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I Got Mazeka!

Yeah, I did, and he rocks! The only bad thing is that the turret can't aim that far down, so you can't hit normal lego people. (I love terrorizing normal minifigs with the bionicles.) He has mata blue parts and two metru blue feet, and the matoran himself is basically a solek clone with a different mask. I also got pohatu at the same time, (Lol it took me forever to decide whether or not to get him.) and I love his spinny things. (Rotors, are they?) I was going to get the axalara but I decided t

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


It looks cool, but I was wondering if anyone who built it here has anything to say about it, because I really don't want to tear apart my toa ignika to find out that it sucks. (I have all of the sets necessary) Also if it is good, I was wondering if anyone knows where some instructions to it might be? I've been looking around for them, and I know it was in a brickmaster issue, but there have to be some instructions to it somewhere right? So thank you, anyone who responds to my terrible blog, or

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

The Torsos.

Now, everybody hates the inika and piraka torsos. I'm just wondering why. They are revolutionary and can be customized so easily. And they actually fit well into mocs, and the only flaw I can think of is the fact that they come in a limited selection of colors. I know that we've been using them for a long time, but I just want to make a point that you shouldn't be complaining about something that brings such a wide variety of possibilities to the table. Sure, the atual sets are not creative, but

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Well, this is my blog, and I will be doing entries on all sorts of stuff here! I really have no idea what to talk about, so I'll just be asking questions for this first post.   Well, here's my question, because of the lack of ideas, I'm wondering if any of you would like to see a blog entry about something, anything lego related, just ask.   Now that I've alerted you all that I have nothing to write (type) about, I'll sit here and wait for an idea, preferably a good one... (jeporady music pl

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

I Was Bored

Well, I got bored so I whipped up a banner: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Marcakal.../bohrok_war.png like it?

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

School Dance

Woot! Tomorrow I and going, and people will be there! OMG! Peoplez! And this girl I like too! Woot! I'm an okay dancer, not horrible, but not awesome. >.> So whateverz. It's only $3 because the DJ is free. I volunteered to help set up too. >.> <.< Nobody cares do they? XD A couple of my friends are going...   So, to wrap this up in one word:   Woot!   Lol in 4 days nobody commented on this? Whatever. I had a good time there, in case any of you cared.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Just Was On Wikihow

That sight can be reliable and unreliable on so many levels. I've read some of the most ridiculous things there, and some of the most intelligent. It's weird though.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Brothers In Arms 9 Was...

WHOA   This was seriously spectacular, as well as Dwellers In Darkness 9, but seriously, I was caught completely off guard by the ending, and knowing that this world was I think blown up, right? Wow. Purely spectacular, and not to spoil the ending so here: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «It looks like the order and the good forces in the matoran universe will have another ally.  Seriously, I am psyched for this new "Reign Of Shadows" serial starting next year. (Tomorrow, si

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

A New Moc

And my first on BZPower, I present to you, Ichis!   They are very cute. <3   >.> Please comment on this one lol.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Weird... O_o

I was throwing these captain crunch chrunch berries from the cereal in the air, and cathing them in my mouth while reading blogs, and I threw this one a little too hard, and I chased it down. I have to say the catch was impressive, even with my hunching over to get it, but that's not the point.   The point is, after I caught it, I opened my eyes, and my right eye was about a centimeter away frm my moc's sword, in this really cool position I put him in. I was just frozen there for a moment, star

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Blog's Name

As the title suggests, I changed the blog's name? Why? Because the current name stands out much more on the blog page list than the last one did, In case you were wondering, all it stood for was Gali NUva Mistika's Blog. Very boring. :/ Oh, and sorry I haven't added an entry in a while. I'll do one soon enough...

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

An Issue With Mata Nui.

Wow, I love them. The canisters all look spectacular, except, well, Mata Nui... He really doesn't appeal to me, from the ugly, repetitive color scheme (toa ignika) to the giant gap between his chest and thigh armor, the overall look of the Mata Nui canister set is unattractive. I was hoping for tan, and the yellow contrasts too much with the black, in my opinion... The only parts I really like about him are the eye color and his weapons. He, however is the only canister I didn't like at first gl

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

I'm Going To Buy Swizterland!

That's right. According to Social Studies today, the ENTIRE COUNTRY of Switzerland ran out of business, and one can actually buy it for an unlisted, presumably high price. Ridiculous. One of the funniest classes of Social Studies ever though, especially considering the fact that it's first period, when we are all really tired. I love hilarity.   Also, feel free to bomb this to the ground, it's just what my teacher told us.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

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