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Yeah, just to get this over with, I support Obama and Biden, and no matter how much I would like to debate, well, I can't, So that's that.   And seriously, all of my stuff has been in misc. lately, it's starting to creep me out.   Oh, and on a side note, I'm being sarah palin for halloween, I couldn't think of something more fitting, even though I am a guy... >.> It's gonna be weird.   You can ignore that if you'd like to. XD

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

The Torsos.

Now, everybody hates the inika and piraka torsos. I'm just wondering why. They are revolutionary and can be customized so easily. And they actually fit well into mocs, and the only flaw I can think of is the fact that they come in a limited selection of colors. I know that we've been using them for a long time, but I just want to make a point that you shouldn't be complaining about something that brings such a wide variety of possibilities to the table. Sure, the atual sets are not creative, but

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

My Hair

I got it cut!! It was waaaaay long and I cut it!!! (Plus, it's curly, so it looks good long )

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Why Greg? Why must Mutran die? He was the most interesting of the makuta, the slyest, the smartest, and all kinds of funny. He was clever, a genius, and I'm sure many of us' favorite makuta. It was so interesting to read about him, and I believe he could have had a huge character expansion. I mean, out of carapar, who was mindless, botar, who had not one bit of dialogue, or Spiriah, who gave a peaceful nation superpowers and training them for war. (No offense to anyone who liked them.)   Here's

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

2009 Sets Are...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Anybody feel that those are all the "bad guys" and bionicle has gone to what they've been doing for the past couple if years besides 2008, releasing the bad guys first? None of them except maybe tarix look to "good" to me...  It seems like a couple of them have custom torsos, (gresh, skrall seem to have a new torso piece... or maybe that's just an angle) and the rest have either standard inika builds or av-matoran builds. Because we're out of t

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Mnog Banners

As you can see in my new sig, I have over 100 snapshots of MNOG saved and if you need a banner of a specifi place, I can make it guaranteed Just pm me if ya' need one... (I really suck at this blog thing...)

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

I Got Mazeka!

Yeah, I did, and he rocks! The only bad thing is that the turret can't aim that far down, so you can't hit normal lego people. (I love terrorizing normal minifigs with the bionicles.) He has mata blue parts and two metru blue feet, and the matoran himself is basically a solek clone with a different mask. I also got pohatu at the same time, (Lol it took me forever to decide whether or not to get him.) and I love his spinny things. (Rotors, are they?) I was going to get the axalara but I decided t

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


It looks cool, but I was wondering if anyone who built it here has anything to say about it, because I really don't want to tear apart my toa ignika to find out that it sucks. (I have all of the sets necessary) Also if it is good, I was wondering if anyone knows where some instructions to it might be? I've been looking around for them, and I know it was in a brickmaster issue, but there have to be some instructions to it somewhere right? So thank you, anyone who responds to my terrible blog, or

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Pronunciation Problems.

Yep. We all have 'em.   I say levi's as Lee-veye's   Dume as doom   Vezon as Vee-zon   Vezok as Vee-zok   moc as mock... don't ask   Nuparu as nah-roo-poo (Switched, IDK why)   Oh, and one that really annoys me is that people say Mis-ah-lane-ee-us When it's really misk-ah-lane-ee-us. Stupid peoples.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

2009 Sets Made Of...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « WIN!!!!!!   I like gresh, I mean, he has recolored claws and recolored inika torso for armor, a webbed green version of hewkii mahri's blade, and recolored feet. Very nice set overall, and that double-weapon thing is just win.   Skrall's armor is the same piece as his weapon, he has a couple of recolored pieces, and a low-lying head. Not bad... Very thin, which I am actually a fan of, and I just love those weapons.   Tarix, that's light blue

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

I Have A Question.

For you. The MNOG theme I have, do you guys like it? I was thinking of expanding it, or completely tossing it for and All-karda nui swamp theme... I personally like the MNOG a bit more, but the picture resolution and detail are so much better. So, I'd really like to get some opinions on this. Thanks. ;p   MNOG: 1   Swamp: 0

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Have you ever walked home in the rain, completely bored and carrying your trombone over your shoulder to shield your body, with only a hoodie, a t-shirt, some jeans and a pair of converses with the souls peeling to keep you warm? It's boring. Very boring. XD But then when you get inside, did you eat half a bag of goldfish and a gatorade next to your dog who is licking your hand? That would make you feel a lot better, especially when your little sister comes in afterwards complaining about how yo

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


I find it very odd how you can spam endlessly in your blog without punishment (to a reasonable extent, of course) but in the forums, where the "real" things happen, spam is shunned upon, even when accompannied by a normal post. o_O it seems like a very odd relationship, does it not?

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Ipod Touch Sucks. And Iphone.

Yes, yes it does. I said it. It's the iphone without the phone, and the iphone is already horrible enough by being connected to the world's 2ND FASTEST network, AT&T. Verizon FTW, go blackberry storm, my hopes are on your shoulders for the best touch-screen device. I do love normal ipods though, and if the iphone was connected with verizon I'd be craving it, it is a really cool thingy. I have a normal ipod video from a while ago, 30GB, and it's just fine for me.   Oh, and speaking of phones

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

My Bus.

It's a fun bus ride home for me. I'm the last one to get off along with my sister, but she always stays after for her plays. (Sixth graders and their egos, tsk,tsk,tsk... No offense to any sixth graders, it was a mean joke ;p) So I hang out in the back getting criticized about wearing low-top converses by the mean ones, and then laughing out load every day because this one guy constantly asks for this girl's phone, she always gives it to him, then he asks all these stupid questions like, "Can I

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Hey, did you notice that all of my recent entries have been in misc.? Meh, whatever.     Lol, I wanted to do one, so I decided to find an image on bs01, and this one stood out. XD    

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Pon And Zi

I love them! I first saw them in a couple of member's sigs, on a site that we aren't supposed to mention, on photobucket, in bfa's blog, and have become a huge fan of the two cute little drawings. What confuses me is which gender either is, I can't seem to figure it out. For those of you who don't know who they are, here is a picture:     That is my favorite one of the entire series, and is the background for my phone. XD

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

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