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Brothers In Arms 9 Was...

WHOA   This was seriously spectacular, as well as Dwellers In Darkness 9, but seriously, I was caught completely off guard by the ending, and knowing that this world was I think blown up, right? Wow. Purely spectacular, and not to spoil the ending so here: » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «It looks like the order and the good forces in the matoran universe will have another ally.  Seriously, I am psyched for this new "Reign Of Shadows" serial starting next year. (Tomorrow, si

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

2009... Not Right!

That's right! It's not right! I wanna know about 2009 now! Not in a month! I'm impatient! I'm American! I want it now, or else! Meh, nevermind, I can wait, because I just figured out there is a game where we have life counters. This isn't Yu-Gi-Oh, that was cool in 2nd grade. (Not that this is now, but whatever... XD) What are we gonna do, move » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... « Gresh and Strakk around like a stop-motion and shoot eacch other with thornax launchers until we even

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

My Ipod

I found my ipod! Whee. It was lost for a while, but I found it. I have a large amount of Beatlles songs on it, and then I bought the following off itunes: ---------------- 2 Police   3 U2   2 Earth, Wind and Fire   2 Episodes of the Colbert Report   1 Zombies ---------------- I bought some other modern stuff that I don't feel like listing... Oh, and a music video is the same price as a TV episode on itunes. What is that? (It's that the TV episodes are so cheap, I expeted them to be much

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Chineese Food

Is made of win. I'm eating wonton soup right now. It rocks, even reheated. The only time I'll ever eat broccoli is if it's smothered in that wonderful sauce.   8D

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Blog's Name

As the title suggests, I changed the blog's name? Why? Because the current name stands out much more on the blog page list than the last one did, In case you were wondering, all it stood for was Gali NUva Mistika's Blog. Very boring. :/ Oh, and sorry I haven't added an entry in a while. I'll do one soon enough...

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Halloween Rocks.

I went to my cousin's, who is the same age as me, and I did go as Sarah Palin. I had all sorts of uncomftorable women's clothes on. My cousin and her friends (About six of them) all dressed up as matching bunnies, she said they got it all from target. XD After I got changed into normal clothes, it was basically a flirt-fest between her friends and I, and she just made fun of them. Btw, I think that pink lemonade has the same effect on kkids and teens as beer does to adults, because only the frie

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

A New Moc

And my first on BZPower, I present to you, Ichis!   They are very cute. <3   >.> Please comment on this one lol.

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

I Was Bored

Well, I got bored so I whipped up a banner: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/Marcakal.../bohrok_war.png like it?

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

Weird... O_o

I was throwing these captain crunch chrunch berries from the cereal in the air, and cathing them in my mouth while reading blogs, and I threw this one a little too hard, and I chased it down. I have to say the catch was impressive, even with my hunching over to get it, but that's not the point.   The point is, after I caught it, I opened my eyes, and my right eye was about a centimeter away frm my moc's sword, in this really cool position I put him in. I was just frozen there for a moment, star

gali nuva mistika

gali nuva mistika

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