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Just Was On Wikihow

That sight can be reliable and unreliable on so many levels. I've read some of the most ridiculous things there, and some of the most intelligent. It's weird though.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Artists that I like:   The Beatles   Boston   Earth, Wind, and Fire   The Brothers Johnson   The Police   Bon Jovi   Billy Joel   (And this one isn't really an artist as much as a composer, but John Williams)   I like these out of the ones I've heard, they're in no particular order, except for the one at the top in bold lol.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

2009 Sets Made Of...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « WIN!!!!!!   I like gresh, I mean, he has recolored claws and recolored inika torso for armor, a webbed green version of hewkii mahri's blade, and recolored feet. Very nice set overall, and that double-weapon thing is just win.   Skrall's armor is the same piece as his weapon, he has a couple of recolored pieces, and a low-lying head. Not bad... Very thin, which I am actually a fan of, and I just love those weapons.   Tarix, that's light blue

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Why Greg? Why must Mutran die? He was the most interesting of the makuta, the slyest, the smartest, and all kinds of funny. He was clever, a genius, and I'm sure many of us' favorite makuta. It was so interesting to read about him, and I believe he could have had a huge character expansion. I mean, out of carapar, who was mindless, botar, who had not one bit of dialogue, or Spiriah, who gave a peaceful nation superpowers and training them for war. (No offense to anyone who liked them.)   Here's

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Have you ever walked home in the rain, completely bored and carrying your trombone over your shoulder to shield your body, with only a hoodie, a t-shirt, some jeans and a pair of converses with the souls peeling to keep you warm? It's boring. Very boring. XD But then when you get inside, did you eat half a bag of goldfish and a gatorade next to your dog who is licking your hand? That would make you feel a lot better, especially when your little sister comes in afterwards complaining about how yo

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

My Bus.

It's a fun bus ride home for me. I'm the last one to get off along with my sister, but she always stays after for her plays. (Sixth graders and their egos, tsk,tsk,tsk... No offense to any sixth graders, it was a mean joke ;p) So I hang out in the back getting criticized about wearing low-top converses by the mean ones, and then laughing out load every day because this one guy constantly asks for this girl's phone, she always gives it to him, then he asks all these stupid questions like, "Can I

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Hey, did you notice that all of my recent entries have been in misc.? Meh, whatever.     Lol, I wanted to do one, so I decided to find an image on bs01, and this one stood out. XD    

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

An Issue With Mata Nui.

Wow, I love them. The canisters all look spectacular, except, well, Mata Nui... He really doesn't appeal to me, from the ugly, repetitive color scheme (toa ignika) to the giant gap between his chest and thigh armor, the overall look of the Mata Nui canister set is unattractive. I was hoping for tan, and the yellow contrasts too much with the black, in my opinion... The only parts I really like about him are the eye color and his weapons. He, however is the only canister I didn't like at first gl

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


Well, this is my blog, and I will be doing entries on all sorts of stuff here! I really have no idea what to talk about, so I'll just be asking questions for this first post.   Well, here's my question, because of the lack of ideas, I'm wondering if any of you would like to see a blog entry about something, anything lego related, just ask.   Now that I've alerted you all that I have nothing to write (type) about, I'll sit here and wait for an idea, preferably a good one... (jeporady music pl

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Gimp Vs. Internet!

When I turn on the computer and want to make a banner, I click on the GIMP right away, and because my laptop has wireless internet, it takes my internet connection a about 2 minutes to load. So, I have a contest whenever I get on to make a banner to see what will load faster, my internet or the GIMP. My internet almost always wins, because the GIMP start up thing freezes in the middle, when it's uploading the fonts. Yay!

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Barack Obama.

He won. 349 to 161, ast time I checked. Complete annahilation. I was so happy, I wnated to invite over my friends and stuff, but the whole thing happened at 11 when Obama reached 284 from 207 with the victory of California, Oregon and Washington state. I'm not going to close this because it's over and I don't think we can really argue anymore, so feel free to comment without a debate stirring up.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

I'm Going To Buy Swizterland!

That's right. According to Social Studies today, the ENTIRE COUNTRY of Switzerland ran out of business, and one can actually buy it for an unlisted, presumably high price. Ridiculous. One of the funniest classes of Social Studies ever though, especially considering the fact that it's first period, when we are all really tired. I love hilarity.   Also, feel free to bomb this to the ground, it's just what my teacher told us.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

School Dance

Woot! Tomorrow I and going, and people will be there! OMG! Peoplez! And this girl I like too! Woot! I'm an okay dancer, not horrible, but not awesome. >.> So whateverz. It's only $3 because the DJ is free. I volunteered to help set up too. >.> <.< Nobody cares do they? XD A couple of my friends are going...   So, to wrap this up in one word:   Woot!   Lol in 4 days nobody commented on this? Whatever. I had a good time there, in case any of you cared.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

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