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There aren't any decent, good music stores other than J&R in my city and area that have at least some music that I like.... So I can't easily get the CDs I want. ;_; Also today there were these two guys in the square holding up signs saying "Free hugs."



The Show Was A Mosh Pit

Now that I've calmed down a bit from the weekend and studying for exams, let me tell you what I did Saturday night. I was at my friend's place for her birthday and a sleepover with a few people, and her parents got us tickets to show called Fuerza Bruta. It's not a show you sit down and watch - you're standing, looking all around you, walking around, and dancing. It's just amazing. The first part mainly had to do with a business man of sorts on a conveyor belt. He would walk normally, push



My Boring Schedule

On a day off from school such as today, when I have absolutely nothing I need to accomplish, what do I do? 9 AM: Wake up and mope in bed for half an hour. 9:30 AM: Get up, get washed, etc. 9:45 AM: Eat breakfast while watching Hetalia Axis Powers. 10 AM: Bust out my books and try to work on literary essay. 11 AM: The Dr. Oz show! Noon: Read Corum. 12:30 PM: Get out of the house and buy some pizza (to go) for lunch. 12:45 PM: Eat pizza while watching FullMetal Alchemist. 1 PM: Drawing.



Inception + Paprika

Today I watched Inception. Back home, I watched the anime movie Paprika. You've probably all heard about the dream-themed Inception, and Paprika is very similar. Paprika involves a device, the DC Mini, that lets people go into other people's dreams. So watching this crazy combo today.... my mind is blown. Inception is one of the greatest films I've ever seen, and you all have to watch it. If you, for some reason, can only watch one movie every year, Inception should be that movie. An



Saw Terminator: Salvation

It was awesome.   Not in the mood for full-out reviews, but I did enjoy watching it. Intense action was meep though.



Scholarship Update

Yesterday was the ceremony that announced the winners of the children's book scholarship content I entered with my friend (too lazy to dig up the entry on it). We didn't win, but one entry from my school won second place. The winning entry was a cute story, but the art wasn't very good. Still cute. I own the book, signed by the authors, cuz they gave them away free at the ceremony. The New York Stock Exchange, where this took place, is the fanciest place in the world inside. Seriously. And,



Death And Panic

The two are not related to each other in this case. =P Death - A Spanish teacher died over the vacation. I didn't know her, but lots of my friends had her for a teacher and one was even in tears during English. So my condolences go out to those close to the teacher. And since my Italian teacher is the head of the Foreign Language department, he didn't come into class today because of the death (but he did come to school). On a livelier note: Panic - OH NOOO My History teacher didn't put



Sickness Everywhere!

Everyone's sick... Me (still ;_, a ton of my friends, some people on here, everywhere I go I see sick people. So, I would like to present a nice little song to fit the mood:   I'm so Sick - Flyleaf   I will break into your thoughts With what's written on my heart I will break, break   I'm so sick, infected with Where I live Let me live without this Empty bliss, selfishness I'm so sick I'm so sick   If you want more of this We can push out, sell out, die out So you'll shut up And



Dry Erase Boards

My dad had gotten me a dry-erase board a while ago, and it's pretty useful. I got all my vacation homework done thanks to organizing what I had to get done on it (nuuu school tomorrow). My granny also got me three colors of dry-erase markers: black, blue, and red. The best part of the board is drawing on it. Most of what I draw on the board comes out bad (though I drew some awesome cyborg chick with my brother), and it's hard to erase, but it's fun. I drew Hamel from Violinist of Hameln on



Random Teacher Change

Well, my chemistry teacher changed today permanently. Instead of the one I mentioned last week from the first day of school, I now have a different one that I know slightly better (she supervised a club I was in last year). Apparently the two teachers randomly swapped classes. The exact reason is known. Oh well, at least she's not seating us alphabetically unlike my other teachers. I'm always the absolute last person in the back corner because of my obscure name. ;_; Except in history - I was



Is January Really Almost Over?

That was fast. Although my teacher said that February would go my faster, especially because of midwinter recess and the fact that it's short overall. And then March would slow down a little, which disappoints me because that's my birthday month. And after that it's just wheeeee~ Today I went shopping for art supplies for the second semester of school, which starts this Tuesday. These supplies were watercolor paint tubes, cans of tempera paint, brushes, ink pens (<3), drawing and watercolo



It's Worse Now

Throat still hurts, one of my eyes itches, my nose is stuffed, I couldn't breathe through my nose some parts of the day, and my head occasionally hurts for long periods of time.   I hate this. ;_;



Run, Forrest, Run!

So in Humanities we watched Forrest Gump today. Okay, we skipped the supposedly inappropriate parts, but overall it was fun to watch. And funny at times!   also the second part of the test wasn't very hard. Easier than the first part.



How I Get Ideas

Today I got this brilliant story/character idea while walking down the street and flapping my arms randomly while listening to "Arigato" by Home Made Kazuko. now to find time to write this out...




I'm freeeeeeeee~ School was actually fun. Because my school is crazy, the instrumental and vocal people of the school went around the halls and sang or played Christmas songs and carols. Many walked into the room, which was a delight to the students just waiting for the day to be over with so they could go home for the break. And I had cramps at the same time, so the music cheered me up. After school, myself and a few people went to B&N. After buying some gifts, we chilled in the mang




Tomorrow's Friday. > So today was the Club Fair at school, and I signed up for several clubs. The Asian Student Association (you don't have to be Asian to join), Anime Club, Fencing Club, Printing and Crafts Club, and this club that works with a school in Brazil and some fund-raising program (name slips my mind at the moment). Not necessarily gonna do all the clubs, just waiting for emails so I could see what days they are on. Would've signed up for the Kendo and Martial Arts Club bu




I watched the movie Red today. Not a lot of people in the theater despite it being opening weekend, but the theater was larger than most. The movie itself was a wild ride, had both humor and action. I enjoyed it~



Convert! To Photobucket!

Since Maj is failing... PHOTOBUCKET! *will now take time to change URLs* In other news my stomach was in pain this morning, but I feel better now. I even had a late breakfast (cuz I had no willpower to eat earlier). =D



Haunting Dreams

I had this really horrid dream/nightmare about one year ago. I still remember the contents of it clearly as if I just woke up, I remember how I awoke from it, and I remember discussing it with friends. I hated it and feared it so much...   After one year, why won't the dream just go away from my mind? ;_;



Favorite Vocalists

I have a couple of favorite vocalists, so just thought I might as well say who they are. Jorn Lande (Masterplan*, Jorn, Allen/Lande) Tarja Turunen (ex-Nightwish) Ray Khan (Kamelot) Ronnie James Dio (Dio, ex-Black Sabbath**) Hansi Kursch (Blind Guardian, Demons & Wizards) <3 these guys *it was recently announced in a magazine interview that he is returning to Masterplan as vocalist, so rejoice! **technically, he's back with the Black Sabbath gang in a separate project, touring



It's Beautiful

The cover of Scar Night by Alan Campbell, the Russian edition.   I want the Russian version now. <3



Teenage Girl With Katana In Soviet Russia?

First Squad is pretty awesome. It's an anime movie about World War II. The language it's in is Russian, so I could totally understand it, with a little help from subtitles (xP). It's wasn't too long of a watch, and I enjoyed it. The ending music was short but sweet. In life news, tomorrow I'll be helping at the visual art auditions in my high school. After that (from 7:30 to 12:30), I'll go to B&N and Borders, read some stuff, maybe buy a few things. Should be fun. =D



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