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Ziva's Knife!

I'm going to buy this next week! And YES Ziva uses this knife in NCIS all the time! <333 For any of you knife geeks like myself It's a "Blackhawk ,CQD Mark I Type E" Ohhh and it also has a glass breaker if you will and a seat belt cutter! The more the merrier! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

First Job...

We sign up for Lifeguarding Training this Saturday!! (: Thr training is a week long and from 7am-2pm! It all starts in March!!! I can't wait!!! This job s really good pay too! $12.50 an hr, I think so!! ha ha RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

New Obsession....

Yup that's right! NCIS!!!! This show is FREAKING AMAZINGG!!! I love love love DiNozzo and Ziva! Ziva is a freaking beastt!! Oh my gosh they are amazing! Ahaha Abby and McGee are pretty beast too! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


Well I think i'm getting sick :/ And the holidays are comming up and I don't want to be sick for them... So I hope I get better before Thanksgiving! Working on my Christmas shopping now! I have a REALLY good idea for dad,mom little bro but i'm still thinking what I should get for Sev... Any ideas? He loves lego,bionicle,iTunes and all the stuff that a 16 yr old likes! (; RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

State Fair!

Well this week was pretty much the best week of my LIFEEEEE!!!! ahaha I did ok in my shows! So very pround of Sev! He got Reserve Grand Champion! (aka 2nd place overall) and I got 4th overall!! Unfortunatly we didn't get to meet Jithra! But were trying to plan something out for this week!! ahaha I'm pretty sure this was the best Fair yet!!! (: RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

November 2nd!

We (hopefully) know what today and what it means!!!! So go out and "do" it!! Ugh i'm freakin tired! I got no more then 6hrs of sleep all last week! Trying to catch up on school and cleaning isn't fun.... So prayers would be awesome! The Holidays are comming up! Yay buddy!! Can't waittt! I alredy have been palyng Christmas music since Oct 1st! haha Going to start putting Christmas stuff soon like this week! haha CAN'T WAITTTT!!!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


State Fair begins!!! (: I can't freaking wait!!!! (: Someone special is going to tag along with us this year! YAY!!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Holy Cow!

Jumpstree is FREAKIN AMAZING!!!! I could go there everyweekend for the rest of my life and NOT get tired of it!! Danngggg that was AWESOME!!!!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Good Luck Charlie!

Do you any of you guys watch this amazing show? I freakin' love it!!! I LOVE the Duncan family they are super funny! So is Ivy and Emmett! Spencer (Teddy's BF) is really really cute!!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


B-day party is in two days!!! Can't wait! Going to AMAZING!!!! Ugh I just have to survive through today and tomorow.... RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

5 Days!

Till my 16th b-day!! YAY!!! Going to Jump Street with some friends for our party! This year has truly been amazing and I will never forget it!! Now I expect lots of b-day wishes!! RCF


As my 16th B-day draws to a close, I want to thank EVERYONE for all the b-day wishes they mean a LOT to me! Thanks guys! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

The Crazy Life Of Rcf!

Now that summer 2010 is over RCF is sad! (Her favortie summer yet) I can get back into school and finding a job! My family recently perchased a Gym membership and we have been going to the gym 6 days a week for 2 hrs! I am doing the " Cross Fit" workout for those who care! Yes I LOVE to workout! And my 16th B-day is coming up in 10 days so i'm excited about that! Still missed her BF who's in College! We have'nt talked in a while cause we are both VERY busy!! As some of you know Sev and I show

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer


Well he got his new phone today! Yay!! He also applied for a Lifeguarding job on Campus so he's happy about that! He said not many people applied for lifeguard at the pool so he said he will peobably get the job! I hope he does! He deserves it! He and his family went hunting this past weekend! He got some good kills he said! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Oh Boy!

Tomorow I has a dentist appt! It should go well (I hope) I'm pretty sure I don't have any cavities! YAY!! haha Texting "him" now! He says he has good class' everyone is nice, including his professors! So i'm happy for him! Just want to see him now tho... RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

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