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I'll be watching it tonight... in like ten minutes. Less. And I won't be on after it to ramble about it so here's the entry. =P <3




So you see, my brother has this sheet of passwords from back in like 2002 or 2003 that he hasn't used in years. It wasn't just passwords, though - he also wrote down site URLs to remind him of them in case he wanted to check them out or look up something on them. So I was reading said sheet, and I noticed that he wrote "www.bzpower.com" on it. I was like, "Whoa," and then I showed him, and he was like, "Whoa." (he knows of my antics on BZP, but has no idea when he wrote the URL down)



Writers Of The Future

I think that instead of jumping straight into publishing my works in the main market, since I want to be a writer, I'll try entering the Writers of the Future contest. I'm working on a concept for it right now, and it's looking to be good.   If I can get it all down by the end of the year I could possibly be their youngest contestant, I bet.   And if I actually win that'll be a totally different thing.



So Empty

The mulberry tree on my corner got cut down recently. Even though berries won't rain on me anymore... The street feels so wide and empty.... ;__;



Haunting Dreams

I had this really horrid dream/nightmare about one year ago. I still remember the contents of it clearly as if I just woke up, I remember how I awoke from it, and I remember discussing it with friends. I hated it and feared it so much...   After one year, why won't the dream just go away from my mind? ;_;



Yay New Wallpaper

I put up a wallpaper today (finally) for my new computer. It's better than the Grell Sutcliffe one I had before, in my opinion. =P Dudebot suggesting I get FMA for this one, so... http://www.majhost.com/gallery/Disky/Icons/ed_desktop.png




I was just out and bought myself a nice, long brunette wig. What for? My cosplay of Green, of course. Probably next weekend, I'm going to cut and style the wig. However, does anyone have any suggestions for how to get something like his hair? Anything would be helpful, more so if it's inexpensive.




So the thing Spink was talking about here. I checked it out.   That has to be the most amazing thing ever. The ending, the song, the story, everything about it... Amazing.



Buuuh Sickness

Apparently the rain and cold from the trip made me sick.   My head hurts and my throat hurts and my nose is stuffy. D: In the morning I could hardly breathe and felt like I was dying. ><



Teenage Girl With Katana In Soviet Russia?

First Squad is pretty awesome. It's an anime movie about World War II. The language it's in is Russian, so I could totally understand it, with a little help from subtitles (xP). It's wasn't too long of a watch, and I enjoyed it. The ending music was short but sweet. In life news, tomorrow I'll be helping at the visual art auditions in my high school. After that (from 7:30 to 12:30), I'll go to B&N and Borders, read some stuff, maybe buy a few things. Should be fun. =D



Oh Snap Again!

Well, the first part of the state Social Studies test was okay. Fine. I didn't get all of it, but I think I'll survive. Tomorrow's the next part, the Document Based Question.... meep.   But on Thursday I have a class placement exam for high school. Hopefully it won't be difficult.   And next Monday, I have a math final that spans for three periods of class time.   And on next Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday, I have a science final spanning those days.   Oh boy it's crunch time.



Their Word Is Law

...The Blog Staff's word, that is. Comment approval ahoy! Now then! If you're really bored while waiting for someone to approve your comment in their blog, check out of the art I uploaded today. They're all from my art class at school - which was a watercolor class for this semester. I will update the art content block when I'm less lazy. =P My friend colored in freakish rainbow (900x874 px) Remember this entry? Here's the painting I was talking about (593x718) Fuzzy, fuzzy hat (496x554)



Country House Next Week!

So my friend invited me up to her country house in Massachusetts for the whole of next weekend, leaving either Thursday or Friday, and return Sunday (if it works out). And I'm pretty excited for it. Except she said that she's going to teach me how to swim no matter what while we're there. Because I don't know how to swim. And I hope she doesn't want me to bike while there too, because I never learned how to ride one. Yes my childhood was terrible in that sense D: Also she's going to rent



During The Forum's Absence...

Here's a quick list of what I've done, since I'm low on time and getting ready to leave tomorrow morning for DC/Virginia for Brickfair: - Watched a ton of anime (I'll compile a list later) - Been to Philadelphia - Got exercise - Bleach Speak (coughs at Sisen) - Got done some long-due drawings - Saw several surgeries, and hospital places, etc. Yeah not much. ._. Anyone going to Bfair, I'll see you there. ^^




Have you ever observed a typical house fly? Often, I've seen that a fly will rub it's two front-most legs together. When I see any fly do that, I can't help but think it's plotting something evil, and in its puny mind it can only think "mwahahahaha" while it rubs its 'hands' together. but flies sometimes do evil things so I guess it's okay



Sickness Everywhere!

Everyone's sick... Me (still ;_, a ton of my friends, some people on here, everywhere I go I see sick people. So, I would like to present a nice little song to fit the mood:   I'm so Sick - Flyleaf   I will break into your thoughts With what's written on my heart I will break, break   I'm so sick, infected with Where I live Let me live without this Empty bliss, selfishness I'm so sick I'm so sick   If you want more of this We can push out, sell out, die out So you'll shut up And



Rozen Maiden

I started watching it last night, just finished episode 5 upon beginning to write this entry. I like this show very much so far. <3



This Is Cozy (part 2)

So grandma's house. Nice computer (horrid keyboard, though), milk & cookies, my concept, Bleach OST, and a new book I bought today (Bell Canto by Ann Patchett). Once again, this is cozy. also good food



Oh Nu

I dunno what to blog about these days... Help, guys ;_;



I Wonder

How many people here will freak out at my profile picture? Or at least think it's weird? So far I have one person. =D If you know who it is too, you're awesome.



Yo Dr. Feelgood, I Don't Feel So Good

He's the one you call, Dr. Feelgood~ Tomorrow is going to be pretty awesome. It'll be a half-day due to afternoon parent-teacher conferences (which my parents never go to) so I'll get out at 11:30. But they did cut out a ton of periods from the middle of the day so I won't see several people. ): But afterschool, I'm meeting with several friends, and the plan is: Pizza, Alice in Wonderland, and then art museum for an exhibit on Tim Burton. It's going to be fuuun~ also does anybody know wha



Festive Goodies

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! For the rest, I hope you're having a swell day as well. Here is what I received, excluding delicious chocolate: Pandora Hearts artbook (Odds & Ends) - <3 I love this. Good references, pretty pictures, fangirling, etc. Bento box - This one's Totoro themed. My lunch will be awesome now. Maus second volume - Excellent books. Interesting art too, and a nice metaphor for different groups of people all throughout the book. Mechanical pencils - Yessss. A



New Sparking Interest?

Recently I've been getting into anime, and along with it the music from said animes.   Quite unexpected considering my listening is usually mostly metal.



Report Card And Splitting Headaches

I got my report card for the first marking period of the second semester today. Pretty fair, 90 in art, 88 in English, 95 in Italian (I still have my "special aptitude" for the class o_O), 80 in gym (teehee), and 96 in science. I got 99's in both global and geometry. I don't understand why, but that's goood. Right now I have a really bad headache, and it's been going for at least two hours now. Sometimes it hurts because of lots of noise, sometimes it hurts when I talk constantly, and in wors



School's International Food Fair

Today at school, the Foreign Language department held the annual International Food Fair. Being a freshman, twas my first time there, and it's pretty cool. Students bring in food from various nations, the main focus being on foods from the countries that the school teaches languages of - Japan, Italy, France, and Spain (or anything Spanish in general). They were open during lunch periods, and the last two periods of the day, the French and Italian classes 'cleaned' up the leftovers by eating the



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