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Sakura Matsuri

Today I went to the Sakura Matsuri at a botanical garden in my area. Sadly, the cherry blossoms were not in bloom - in fact they had withered, in a way. But that didn't spoil the fun. =D At the main stage where the not-in-bloom trees were, when I arrived at the beginning, there was a rehearsal of a martial arts dance going on. The drums were very loud, and the person with the flute played next to a microphone, so the sound was sometime deafening. Some pics - 1 2 3 Elsewhere in the botanical



Sakka yarou ze

What have I been doing with my life recently? Besides an internship, I've been watching the Inazuma Eleven anime.   I never would have thought that adorable kids who play crazy soccer would make me feel such strong emotions of joy and sadness. It's so many episodes and the sequel is ongoing, but that's good because I don't want to stop watching this beautiful and fun show.     also Brickfair is soon but haha I've barely prepped for it I'm coming in kind of late anyways, so oh well. I just have t




I got my report today. It basically went like this: Good grade, good grade, good grade, good grade, good grade, good grade.... terrible grade (in physics).   grr



Run, Forrest, Run!

So in Humanities we watched Forrest Gump today. Okay, we skipped the supposedly inappropriate parts, but overall it was fun to watch. And funny at times!   also the second part of the test wasn't very hard. Easier than the first part.



Rpg Snow

Today, the city held a snow day. As mentioned earlier, it could mean the end of the world as we know it now that my city has had two snow days in a month. This is the Prophecy - and only you can save the world! You and your companions set out for the Park on this day, a place of nature built by Elves, I guess. You enter the park, and it is packed with snow, at least a foot of it. Walking is difficult, and your legs have a higher chance of getting tired in this environment. On the first



Rozen Maiden

I started watching it last night, just finished episode 5 upon beginning to write this entry. I like this show very much so far. <3



Ronnie James Dio

Earlier today, the metal legend Ronnie James Dio passed away. He was one of the guys that got me into metal not too long ago, and I loved what few songs of his I had back then. To this day he is still awesome, and always will be. <3 I dressed up as him once, old readers of this blog might recall. Rest in peace, Ronnie. I now present the lyrics (as close as I can get them) to one of my favorite songs of his, and one of the first ones I heard from him. : Holy Diver. Holy Diver You'



Rickrolled The Entire Eighth Grade

Anonymously, at our Senior Party. =D   When the song started playing all the guys in the room yelled "NOOOO" XD   ...And then later on, since the DJ had already downloaded the song when I requested it, he played it again. Double rickroll.



Report Cards :o

uhhhh But yeah, 93.14 overall average. Lowest grade was 85 in English and PE, but in English the highest grade she gives at the beginning is a 90 so I'm satisfied. PE is just PE and isn't weighed that much anyways. Highest grade was a 98 in Geometry. o___O All other classes were 90's. So I'm goooood. B) Also costume is almost complete. >=D



Report Card And Splitting Headaches

I got my report card for the first marking period of the second semester today. Pretty fair, 90 in art, 88 in English, 95 in Italian (I still have my "special aptitude" for the class o_O), 80 in gym (teehee), and 96 in science. I got 99's in both global and geometry. I don't understand why, but that's goood. Right now I have a really bad headache, and it's been going for at least two hours now. Sometimes it hurts because of lots of noise, sometimes it hurts when I talk constantly, and in wors



Rememberance - And Update

For the nice handful of you guys who know my location, you would understand why I find it almost necessary to put up this entry. Although I didn't lose anyone eight years ago, it still affected me. When I further understood what happened as I matured, it affected me more (it's not heavy on me, just something that often stands out on such days). So remember today, the victims, the heroes - always. In other news! School is going pretty good, and I met a couple of other people today. I



Remember That Children's Story Contest?

Remember the contest I mentioned a while ago in here? My friend and I managed to enter that contest with the help of my English teacher. The illustrations and all were on computer, so we had to email it. My teacher only saw the book today since I emailed it to her, and she said it was wonderful. With three exclamation marks. And recently I got a letter saying our entry is in the Top 10 finalists for the city. B) Winners are gonna be announced at a ceremony around June 3, I'm excited~




I watched the movie Red today. Not a lot of people in the theater despite it being opening weekend, but the theater was larger than most. The movie itself was a wild ride, had both humor and action. I enjoyed it~



Recently Started My Book

As some of you might know, I've recently started writing my book, which hopefully will be successful and published, after looong work on the concept. I started the concept about a year ago, then dropped it for no reason and went back to it a few months ago, and heavily improved upon it.   I already have three chapters down as first draft, and I don't have a prologue yet (in the works). I'm not sure if this only a single book thing, or a multiple book story - that's undecided, but I should be gl



Rebel In School

So today was the last day of school for the year 2010, and my entire school was in a very festive mood. Paper snowflakes decorated the school, food was everywhere, gifts were everywhere, people dressed fancy, the band and choir walked around the school playing music and singing, and half of the student body (exaggerated?) were wearing Santa hats. However! A freshman in my Chemistry class wasn't wearing a Santa hat. She was wearing a pirate's hat. *thumbs up*



Randomness And Advertising

So I was at the beach today, in a certain State Park where one can also spot deer and rabbits. Sadly, I didn't see any, so I blamed it on the fact that I was wearing my wolf shirt. Hungry, hungry wolf... >__> ALSO ASVERTISING check out Leader's new RPG Bloodstorm.



Random Teacher Change

Well, my chemistry teacher changed today permanently. Instead of the one I mentioned last week from the first day of school, I now have a different one that I know slightly better (she supervised a club I was in last year). Apparently the two teachers randomly swapped classes. The exact reason is known. Oh well, at least she's not seating us alphabetically unlike my other teachers. I'm always the absolute last person in the back corner because of my obscure name. ;_; Except in history - I was



Pokemon: Movie 2000

First off it wasn't even released in 2000. It was released in 1999 (in Japan, at least). So why am I blogging this? Today, one of the few channels I actually have on TV was showing this movie (to my mom's surprise). So I watched it, and criticized it now that I had grown. Just what exactly had I watched in my childhood? One thing I noticed was how the backgrounds in the show were generally beautiful; like an oil painting. But then comes in this simple animated character. Very thin eyes, an



Pokemon White

I obtained it today, at a pre-release event. It is beautiful. And waiting for hours with my good friends was so worth it. Other goodies: An Oshawott/Mijumaru plushie and a [free] t-shirt. I'll have the very few photos I took up... eventually. xP



People, Continued

So I was at the post office picking up a package for myself. There was a line, with a woman in the front two places ahead of me. The post office worker couldn't find her parcel right away, so she left the line to get something from elsewhere in the office. Minutes passed, and her name was yelled. She came running, and they still didn't have her parcel. She demanded for it, but the staff person who asked for her wondered why she wasn't in her place at the front of the line. They broke into an




So we were waiting for the bus at the stop on the street. An elderly lady comes and nearly bumps into one of the guys in my group, and scolds him three times about how he was in the way. Except the street was nearly empty except for us so she had plenty of space to pass through. People these days. *shakes head disapprovingly*




Gonna go to a birthday party for my friend in few hours. East side here I come~ And I had barely any days to pick out a present for her so I just got her a card.I wish I had more time, such as a weeekend, to plan a gift, but oh well. She said that the party wasn't very well plotted either, so it's all good. =P And I sketched and inked a drawing of Lelouch. But I dunno what to color it with... Maybe coloured pencils. Or I'll scan the lineart, then colour it in coloured pencil and on the c



Pallet Town

Recent events have deemed this entry to be dedicated to Pallet Town.  



Painting Lego Bricks

So I had to bring in two objects to art class to paint (in acrylic). One was a tiny superhero teddy bear. And the other was a ton of LEGO bricks (whose colors were carefully selected to go with the color scheme). Painting the bricks has been pretty annoying, specifically mixing colors for tan bricks and painting the studs in general. But I am proud of my painting so far.



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