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New Math

If I am going to set precedent and post a video on this blog, there is one and only one video on all of Youtube worthy of being the proverbial golden spike.     http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfCJgC2zezw   One day, I promise, I will write a song stylistically similar to this dedicated to the derivation of the quadratic formula. And I will use it as a love song to flirt with the woman of my dreams.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Netflix at the Oscars

Some controversy has been raised on this subject, courtesy of my idol Steven Spielberg. He's a big believer in the power of the Big Screen, and that the Oscars celebrates the culture of the Big Screen every year. It isn't necessarily a celebration of all movies across all mediums. After all, movies that are made for television win their awards at the Emmy's.   So how does Netflix fit into this? Netflix movies have budgets, and major directors and actors attached, and they aim for a cinematic exp

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Nate Ain't Great, Mate

Another possible hurricane coming our way. When people look back on 2017, this is hurricane season is going to be one of things that people remember. Some of the leftover water from the hurricanes has been making its way up to the Heartland, and it's been raining for over a week now, and there were flash flood alerts on my drive home.   In other news, Mexico continues to send help. Great neighbors, those guys.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Names I'd give a baby girl: Tyrannosaurus Rex

You know, most of us pick out fairly ordinary names for our future children. Perhaps we like to spice it up a little bit and avoid something generic or trending in the Top 100, but generally we don't want to turn too many heads, because we want to give our offspring an easy time in elementary school.   But sometimes there's an odd name that we're endeared to that, something out there. It's that name that breaks all of our rules, where we think "I know I have standards, but that name is just cool

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Name Change - Vote Now!

Well, it grows near the time to get another name change. At around January 26, I will be eligible to change my name again. I have come up with several name ideas, and I am of course letting you guys have your say by voting. Here are the candidates.   Emperor Kraggh - "If elected, I promise to return you to a classical era!" St. Kraggh - Well, my name in art is St. John, which you would know if you read my Glaedr blog entry, and the title is a unique one for a BZP name. Bones Jr. - Don't worry

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Worst Nightmare

Last night I suffered my worst nightmare. This is no figure of speech; I just had my worst nightmare, far exceeding any I have ever had before and eclipsing any I am likely to have since.   My grandmother is a lovely lady who has been providing and comforting me for a long time. I'm very sad that I often do things wrong around her, that I often mess up her place and act immature around her when she wants the best for me. I hate myself when I don't succeed in my life because I know that she wa

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Work Here Is Done (submitted Entry)

The entry you saw before was the first draft to an entry to something called the Iowa Reading Association's Creative Writing Celebration. Granted, by annual celebration I assume that they just simply mean annual contest, but I simply had to make an entry, because I was certainly interested. For people in high school, the limits to their stories had to be a thousand words or less. When I got in the last whispers, I was over two hundred words over the limit.   Fortunately, I stayed after scho

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Work Here Is Done (first Draft)

Early in the morning, before the sun rose, the Macker family prepared its day. After taking a ridiculously scorching shower that used up all the hot water, Kraig, the second oldest and seventeen years of age, went to the dinner table and poured himself a bowl half full of Cheerios, then filled the other half with Life cereal. Although Life was his favorite, he had always mixed them both ever since he was eleven when he once joked that "Life and Cheer are fundamental opposites, therefore amalga

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Top 10 Priorities In Marriage

This entry was a school assignment, but its content has been edited from its original form so as not to break BZPower's guidelines on religion, which it had at first broken profusely.   #1. Love of a higher ideal. We must be able to love all of the world beyond ourselves with all our hearts and all our minds and all our souls. Our belief in good will inspire the best out of us, and we will learn to love all of the world and follow our moral convictions.   #2. Love of self. By loving creatio

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Opinion of Velox

Tomorrow (perhaps even tonight) you will skim the blogs and see this title. Your name will stand out to you, and you will feel compelled to click the link that leads to this entry. I could speed up the process by sending you a message to check out my blog, but I would prefer to let this happen normally.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmLRTVYgEq4     This is my way of saying I love you.   24601

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My name is Alexandria...

There was only one person on the ballot in my regional election. Understandably, he won his reelection bid. I told him that maybe he needs a challenger next time, so I'll put some thought into running against him. And just to make the ballot form really fun, I'll legally change my name to Alexandria Santa-Ana-Pinta-Nina-Maria-Quintanilla-Poco-Loco-en-el-Coco-Buffalo-Buffalo-Buffalo-Buffalo-Buffalo-Buffalo-Buffalo-Buffalo-Pinocchio-Picasso-Ocasio-Cortez. And require that that whole thing be p

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Internet Schedule

I am an organized man. Organization keeps things predictable and smooth. Organization means that you've planned ahead, and it also makes life simpler on top of all that.   Therefore, I have given myself a schedule of my activities on the internet. For those who know me and would like to have an idea of what I'll be doing, check here regularly. This schedule is subject to amendment in case something else comes into my life or if certain things on the list doesn't need to be done any more.   P

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Ideal World, part 2

1. People with Down Syndrome don't have a difficult time learning. 2. Christmas carolers become popular again. 3. The Cubs win the world series (wait a minute...) 4. The entire world adopts Ithkuil as the universal language. In this ideal world, people can actually pronounce all of the consonants in Ithkuil. 5. Roads? In my ideal world, we don't need roads! 6. Everyone has seen Back to the Future and gets that reference. 7. My friends don't all move to other states/countries after a year or two

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Ideal World

People will be able to buy AK-47s at drive-thru windows.   Rich people will have access to nuclear missiles.   Work weeks will last for 80 hours with no overtime pay or benefits.   ESTJs will rule the world. ENTPs will be their loyal lackeys, advisers, and courtroom jesters.   Slavery will be reinstated, and it will be implemented on all of the ISFJs and ESFJs. ISFPs and ESFPs won't be enslaved, but will still be second-class citizens like the Irish back in the good ol' 1800's.   The Purge will

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Hypersensitive Grandma

Me: This is a drawing of a character of mine, a villain of Shakespearian style. Grandma: Oh, how terrible! Why would you ever want to write something so dreadful? Me: Okay...How about I tell you about a romantic comedy I've been writing? Grandma: That's very nice. Me: The main character has to put up with a bully. Grandma: Oh, how terrible!   Can anyone relate to this? Any similar stories?   Merida

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My First 2009 Sets!

Congratulations to me? Absolutely! Yesterday I took a trip down to Wal*Mart and made a large purchase. I was fortunate enough to get four Agori, three Glatorian, and a box set. I'll tell you how I feel about each of them.   First, however, let me make a generalized statement. Their joints were the firmest I've ever seen in a set. They are definitely not floppy. I like that.   Second, the Iron Man heads. They are definitely like Iron Man's helmet, and they are definitely cool looking head

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My father's new 4G Flip Phone

For those of you who have been following my chronicles of the Adventures of Fliposaurus, my father still has a flip phone. Bless his heart. I envy him, in a way. This last week, both of us ended up losing our phones due to incremental damage. I replaced mine with an LG Stylo 4. It's a model from last year. Nice stylus. I really like it. Also, far more appealing than the Aristo, as far as aesthetics go. My father? He got himself a flip phone...with 4G!   That sucker's going to last a wh

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Dog Ate My High School Diploma

That didn't literally happen, but they did somehow get to where I kept it and they chewed it all up. It really made me angry. As they are female dogs, I sometimes use words to describe them when alone or around people who don't judge me by my language, though I remain profanity free when around my super-sensitive sisters. This time, though, I didn't hesitate to unload a couple of choice words on those dogs.   I never wanted them anyway, because I knew stuff like this would happen regularly.

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Campaign Slogans

I've decided that in three years I'm going to run for President of the United Mates. Lovely group of people who are all buddies and all get along with each other. Here are some of the campaign slogans that I'm considering:   "Read my lips: no new nucular weapons. . . please applaud."   "Jean!"   "They hate us cause they ain' us."   "We are number one! Hey! Hey!"   "POWAAAAAH! UN-LI-MI-TED POWWAAAAAAH!"   "Dew it!"   "I'm never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around.

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

My Big Fat Italian Wedding

Last Friday on August 17 I attended a wedding for a second cousin I didn't know I had. She's of Swedish heritage, and the man she married was of Italian heritage. When I went to the reception, there was Swedish and Italian food. My favorite was the big blocks of cheese, which I cut several slices from over the course of the night.   The coolest part was the wedding singer. I've always wanted to go to a reception with a wedding singer. For that matter, I also always wanted to attend an Itali

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Music In Part

Foreword: Taking inspiration from Velox, I've decided that whenever I see him post a new vignette I'll look at the theme and write a 15 minute short of my own. In this case, the theme was "music". Anyone who read my last entry will see how it was still present in my thoughts while writing this.   Your Honor, Emperor Kraggh   Music In Part   They say music is the most beautiful thing. I wouldn't know; I've never heard it. ..........That might sound odd to the normal person who is connected t

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Mushy Valentine's Letter

There are over twenty different songs quoted in this. And so, so many inside jokes. Names have been edited out, but otherwise, I hope you're entertained by this little glimpse into my life. This was incredibly fun to write.   Also, to put that first line in context, I send gold earrings with the letter. It's a little more extravagant than last year, when I sent a paper flower, but last year's letter was a bit more...more than this one. Among other things, I quoted the most awkward, on-the-nose

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Muscle and Fitness

I bought this the day after my great transminnesotan bike ride. So long as I'm working to be in shape, I'm going to aim to look like Superman, except my face won't look as ugly as Henry Cavill's. Also, I bought this shirt to work out in, since I don't like lifting while wearing sleeves and I also wanted something Superman-related to motivate me. I love it, and I'm going to wear it a lot. There's a similar Batman tanktop, for anyone who's interested.   I work out pretty hard, but unfortunate

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Mulan Review

Mulan was one of the first movies I ever saw in the theatres, and to this day remains one of the most rewarding big-screen experiences of my life. This film was made to be larger than life. Is it the animation, the music, the deep and rich colors, the epic backgrounds? I don't know, but if I were to narrow it down to one thing, I would have to say that, next to some key moments in the Star Wars saga and the opening to The Lion King, seeing the Huns charge down the mountain slope was the most

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

Movie Reviews

From now on, whenever I see a recent theatrical release I will write a review of it here. I do the same in the Last Film You Watched topic, but that includes all films. This blog is reserved for current theatrical releases, and I will tend to these reviews first and foremost. My reviews will remain spoiler-free, and I won't bother rating them. While unprofessional, they should provide fair coverage, and I hope that there people who browse blogs who will appreciate the effort. In the future,

Jean Valjean

Jean Valjean

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