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Now I have never been, but I would love to go in the future! Most my friends have gone and said they have had a blast! Have you been? If so tell us some stories about your trip! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Should I.....

Change my name? I think about Alice Cullen or should I keep my name? I'm thinkin' i'm going to keep my name but I'm afraid if i chage it, someone is going to take it!! So input please. RCF


My frineds, friend was re-roofing his home and he feel off the roof and hit head first into the cemeant..... He has a two inch gash in his head and tore his right shoulder out of place..... So Sev and I are our friends will go over to his place tomorow and fix up eveything..... We have had experience with re-roofing.... So wish us luck that we don't fall!! RCF


This week Sev and I have been working on our friends house with some other friends! We are tearing off all of the shingles and putting on new ones! It was fun at first but after a little while It started getting really HOT, tired, really sweaty! It was about 100 dergrees out side and it was humind! So we started working on their house at 5:30Am and stopped at 11:30 Am! And after we went inside and had lunch we went ove to my house and had a POOL Party!!! The water felt AWESOME!!!! But the thing

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Roofing Pt.3....

Sev and I might go out and work tomorow on the roof here's the update our friend sent out. The reason we might not do it is because the slave driver (mom) wants us to stay home and do school.... "Hey can/do either/both of your kids want to help us with roofing on Friday? I'm planning to leave around 9:30am and work until it starts to get dark. I can only pay them about $25 a peice for the day. (I know it's not much) If you could let me know either way. I'd like to find someone to help as

Roofing Pt. 2....

It looks like it got postpned due to bad weather.... So we will work on his house Friday.... Well I'm looking on the brightside..... At least I get to go to a baseball game with my mom!! RCF

Roofing Pt 4.....

Well we worked for 10 hr. straight yesterday and we got 3/4 of the roof done! It was hot and my feet hurt! Haha ubt we had fun non the less. We had to lay felt down and the plywood and do TONS of shingling..... ( I hate shingling) We man go back on monday to finish the 1/4 that's left. RCF

Pm Wars.....

Have you had any wars whie you were pming a friend? If ya got any post 'em here!!!               An official hug war I thinkI won...... RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Picnic And Fellowship...

Had one heck of a picnic yesterday with two of the best families EVER!!! We played Softball,Football and we ate food!! For softball it was "Kids Vs. Parents" And we beat the parents 19-17!! Yayy!! (; It was one of the best days of my lifeee!!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

Peta? Not What You Think.....

Ok Well I descided to take a poll! Now which one do you stand for?   1. The group of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals   2. The People for the of Eating of Tasty Animals?   RCF I vote for the 2nd one 1: 0 votes 2: 10 votes

Percy Jackson Books....

I just got all four of the books for $15.00 bucks at Walmart!! I can't wait to get them in the mail and read the 3rd one!! I have 2 chaps left in the 2nd book! It's great so far!! I want the movie to come out so I can buy it for my Ipod touch!!!! RCF

Oh Boy!

Tomorow I has a dentist appt! It should go well (I hope) I'm pretty sure I don't have any cavities! YAY!! haha Texting "him" now! He says he has good class' everyone is nice, including his professors! So i'm happy for him! Just want to see him now tho... RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

November 2nd!

We (hopefully) know what today and what it means!!!! So go out and "do" it!! Ugh i'm freakin tired! I got no more then 6hrs of sleep all last week! Trying to catch up on school and cleaning isn't fun.... So prayers would be awesome! The Holidays are comming up! Yay buddy!! Can't waittt! I alredy have been palyng Christmas music since Oct 1st! haha Going to start putting Christmas stuff soon like this week! haha CAN'T WAITTTT!!!! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

New Obsession....

Yup that's right! NCIS!!!! This show is FREAKING AMAZINGG!!! I love love love DiNozzo and Ziva! Ziva is a freaking beastt!! Oh my gosh they are amazing! Ahaha Abby and McGee are pretty beast too! RCF

Republic Commando Fixer

Republic Commando Fixer

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