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Fun Day

So two friends and I were totally pretending to be major otakus and comic geeks when we went to various bookstores. We went to a Strand, so I was able to score two manga volumes for a dollar and fifty cents each. And then we went to some comic store and I got another manga volume. I also bought my friend two comic books she really wanted. The volumes I got were: Code Geass: The Nightmare of Nunally (First) Yu-gi-oh original manga (seventh) Magic Knight Rayearth (first) combined these make




Well, New York Comic Con and Anime Fest is this weekend, and tomorrow (Saturday), I'll be attending. I'm pretty excited. Also, three-day weekend B) Buuuut it's time to give some short coverage on the Medieval Festival in my neighborhood, which happened last Sunday. I didn't get to go last year, but this year it worked out. And I'm happy indeed, except for one thing... The pickle man wasn't there. Every year, there's this guy who dresses like a pirate and has a barrel of pickles. He's amazi



Epic Blinking Skills

One of the things I am known for: My crazy blinking skills. Basically, I can blink non-stop for a verrry long time. For some reason, no one has been able to top me at it in school. I'm like o.O when I'm the one getting that look. xP Also panic is over. The homework got posted online and is due tomorrow. =D *douses fire*




I'm back. an homework lol ;-; Will write a huge entry on weekend upon completion of homework. EDIT: Just noticed the Bleach movie so I'm watching that. Plus I'm reading FMA. Woot excuses for no entry. =P



My Pen Ran Out Of Ink

This is not good.   I was writing a great story spark I got last night, and my pen just had to run out. D:   *huffs as she goes to get new pen*



I Wonder...

How do people in Naruto so easily bite their thumbs (or other fingers) to draw blood for all those summons and whatever? Was there some special finger biting lessons in the Academy? Either way, this disturbs me. *woo New Years*



Hair Troubles

My hair's been hard to brush lately. D: And when I wash it, it's even worse. And in other hair news, I've come up with a character for this brand new crazy idea I got, but I can't figure out her hair. I have the bangs down and all, but should her hair be long and straight? nicely cut and short? two pigtails sticking out from the side? a bun? *in before crazy hair suggestions* And I feel stressed out lately for no reason. Maybe because I feel I can't get my work done in time for its deadli




Since I'm going there, how many MOCs should I make/bring? I already have a non-Bionicle piece possibly in the works (depends on how well it goes), and I think I should bring Apocalix... Should I bring more, or is this fair play?



Snow-filled Day

It snowed all day and I forgot my umbrella so I got reaaaally wet. My hair's dry now, so it's all good. =D So in school, when we looked out onto the sidewalks from the windows, and saw the snow sticking, we all covered our faces in shock with our hands and cried out "It's sticking!" in high-pitched voices. Later, in Italian, we were watching Mafioso and then some assistant principal's voice came on over the PA system, saying that all clubs were canceled and other stuff like that. But, snow



Festive Goodies

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate! For the rest, I hope you're having a swell day as well. Here is what I received, excluding delicious chocolate: Pandora Hearts artbook (Odds & Ends) - <3 I love this. Good references, pretty pictures, fangirling, etc. Bento box - This one's Totoro themed. My lunch will be awesome now. Maus second volume - Excellent books. Interesting art too, and a nice metaphor for different groups of people all throughout the book. Mechanical pencils - Yessss. A



District 9

I saw it today. And it was rather different and amazing. And I'm too lazy for full-on reviews of this movie.




I'm walking down the street, and it's raining (yes I have an umbrella). I think, "Hey, I bet no one wears bags over their heads against rain anymore!"   One minute later a guy with a bag tied over his head (with his face left open) ran by me.   I love these moments in life.




So NYCC/NYAF was pretty fun. I also got to see Kohaku again, though he looks a bit different from when I saw him at Brickfair. Behold. He's also representing Capcom and Megaman here. All in all, a good time. My [small amount of] loot: Signed Dr. McNinja comic book, Vocaloid figurine (while it was a random surprise one, I got this thing that looks like Meiko only with blonde hair o__O), Watchmen pin, and a Seaking-related pin. Also attended a fun Durarara!! panel where I got to see the f



So Apparently

Apparently stores and the television and advertising think that we can still go shopping and get deals... this Black Friday. Not all of us can time travel, you know. :<



Nuu My Italian Teacher

My Italian teacher got into an accident and broke his leg, now he's not coming in for at most two weeks. Apparently, now my class is going to have a substitute (who is very awesome) who will mostly give us assignments from the textbook that my Italian teacher told him to assign. While it's cool, I miss my Italian teacher. Got my report card, and I have three 99's. Kinda scary. And starting today until around May 12, I can sign up for next year's classes. Math class with probably be Algebr




I suck at it!   So yeah, I was playing some games earlier today, and I could barely do anything in any of the games. Sure, I know how to dribble and can make a shot or two on occasion, but other than that I wasn't very good.   Luckily the ball wasn't even passed to me a lot. >__> Or at all sometimes...



Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays!

I'd like to wish everyone on BZP a happy holiday season, and a Merry Christmas if you celebrate it! Stay warm, stay safe, stay happy~     Alternatively, I got some wonderful gifts for Christmas. First, and most special, is a netbook/laptop/whateveryouwannacallit. It's going to be extremely useful to me. Plus, Windows 7 is a big upgrade from my terrible Windows XP home computer... Other fun stuff: - Madoka Kaname figma (action figure) - Dinosaur Pillow Pet - a cheap Pokeball - Collectible minifig



Dirty Coats

So my mom was just asking me what coat (light coat, that is) I'll wear tomorrow. I was like "Oh the same one as today" and then I stopped when I remembered I noticed black streaks on the arm of the coat earlier. So I told my mom of the streaks, and then said I would wear my red coat. My mom inspects my red coat, and turns out the arms have paint splattered here and there (artists ahoy). So that was no good for now. Finally I settled for one of my jean/denim coats. Although then my mom pull



Rozen Maiden

I started watching it last night, just finished episode 5 upon beginning to write this entry. I like this show very much so far. <3



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