have nothing to do, so I'll finish my Senior Art Project first. After that, I have an idea for a story, so I'll hand-write in my notebook.   I'd go to the library to pick up my reserved copy of The Jungle by Upton Sinclair, but alas, it is raining too much for the trip.     Also tomorrow is math finals D:



Hair Troubles

My hair's been hard to brush lately. D: And when I wash it, it's even worse. And in other hair news, I've come up with a character for this brand new crazy idea I got, but I can't figure out her hair. I have the bangs down and all, but should her hair be long and straight? nicely cut and short? two pigtails sticking out from the side? a bun? *in before crazy hair suggestions* And I feel stressed out lately for no reason. Maybe because I feel I can't get my work done in time for its deadli




My new computer works now! And I am on it. =D Haha! Hahaha! I also finished original FMA! (saddening ending but amazing) Ha!



Guys A Question

What is a good name for an ancient Greek mortal woman? I need a name for a woman in my English assignment, which is to write my own myth. While I dunno if it'll help, the story is about the origins of wind. Bonus points if the name has a cool meaning.



Graphics Tablet

S the main thing I got for Christmas was a graphics tablet. Just before I started this entry, I had installed it and set it up and tested it out. After the short setup, there was the tutorial. Since my computer's set to Russian language, the entire thing is in Russian. It was funny every time the guy in the audio was saying for me to try out something - when I did it right, there would be a little window that opened up with a smiley face, and he would say in Russian, "Good job! You're getting



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