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Brothers In Arms 9 Was...

WHOA   This was seriously spectacular, as well as Dwellers In Darkness 9, but seriously, I was caught completely off guard by the ending, and knowing that this world was I think blown up, right? Wow. Purely spectacular, and not to spoil the ending so here: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «It looks like the order and the good forces in the matoran universe will have another ally.  Seriously, I am psyched for this new "Reign Of Shadows" serial starting next year. (Tomorrow, si

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Blog's Name

As the title suggests, I changed the blog's name? Why? Because the current name stands out much more on the blog page list than the last one did, In case you were wondering, all it stood for was Gali NUva Mistika's Blog. Very boring. :/ Oh, and sorry I haven't added an entry in a while. I'll do one soon enough...

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Barack Obama.

He won. 349 to 161, ast time I checked. Complete annahilation. I was so happy, I wnated to invite over my friends and stuff, but the whole thing happened at 11 when Obama reached 284 from 207 with the victory of California, Oregon and Washington state. I'm not going to close this because it's over and I don't think we can really argue anymore, so feel free to comment without a debate stirring up.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

An Issue With Mata Nui.

Wow, I love them. The canisters all look spectacular, except, well, Mata Nui... He really doesn't appeal to me, from the ugly, repetitive color scheme (toa ignika) to the giant gap between his chest and thigh armor, the overall look of the Mata Nui canister set is unattractive. I was hoping for tan, and the yellow contrasts too much with the black, in my opinion... The only parts I really like about him are the eye color and his weapons. He, however is the only canister I didn't like at first gl

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

A New Moc

And my first on BZPower, I present to you, Ichis!   They are very cute. <3   >.> Please comment on this one lol.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

2009... Not Right!

That's right! It's not right! I wanna know about 2009 now! Not in a month! I'm impatient! I'm American! I want it now, or else! Meh, nevermind, I can wait, because I just figured out there is a game where we have life counters. This isn't Yu-Gi-Oh, that was cool in 2nd grade. (Not that this is now, but whatever... XD) What are we gonna do, move » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Gresh and Strakk around like a stop-motion and shoot eacch other with thornax launchers until we even

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

2009 Sets Made Of...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « WIN!!!!!!   I like gresh, I mean, he has recolored claws and recolored inika torso for armor, a webbed green version of hewkii mahri's blade, and recolored feet. Very nice set overall, and that double-weapon thing is just win.   Skrall's armor is the same piece as his weapon, he has a couple of recolored pieces, and a low-lying head. Not bad... Very thin, which I am actually a fan of, and I just love those weapons.   Tarix, that's light blue

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

2009 Sets Are...

» Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Anybody feel that those are all the "bad guys" and bionicle has gone to what they've been doing for the past couple if years besides 2008, releasing the bad guys first? None of them except maybe tarix look to "good" to me...  It seems like a couple of them have custom torsos, (gresh, skrall seem to have a new torso piece... or maybe that's just an angle) and the rest have either standard inika builds or av-matoran builds. Because we're out of t

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika


What do any of you expect for next year? Storyline-wise or set-wise? I think we can all expect projectiles, but do you think the set prices will go even higher? What role do you think takanuva will play in it, after all, we have basically assumed that he is most likely the one returning character. Do you think the bad guys will be some sort of gang like the piraka, all on their own? Will they be evil rahi? Will the good guys still be toa? Will there still be a line of six of them? I wan't your o

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

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