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Entries in this blog

Trip Overview

So I got up at six, packed, washed up, etc, and walked to school. I stopped for a bagel at the bakery, and then bumped into buddies Ana and Sammy, and then Olive and Ben and Angie. We walked to school, and got inside where we sat for half an hour or more. We boarded the bus, and went off. I almost got motion sickness, but I somehow saved myself. The ride was looong and boring, even with the movie Sandlot playing. Coach bus btw.   We got there, and my friends took the paddleboats while I watched




Have you ever observed a typical house fly? Often, I've seen that a fly will rub it's two front-most legs together. When I see any fly do that, I can't help but think it's plotting something evil, and in its puny mind it can only think "mwahahahaha" while it rubs its 'hands' together. but flies sometimes do evil things so I guess it's okay



Science Was Delicious

food entries ahoy Today in science, despite having a test (which I think I aced~), it was a very good period. First, I had brought in some Ukrainian/Russian biscuit cracker things that were vanilla-ish, and the three people who sit near me were eating them the whole time. One of these three brought in a pack of dango, and it was really my first time trying it. It was delicious. @_@ I want mooooooore. So yeah. The other day I had brought in some Russian gingerbread cookies so that was co




I got confused or lost three times today. In the morning, when I got out he train station, I went the wrong way and ended up running four streets back and then continuing when I noticed the numbers were increasing instead of decreasing. xP Second time was in Starbucks. I had no idea I had five quarters instead of four so I almost had to trade in my drink for another one I could actually afford when the dude pointed out the amount of quarters and I was like, ">___> right... did not no



Update On Life

Well I've got quite the stuff to say...   So, if you read my previous entry, I had a stomachache. When I went to bed, I woke up a couple of hours later and went to the bathroom hurriedly. I did my business, and then I threw up... >< There was some red and white stuff in there I couldn't identify. After that I went two more times that night, only sans the throwing up, before my mom gave me Pepto Bismol. I slept soundly for the rest of the night. =D   Today, as there are two more days to s



New Mp3 Player

It's some Archos brand. But it's black, and has a a nice screen. Really pretty. 8 GB, and for fifty bucks or so.   Now I gotta get all my music onto it... Yare, yare...



Hunger Games

I finally finished reading the books, and it was a fantastic adventure.   I'm just disappointed that I read through the last two books in three days. Although fast reads are exciting, I wish they had lasted longer.



Me + Brussel Sprouts

We do not work together. Nu-uh. I tasted one at the insistence of my father, and my relationship with the brussel sprout (cooked) didn't even last two seconds. >(



I Feel Like A Little Kid Again!

I rode the carousel today! Yay! It was unbelievably fun (spin spin spin), yet myself and my friends were pretty much the youngest people there out of the few. We got out of school early today, so I guess that's why. I also felt like Phoebe in The Catcher in the Rye... except without the golden ring. (My English teacher is going be sooo jealous when I tell her I rode it =O)



Yo Dr. Feelgood, I Don't Feel So Good

He's the one you call, Dr. Feelgood~ Tomorrow is going to be pretty awesome. It'll be a half-day due to afternoon parent-teacher conferences (which my parents never go to) so I'll get out at 11:30. But they did cut out a ton of periods from the middle of the day so I won't see several people. ): But afterschool, I'm meeting with several friends, and the plan is: Pizza, Alice in Wonderland, and then art museum for an exhibit on Tim Burton. It's going to be fuuun~ also does anybody know wha



Words Of Mystery

So I walk into my apartment building to get to my home after school, and I enter directly after this man with an orange bucket. He has keys to the building, but I've never seen him before. Once we're both in, he looks back at me, and says something very fast. He either said, "Wassup?" or "Nice hat." (I was wearing my Torchic hat) I was so confused so all I did was give him a small smile in response. What kind of ambiguous (not sure that's the right word...) things have you heard?



Stormy Future

What with the infamous hurricane Sandy hitting the east coast, schools are closed tomorrow in my area, and for at least two days in parts of surrounding states. Transportation has been shut down here as well, along with other facilities. There have been evacuations as well, though thankfully I don't live in an evacuation zone.   So I hope every one of you living along Sandy's path stays safe!



Their Word Is Law

...The Blog Staff's word, that is. Comment approval ahoy! Now then! If you're really bored while waiting for someone to approve your comment in their blog, check out of the art I uploaded today. They're all from my art class at school - which was a watercolor class for this semester. I will update the art content block when I'm less lazy. =P My friend colored in freakish rainbow (900x874 px) Remember this entry? Here's the painting I was talking about (593x718) Fuzzy, fuzzy hat (496x554)




I saw Megamind today, and it was great. I enjoyed it ^^ Also got Pokemon Platinum today, just for fun. It's cool so far.



My Hair

It's straight. Just for a little while, it's not going to be frizzy or curly or hard to control.   It's straight, and I feel free. ;u;  



Fwee A Drawing

I drew the guy I have a mini-obsession on. Fai D. Flourite from Tsubasa. (Colored pencil on printing paper) It's a bit tilted cuz that's how the sketch came out in my sketchbook, and then I traced it onto paper and forgot to turn it slightly. Oh well. Tsubasa may be confusing towards the end (srsly), but Fai is still awesome. Oh and happy birthday, Spink. You're awesome as well. <3



Last Minute Success

I got my valentine just now. How last minute. +O <3 And apparently the Valentine's SS Spink suggested I write isn't happening - even though I had an idea spark - because I'm going to watch those movies for my club. It's a shame, but movies about human rights issues make up for it. I guess.



Story Concepts

When you're writing, especially complicated stories such as Science Fiction and Fantasy, you want to lay out a good concept that your story will be based on. This includes (but may not be limited to): Setting (location [if a made-up location, name, description, characteristics, major figures, history, government, and other], time period [may or may not be based on our world timeline], age of technology, laws of physics), Species [made-up/mythical species need naming, description, abilities [if



Some Old Art I Completed Today

See here. I drew it a while ago, just the sketch, but today I found it in a "Random Art" folder and decided to finish it.   Also I updated The Documentary, there's a link somewhere in my content blocks... Just check it out.




Two movie entries in a row! Woohoo! So since I didn't get to see it on Monday, I went and saw Avatar today, in 3D. I have to say, it was pretty amazing and not what I expected. Lots of pretty things too. <3 EDIT: Typos fixed. Grazie, Sisen. =P



Pallet Town

Recent events have deemed this entry to be dedicated to Pallet Town.  



Evangelion 1.0

(a lot of movies lately for me, eh?) Last night, I decided to treat myself for completing my finals and go watch a screening of Evangelion 1.0 in a small theater downtown. Not a lot of the content in it was new to me, but the animation was sweet, the psychological factor still crazy, and the explosions pretty explosive. It was a good recap for me too. And the theme song <3 I can only wonder what my dad thought of it, though. xD Evangelion 2.0 is expected to be playing at the same pla



My Hair

My poofy little head of dark brown hair.   I dislike washing it. A lot. I have to use lots of shampoo and then I have blow-dry it and then I have to comb it and when it finally dries it's really frizzy and full of knots. And it takes a day or two to settle down a bit. And when I want to wear it down, it just goes frizzy and I look like Dio only with more hair, so I always have it up or in a braid.   grr



School's International Food Fair

Today at school, the Foreign Language department held the annual International Food Fair. Being a freshman, twas my first time there, and it's pretty cool. Students bring in food from various nations, the main focus being on foods from the countries that the school teaches languages of - Japan, Italy, France, and Spain (or anything Spanish in general). They were open during lunch periods, and the last two periods of the day, the French and Italian classes 'cleaned' up the leftovers by eating the



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