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Random Theory

I'm starting to like this blog thing, I can post the random theories I have on here instead of posting them on the forum. I came up with my new theory while reading the offical geography topic. I started thinking about how any of the other underground domes besides Metru Nui got light. If there wasn't an island above them then any kind of opening in the dome would be pearing up into the bottum of the Mata Nui ocean. Next I started thinking about that protective clear barrier that is said to cove



I Fear The Future

I keep having this itching fear about the future of Bionicle. I remeber Greg saying that they needed to come out with a new set of toa every year, since they sell the best, but this leads to a problem when you have one set of Toa that are suppose to be the main characters. I forsee a repeating pattern of the Toa Nuva going to a new island in search for Mata-Nui, then they find other toa (or make new one's as the case this year, but we have to run out of Mata Nui matoran to transform after a whil



My First New Blogness!

Well, thanks to the birthday money I recently recieved I am now a premier member and thus have a spiffy new blog to paly with. This make's my third or forth blog but I've never really had a blog where I really thought I could talk about bionicle or many of my other toy time thoughts. So mostly this blog will be about bionicle, but if I occasionaly start talking about Optimus Prime or why Robot Chicken is the best show ever, I hope you will understand...   I'll do a true new blog soon, but righ



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