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I Hate Haagen-daz

Last night, we went to a Haagen-Daz cafe, and we had icecream.   The icecream you can get here is way better, the cookie that came with it wasn't nice, and for the price, we could have gone out for a meal.   Stupid Haagen-Daz.



I Forgot I Had This Blog...

Seriously, I forgot that this blog existed. At least Reading Over My Shoulder Is Dangerous To My Health on BW is ok... -Phovos



I Am Back From My Holiday!

Yeah, I'm back from England, and what a strange trip that was. We mainly went over because my granmother had recently bgeen ill, and she seemed ill, but when we went to the shops with her, she was absolutely fine. And she wore my poor parents out, who had to do pretty much everything for her, lkike painting her kitchen.   My parents are now more tired than before when we went on holiday.   -Phovos    



How To Build A Raptor.

Yes, you heard me right. I am giving you basic instructions on how to build a Raptor!!!!   Step 1. Get a dead Toa/Makuta/Skakdi/Barraki. Matoro is a good choice. Well, they don't have to be dead, but it does reduce on the noise pollution. Step 2. Make a tail, and add it to the Toa/Makuta/Skakdi/Barraki. A good way is by getting two Nuva limbs and attaching them via one of those pieces used on almost all sets these days, then add a weapon on the end. Step 3. Give your Toa/Makuta/Skakdi/Barraki



Happy Birthday...

Happy birthday, Archbishop Makarios the Third! You may be dead, but that doesn't mean you can't celebrate! Once again, Happy Birthday, Makarios, our first President! -Phovos



Guess What I Got For Xmas....

Go on. Guess. Hint: It wasn't a Bionicle. Or anything Lego related. Two words, the first beginning with M (four letters) and the second beginning with U (two letters).   You'll never guess.   -Phovos



Gotta Go Back To School Soon....

Yep, I gotta go back to school soon....   Funnily enough, my new school has only just finished being built, but I will still be one of the oldest students, as they've only built the classes for 1st year Lykeiou. When I finish again in June next year, they'll have finished building the classes for 2nd year Lykeiou.   Insane? Nah. Just Cypriot.




For those of you who don't know (and that is a lot of people), my parents organise exhibitions. Yes, really.   ANd next week, on the 3rd and 4th, they will be holding their xmas exhibition.   And that makes us all feel really stressed.   Also, the 2nd is Toothy's birthday, so send her some happy birthday PMs on that day.   -Phovos




I'm just making an entry for the sake of it. Oh, Lithos, get lost!   You get lost.   Gr.   EEK!   Stupid ex-Toa Nuva of stone.



End Of Term Results!

Yep, today, I got my results for this term. And, I have to say, I am well impressed and pleased with myself. All these marks are out of twenty, with 9 and under being a fail, and 18-20 being an A. Greek 18 Ancient Greek 18 Maths 19 Science 19 (Physics 18, Chemistry 20, Biology 20) History 20 Religious Education 20 Economics 19 English 20 French 20 Computers 20 Technology 20 Physical Education 20 Music 19 Art 20 So, all A's, then. Please excuse me while I run off screaming in



Do You Like To Write?

Basically, I am going to write as many entries as possible this week.   Now, I am going to tell you about a really cool site. It's called Budding Writers.   Basically, it's a really cool site for those who like to write. But there are other things you can do there, like use the Shoutbox, a really cool chat-like tool with which you can chat with other members who are online.   But you don't just have to write stories. There is a poetry section, off-topic, art, blogs (which everyone can have) a



Cyprus Independence Day!

Yay! Today, everyone, Cyprus turns 48!   Happy birthday, Cyprus, the island of love!   Here are a few facts: The capital of Cyprus is Lefkosia. Cyprus's first president was Archbishop Makarios III. 23% of Cyprus has been taken over by Turkey. (BOO!) Cyprus is supposedly the birthplace of the Greek Goddess, Aphrodite. Lefkosia is the last divided city in the world. In the Bronze Age, if you wanted copper, then you went to Cyprus. The whole of the city of Pafos is a World Heritage Site.



Cookie 2

Vezok rolled around the floor, groaning in agony. He tried to get up, but he was too heavy to stand.   After much desperation, he made it to his feet, only to fall to the floor once more.   "I knew I shouldn't have had that last cookie..." Vezok moaned as he looked at the twenty half-empty packets of chocolate chip cookies scattered on the floor...  



Bzper Eater

Yay! I have just finished my new story, BZPER EATER.   Be warned. It is actually quite worrying.   Hope you enjoy it!   -Phovos




[noob]Yay! Nuju Metru approves my blog! And I approved his! Yay![/noob]



Ain't He Dumb...

Lehvak Kal sat on the bench, as bored as Karzahni, when Pahrak finally made his way to the top of the hill, puffing and panting.   "What took you so bloody long?" Lehvak Kal roared.   "I'm not meant to climb hills..." Pahrak Kal huffed and puffed.   "Yeah, I noticed." Lehvak Kal calmed down a bit.   "I could probably get down a lot quicker, though." Pahrak Kal said, breaking the silence.   "How much quicker?" Lehvak Kal ask, a lightbulb dinging in his krana-mind.   "Dunno. It's a pretty st



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